Any Serious Blogger Here using Adsense ? How often do you update your Blog?

Online Money Making - She makes money online,and her only tool in that is her Laptop and her creativity.
May 17, 2009 5:31am CST
Hello friends! I have been blogging for quite sometime, but never understood the potential of blogging holds untill recently,when I started using Google Adsense with my blog. So,as a newbie in the field of monetized blogging,I would like to know some of your experiences who might have been doing this for long. Some of the bascic things that makes me wonder are as follows :- What have you choosed to write in a Blog ? Can you stick to that one single thing over the years or you write about different things in seperate blogs ? And how do you keep yourself motivated to update them and how do you constantly find interesting things to attact audiences? How often do you do that? And would you rate your traffic flow as satisfactory and hence your earnings over the year? Please do post your honest thoughts about your blogging experience under this thread. And also you are free to discuss anything else related Blogging & earning though them,over here. Hoping to hear more from you all now.
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1 response
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
17 May 09
I had been doing blogging for the past three years. I got paid couple of times. I am happy that I got paid. Now a days, my blogs are not active. I don't update my blogs and it is getting less earnings. I think I need to spend more time and try to make my blogs more active and try to reach payout as soon as possible.
• India
17 May 09
Considering the fact that you had been paid twice,I must say you are very experienced in t hat front. So, how long did each pay out took ? Was the effort worth it ?
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