What time do you go to bed everynight?

@rajeshfgh (1629)
May 17, 2009 1:12pm CST
Are you an early-to-bed type of person or are you the nocturnal type? I always decide to retire early to bed, but invariably end up sleeping only after 1 am, even if I have nothing to do. It's kinda become a habit for me now. Mostly I am up responding discussion on Mylot. What about you, what time do you go to bed?
4 responses
@j00nior (182)
• Canada
17 May 09
Depending on my living and work situation I'll go to bed earlier or later. Usually it all depends on the schedule of the following day. Right now I'm working a full time job and need to be up early, so I go to bed by 10:30-11 each night. However, while I was away at school, my sleeping habits were all over the place and I couldn't get to bed before 4:00 AM every night. It was really bad and I replaced hours of sleep with extreme and excessive amounts of caffeine. Not a healthy decisions and my bowels let me know lol!
17 May 09
I normally go to bed between 10:30pm-11:15pm in the week and at weekends it varies as sometimes I go out so it can be about 4am or earlier.
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@abanerji (1026)
• India
17 May 09
i am the nocturnal types... i don't get to bed before 1AM.. most of the time i ma awake beyond 1. if i go to bed early then for sure i am sick. either i surf the net or read or study... in any case i don't sleep... i get up around 8 in the morninn and then rush for office...
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• United States
17 May 09
I usually go to bed around 11-12. I usually just watch tv until I fall alseep if I'm not really tired. Gorge lopez or family guy does the trick ;).
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