would you be able to forgive your husband if he kissed another girl

United States
May 16, 2009 4:15pm CST
would you be able to forgive your husband for kissing and groping someone else.
6 responses
@krissy32 (205)
• United States
28 May 09
The question really caught my eye, it was hard enough on our marriage when my husband was merely accused of kissing someone that is not me. Yikes!! Actually him coming to me and telling me that he actually did the deed itself. I would have a very hard time of forgiving, but I would for my own sanity and as my duty to the Creator. If my husband has enough energy to go chasing after someone else, then something is seriously wrong as he rarely has energy for me after a hard day at work and marriage counseling would be a must. Infidelity I could not forgive and it would take a long time to heal from that experience. My husband always told me that he would never tolerate that behavior from me, and so it is a two way street.
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
19 May 09
I would NEVER forgive my husband for that. Nope, not a chance in his life. He married me for me. If he wanted to fool around and feel other girls then he can just pack his things and hit the road! That is not acceptable in my books. That is not what marriage is all about.
• Philippines
16 May 09
Its hard to forgive him even if it's just a kiss. He can kiss me whenever he wanted to. Why would he kiss another woman if he's not interested with her. I dont think can forgive such thing. Maybe it takes time to forgive him. And he has to prove me that he really loves me more than that girl. He has to do lots of things to please me. And I'll make sure that he has done a lot before i can forgive him. Lolz!
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
16 May 09
It may take time for me to forgive him, if he did kiss another woman, but I'd definitely try to forgive him. I'd definitely would have a problem with his action, with his kissing another woman. It would take some time before we'd be completely alright with each other. I'd probably still have some questions, but all in all, I don't think that he's the type of person, who cheats.
@omiami (412)
• Malta
17 May 09
I know that the best thing is to forgive and forget but to be honest I am not sure if I would be able to do so. I really dont know. I think its to hard to trust him again and on trust may cause big problems.
• United States
16 May 09
This is a hard one, unfortunatly I don't think there is a flat out answer for this. Everything depends on situaitons, one your relationship is like right now, what were the intentions, did he tell you, did you see him, did somebody else tell you. Was he drunk? this that and the other. About 2 years into our relationship when my son was 6 mos old, my boyfriend kissed my friend. We were all drinking, and she started getting emotional about something and went into her bedroom, my boyfriend not being able to see a girl cry went with her. The next day, she looked at me and said Stephanie I think Jimmy kissed me. I was like what? how? She said I can't rememeber but I remember saying that he was dating you. When I confronted him about it the look on his face said everything I needed to know. He said it was a brotherly sisterly kiss, of coarse my reaction was your not her brother. Needless to say we kind of worked through it, and he really did mean for it to be a brotherly kiss, but they were both drunk. I am not condoning it and I still don't trust him, but its how your relationship is. He knows I don't trust him, and we still always have issues. My dad has been cheating on my mom for as long as we can remember, she won't believe us until we give her hard evidence. Her theory is that she has invested to much into the relationship to let it go, but my thinking is, if you investing everything you have into a relationship, and your partner is investing everything he has into somebody else, then it doesn't matter, he has already let it go. This is really a question you could only ask yourself, Forgiveness is one of the greatest, cheapest, and hardest things to give. Ask yourself does he deserve it, why did he do it, is he going to do it again, does he really still love you? do you really still love him? If so what do you two need to do to get through this. The thing is, you will forgive him in time no matter what, and true love can stand the test of time. There was a movie I once saw, there was this older couple and they had been together for 50 years. At one point the woman cheated on her husband, she eventually broke down and told him. You know that man went out to the garage for a few hours, came back in and apologized to her? It may have been a movie and may have been fake but its true, when we stray from our marriages its because we are not getting something we need, and we don't feel comfortable enough with our partner to let them know. So ask yourself, why did he kiss her? and if you can't figure it out, ask him. don't yell just ask, and listen. Things will work themselves out.