something to think about

May 17, 2009 10:10pm CST
do you ever stop to think why do we always have to think, why in every answer to a question will generate more question, why do we ask when we know answer, why there are so many mystery in this world that remains a mystery.
5 responses
• China
18 May 09
The world is full of mystery,so it is called the world.We in this world must probe for the new way to live better, we must think, so we are called human beings. Thinking is very meaning,when the answers come out, do you feel happy about that?Maybe,that's the purport we live.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
19 May 09
yes that is the reason why we are given a rational brain, of thinking brain
@maezee (41988)
• United States
18 May 09
No, I never think about stuff like that (unless I'm answering a question here on myLot about it) - it's a waste of time! There's no answer to that question, if you ask me. It's like "why does this world exist?" or "what's the meaning of life?". It's just a question that isn't worth asking, if you ask me.
• United States
18 May 09
I find your comment interesting albeit a little defeatist. Why do you think there are no answers to these questions? Not that I'm saying you're wrong, you're not, but you're not right either, none of us are. All this is merely conjecture, and an opinion by definition can not be wrong or right. An opinion can ba accurate or inaccurate, but that is all. I'd love to know why though, why you consider such questions - this discussion and those you stated - to be not "worth asking"?
• Philippines
19 May 09
then it makes me wonder why do say that this question is just a waste of time? do you really think there is no answer to that question.
• United States
18 May 09
Isn't the mind a fascinating thing?! We're thinking beings, and that's what makes us unique. Our curiosity is a great gift. There's more in the Universe than any of us can ever know, so we just keep trying to find out. As for asking about things to which we know the answers, we refine our thoughts and learn a thing or two this way.
• Philippines
19 May 09
yes i honestly agree with you cobrateacher anything yet everything in this world arouse our curiosity.
• United States
18 May 09
This my friend is more than one question. But I will answer them each in turn. Because it is in our nature to be curious, and for many of us it is also in our nature to have a measure of doubt about our own conclusions. Therefors we must ask, to hear opinions and evaluate, then to draw our own conclusions and either reaffirm our original conclusions or cast then away to form new ones. I think this is a healthy habit. We genrrate more questions as a mode of stimulating others to share their opinions; if you don't ask it can be very hard to get an answer. /wink We ask even when we "know" the answer either because we are wise and know we can not be right all the time, so we must hear otner opinions and weigh other facts so we can make an informed decision. Another reason we may ask is because we're curious about people and how other minds work. Because thankfully although we humans solve mysteries we also tend to create more as deeper and deeper we search for truth. This I think is the greatest endeavor, to hear, to learn, to know, and to experience. Tehre are so many facets within that... to learn is never a waste of time.
• Philippines
19 May 09
yes i agree with you and i choose your answer to be the best response to this question. keep on rockin yambucket.
@med889 (5941)
18 May 09
Yes I did and then it is so natural to behave like this, we are all human beings after all and to ask for question is common even if we know the answer, it becomes a mean to get attention form other people. There are many mysteries in this world and the more we are going to search the more there will be hidden ones.
• Philippines
19 May 09
i agree with you med889 because as a human we are constantly looking for the answer.