Time is Money

United States
May 17, 2009 6:05pm CST
You have heard the saying, “Time is money.” Do you agree? Elaborate on this statement. If you owned a company, would this saying be important? How would you watch the “bottom line” when dealing with your time and your employees’ time?
1 response
• United States
18 May 09
I think there are many different ways to look at this statement. If you are an employee with an hourly wage, the more hours, or time, you work, the more money you make! If you are an employer with hourly employees, you have to pay out the salary based on time. To keep this in line, you have to set up clear expectations and make sure all of your employees live up to that. If they dont, then they will no longer be employees! The other thing to consider with this pharse is to apply it to investments. The more time you can leave your money in an investment, the more money you will have in the end. The best factor you have for an investment is not the initial sum or the rate of return. It is TIME. The more time you have, the more you will have in the end!
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