Friend requests.
By mommaj
@mommaj (23112)
United States
May 15, 2009 7:36pm CST
I have been inundated with friend requests of late. I am not complaining by no means. I am just confused. When I signed up for my Lot I was under the impression you were supposed to know who was asking to be your friend in order to keep your information private or something. I have 8 pending requests just in the past couple of days. The people haven't been on mylot for very long and I don't remember seeing them pop up in any of the discussions I started or answered.
Maybe I am being silly but could someone explain the friends thing to me. I know being a friend is the only way to send links and pm someone so am I just missing something? Why did the website warn about friend requests if we are supposed to put people in as friends? I am a little confused about this issue. Would you accept anyone and everyone as a friend?
I'm not trying to make anyone mad. I just don't get it. I'm not the facebook, twitter, blogger or what ever people do type.
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13 responses
@maezee (41988)
• United States
16 May 09
Yes! Anyone can request to be your friend but it's up to you to filter out which ones you think are genuine and which people you think are only going to spam out your inbox full of links and schemes. I'm a little wary of that myself after experiencing a couple of the "friends" I accepted attacking my inbox with tons and tons of referral links. It's sad and tasteless, but what can you do? These days I"m looking more into whether or not they've responded to my discussions, what kind of discussions they've responded to and started, and how many posts they have. It's unfortunate that we have to worry about these kinds of things, but what can you do?
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@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
21 May 09
You may have signed up to one of the same interest groups as they have. Like Make Money. They also may just randomly pick people they see. I know I get requests because I am near the top as far as the number of discussions started. I accept everyone, then delete them if I need to. Never give out personal information to the general public
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 May 09
Yeah, that truly bites. I haven't seen any of these people even in the same types of discussions as I am interested in. I guess that is my main worry. Why do you want to be a friend with someone you have nothing in common with? That's why I can't figure out why I am getting all these requests.
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@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
16 May 09
one good thing about having friends in here is that friends on your list usually will answer your topics first when they og on. They alo get the opyion of having an email notification every time you post a new topic. Some people chat a bit. I just follow interesting people so that I know I'll see their interesting discussions
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 May 09
I have several friends on here but I never get notification of what they do such as posting a discussion or just answering one. I didn't know that that was an option. I have tried to change my profile but it won't let me get to all the information. Maybe having the friends is okay then. It sounds like it could be a little creepy though.
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@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
16 May 09
If you feel it is creepy then just don't accept that person. You control what you put on your profile - and you should not share emailadresses or other info whan you feel like you do. i do not think it is unsafe at all uf you are a bit careful
If you want notifications: You go to "friends" Then "my friends" and turn notify on. Very simple.
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@asweetie (1187)
• India
16 May 09
ho mommaj,
Mylot is not only a discussion forum it is also a social site with a little bit of difference so it is going to be that people would send you a friends request and if you have come here to earn a little bit like most of people like me here than you got to have lots of friends because you earn here either by responding to other people discussions or if someone else respond to the discussion started by you. Yes anyone can respond to anyones discussion here and i usually give a friends request to anyone who has responded to one of my discussion and it is up to that person to accept or not.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 May 09
I completely agree when the person is someone you have had discussions with or at least seen in your discussions you are in. I am asking about the people who do friend requests that have never been in discussions you have replied to and when you check there discussions and replies it's topics you haven't answered or are not likely to. Why would you send a friend request to someone that you wouldn't even WANT to follow. You aren't in the same circle now what difference would a friend request make?
I do accept friends that I have at least responded to a discussion they have responded to.
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@Maryam27 (411)
• Pakistan
16 May 09
Well mommaj, I am very choosy like you when it comes to being friends with someone and sharing your personal information. On other forums i went i have always chosen my friends well and after knowing them well. But when I come here I saw that being friends here is completely different. It's just limited to being in the friends list i guess :s And like someone has already mentioned here that your friends get to see your topics and most of the times they come and reply there too, so that's probably one of the big advantage. By the way what's that personal in your profile that you don't want to show? I mean I can understand if you don't like everyone to see and know about yourself, I am like that too but I guess no-one here has the time to go through each and everything of every single member. And if it is about our life then we are already sharing it her out in open with everyone. Aren't we? :) So stop worrying about it. You can edit your profile a bit if there is something you don't want everyone to know about you.
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@jackieroz_02 (139)
• Philippines
16 May 09
I would gladly accept them, this site is more like sharing of ideas, opinions , and I welcome anyone's opinions as long as they are not offensive
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
16 May 09
so far when someone request for friendship i will always
approve . no one i've missed so far. only the tast i leave for
i dont know if i can handle it easily. theres nothing
wrong for me if some requesting , i just want to have friends list ,
even tho i dont know them in personal , quiet amzing but just
enjoy here. so always accept not thinking whoever she/he is
as long as i have friends its ok for me.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 May 09
That's a good way of looking at it. But, don't you want to have the friends that you have responded to discussions or they have responded to your discussions? I am curious as why people do friend requests when they aren't interested in your topics.
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@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
21 May 09
I have been where you are, and I have been disillusioned when I have been too free with accepting friends.
I even started a discussion about it, about a million years ago.
I now accept everyone. 90% of them never do another thing on MyLot after those friend requests. If they spam me with offers and links, I quietly delete them, or if they are rude or nasty.

@mommaj (23112)
• United States
21 May 09
You have obviously been with mylot for awhile. I am glad you were able to give me some sort of insight. I see that most of the people that have requested friendship haven't done much on mylot and they don't seem to be active. The type of discussions they do answer I usually don't pick out to read. It just isn't my "thing". I haven't denied a friend request but I haven't accepted any of them either. I still have one from about a month ago. He hasn't had any activity on here since sending me a friend request. I would say I wouldn't feel too bad denying that friend request because I'm not even sure he is on mylot anymore. The rest of them I will leave to see what they are up to at another time.
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
16 May 09
I think "friends" and "friend requests" are actually misnomers when used on social networking sites. In the "real world," we equate friendship with people that we know... people that we like... people that we socialize with, etc. On a social networking site, the key word is really "networking."
On some websites, "friends" are instead called "contacts" - and this might be a better frame of reference for you. You might wish to have contact with someone because they made some interesting comments. Perhaps they have expressed knowledge about a subject that appeals to you and, if they are posting about it, you'd like the opportunity to read or follow up. Maybe they mentioned another website that you would like to remember and having them as a friend will remind you to review their profile for information.
"Friends" aren't always friends in the strictest sense -- it doesn't mean you will strike up a personal relationship, have contact outside of discussions or other postings, you might never even have a direct, one on one conversation. Some people DO make great and lasting friendships through websites of all kinds - I know I have! - for others, "friendship" is the equivalent of exchanging business cards at a cocktail party. The best part is that you get decide whether to accept or decline each one and you should never feel obligated nor guilty about your decisions, either way. :D
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 May 09
I guess the word contact is a good word. The people that have made friendship requests I haven't seen on any of the discussions I have replied to. In fact I search their profile to verify and find that the discussions they have replied to I wouldn't have taken an interest in. That's why I am wondering why these people are making friend requests. What is the point?
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
18 May 09
You guys have a good point that you might read things and never actually contribute to the discussion. I do that too. I don't actually send out friend requests to those people though. I can see why they would send you a friend request if they follow you or partake in your discussions. These people have discussions I would never partake in and most of them are from different countries without having any discussions. I know my number is low too so I wouldn't expect people to accept me as a friend until they looked at my profile and saw what discussions I do participate in.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 May 09
I have over 200 friends on here but I've been here for over a year. Your friends can't see any of your private information, just whatever is on your profile page and you can change that if you want. This is a very nice site. The vast majority of posters here and nice folks just trying to earn some coin and to make some friends. There are benefits to having friends. The email notifications let them know when you've started a discussion so they can respond to it. You also get notifications when your friends start a discussion. This is why I use an alternate email address for mylot...I get a lot of notifications.
Keep in mind that you can easily delete a friend if he/she turns out to be a troll.

@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 May 09
I have a few friends but I am never notified when they start a discussion or answer a discussion. I didn't even know that was an option until a few minutes ago. The worst part is every time I try to change my profile I can never find all the info that I want to change. LOL Not up on all this computer stuff.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
18 May 09
In the beginning I did not understand why I would receive so many friend requests but then I realized people liked what I said in discussions or saw that I was active or had received a number of best responses and wanted to be friends. I decided it was a compliment and started accepting all requests.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
19 May 09
Well some people are trying to get participation and some are trying to get you to sign up as a referral on other sites. When I get PMs from those types I just ignore it because I know myLot will weed them out.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 May 09
I am having fun on mylot. I am just curious why people do friend requests when they have not participated in the same discussions as you. Do you just randomly send out friend requests to people that you don't see on the forum with you? If yes why? That is my question.
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@Preciousgem (1182)
• Philippines
16 May 09
You can accept is as your friend, because you are here not just to earn money but to have friends to share your discussion and answer to their discussion, whether that person are not familar to you, Don't bother they don't see your personal data what they can see only your profile in my lot.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 May 09
I agree as far as sharing in discussions, you want to make that person your friend. Why would be send out friend requests when they aren't taking part in the discussions you have joined. I easily find out what they are interested in and a lot of times it isn't anything I have answered or would answer. I don't see the point in the friend request unless you have been in the discussions with someone. That is what I am asking what is the point to the friend request if you don't ever have a discussion with the person?
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@shreekrishna (402)
• India
16 May 09
like you have the power to choose your own friend,
you have to made a friend request,that's way
others have use their power to made a request to be your friend,
either they were attracted by your profile(profile may be a fake also),\\
they were attracted by your posts written on different topics,you cant stop them,
but stop some of them by this topic till few weeks.
whenever we talk to anyperson & get impreseed by him & her/his activities,
we try to build a relationship with them,
that relationship is know as friend,after that relationship can take anyaffect depend upon the situations.
i recomend to don't avoid such people,
get to know them, if you dont like them, you can leave them in future.
some of the people are here to build a network of friendship,
you can avoid such persons.
life is your's, you were your own boss.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 May 09
Glad you responded for a different view point. Different countries have different cultures. America is not always the trusting sort when it comes to people wanting things. I haven't seen these people in the discussions I have replied to so I am wary. Why would you want to be friends if you don't know whether the person has any of the same interests or even answers the same topics as you? I'm not saying I am running away from them. I just don't know if I should readily accept them.
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