Speaking In Tongues
By dicsyen
@dicsyen (54)
May 18, 2009 12:13am CST
Should Christians today speak in tongues or not? Some churches teach their members not to speak in tonques. Some say only elders of the church can speak in tongues. Some churches do speak in tongues. It's kind of confusing as a new believer. Please respond with the best you know how.
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14 responses
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
20 May 09
I believe the Apostle Paul said that speaking in tongues is a "gift" that's been give to some. He also said that it should only be done in public if there's an interrupter, otherwise what's the purpose except to showoff.
@rtmolano77 (87)
• Philippines
28 May 09
If you will diligently study the bible , it is stated there in 1 Cor. 14 , speaking in tongues is a gift from the Holy Spirit. And you can also read Act 1;8, how the disciple was baptized by the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in tongues.
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
23 May 09
A few weeks ago I was walking in downtown Sacramento California, when I heard someone behind me, as if following me, speaking in angry non-coherent syllables. I decided to stay the course, continue to my destination (Pyramid Alehouse on the corner of 11th and K) and for over thirty seconds continued to hear the angry cacophony of syllables following close behind. I heard the name of Jesus in there somewhere, but the most interesting were the last syllables: "It's an honor, d4mn it!" (the 4 being a certain vowel)
My understanding was the purpose of tongues was to spread the good news to other countries. In this millennium though (and at least the last half of the previous one) it seems the language they are claiming to speak are those of angels. If they want to speak to angels, why preach to me in the same language? I can hardly be mistaken for an angel who would understand such gibberish.
Now I'm not putting down the alleged gift, if it is used in proper context. If a person never spoke a certain dialect they never learned in any school or book, and preached the gospel in it intelligently so that it is understood by the listeners who spoke in that same dialect, THAT would be the genuine gift according to the New Testament scriptures.
Or if they did it in the privacy of their own homes. If it makes them feel better for some reason, I have no complaints.
I only speak English fluently. I could probably understand Pig Latin, but it would take more effort. Anything else is worthless for me as a listener.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
23 May 09
I guess yes, but not necessarily. I think it's not quite right to say all should speak, but I think it's also not quite right to say one should never ever speak. Those who are gifted will speak.
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
22 May 09
Hi, I would like to respond to your concerns about speaking in tongues. Well, first of all, there should not be any churches that discourage their members from speaking in tongues. Then the next step is to read what God's word says about speaking in tongues. But I'll try my best to help in your understanding in speaking in tongues. We have been recently studying 1st Corinthians, and a couple of weeks ago we were on this subject of the importants and the reasons of speaking in tongues. All gifts to the church are all equally important, and this includes speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues comes from the Holy Spirit. When someone is prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues in the church setting, there needs to be an interperater present to give an interperatation of what God is trying to say to the church as a whole. Now when speaking in tongues takes
place in private, one is communicating with God through the spirit. But this does not require an interperater to be present, because the Holy Spirit knows what is being said in the spirit even though the person doesn't know him/herself. I know this because I have spoken in tongues during my daily devotions at home. Speaking in tongues is to edify the church body, however you may find that Paul mentions in the book of Corinthians that it may not be a very popular gift, but it is as equally as in important. I hope I shed some light on the subject for you.
@lizshab (44)
• United States
19 May 09
The word "tongues" as used in the Bible literally translated means different languages, not some unknown mystically tongue rolling sound that people use to make themselves sound more "spiritual". In the book of Acts, it clearly indicates that the Jews from different nations understood Peter (who only spoke Hebrew) in their own language. Paul also writes about this gift and says that it will not manifest itself in a gathering where there are unbelievers present because they will not understand what is going on, also he says that if manifested in truth by the Holy Spirit, a secondary gift will also be present...interpretation (for those gathered who do not understand what was being said). Having said that, we can clearly see the use of tongues today is not scriptural in most cases. I've only heard of one case in my entire life that was scriptural based manifestation of tongues. The idea (as taught by some denominations) that tongues is a sign of salvation has no basis in scripture.
@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
18 May 09
I believe the Bible is still as relevant today as it was when written. Some responders have mentioned 1Cor. 12 and 14 where it is clear that speaking in tongues is Biblical and a gift of the Spirit. I sometimes pray and worship in tongues and it is an amazing experience as you feel your spirit being lifted up. I feel so close to God when worshipping and speaking in tongues. I believe that God intended for everyone to be able to pray in tongues.
May you find the answers you are seeking. God's word is the trouth - John 17:17
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
18 May 09
From what I get from the Bible, (KGV) there was two reasons why people should speak in tongues. The book of Acts in the New Testament covers both of them. In Acts chapter 2 verses 1 thru 12 tells about the day of Pentecost. It seems a bunch of people that spoke different tongues were gathered together and certain people spoke to the crowd. It didn't matter what language the speakers spoke the people heard and understood them in their own language.
In a couple of places in the Bible which I can;t find right now, the speaking of tongues was used as proof a person had received the Holy Ghost. The book of Acts is basically the book on the Holy Ghost and some real good teaching concerning it. I can't find anything in the Bible that supports the way I have personally heard the speaking of tongues used in the churches now.
The Bible also says if there is no interpreter an unknown tongue is not supposed to be spoken in church. It says to keep quiet and speak to yourself and to God. Read 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verses 27 & 28.
I do believe the tongues have a purpose and are real but not the way people try to use them in the churches now. I have heard some that may have been real and some I don't believe was.
@Eweniks (361)
• Nigeria
19 May 09
Speaking in tongues is spiritual. Any pastor that claims to teach or learn to speak in tongues is a fake. The disciples of christ spoke in tongues after receiving the holy spirit. Nobody thought them the languages they spoke. When they spoke, people understood the languages. But the disciples never knew those languages. Today, most of the "churches" deceive themselves with strange movement of mouth and tongues, which nobody on earth can interpret. Pls, my dear don't be deceived by such ideas. Have a nice day.
@kdmlrys (398)
• United States
18 May 09
Although I'm a Christian, I personally disagree with this idea of speaking in tongues in churches. As the matter of fact, I saw one video before which shows that speaking in tongues, although it was written in the Bible, actually contradicts the act of speaking in tongues that some present churches do. You can visit this link to understand what I mean, http://worldslastchance.com/videos/Page-1.html Search the video entitled "Moved by the Spirit | Speaking in Tongues"
@plddre79 (161)
• United States
18 May 09
dicsyen! if the person speaking in a tongue was unable to translate, then he did not understand what he himself was saying nor would others who were not familar
with that tongue, or language. hence, paul encouraged those having the gift of
tongues to pray that they might also translate and thereby edify all listeners. from the foregoing, it can readily be seen why paul, under inspiration, ranked speaking in tongues as a lesser gift and pointed out that in a congregation he would rather speak five words with his mind (understanding) than 10,000 words in a
tongue. the gift of interpretation of tongues was manifest in a person's being able
to translate a language unknown to the one having this gift. this gift really en-
hanced the gift of speaking in tongues, since the entire congregration would be
built up by hearing the translation.
@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
19 May 09
There are going to be a lot of things that are confusing because there are so many different beliefs on many varied topics! It's amazing how different and far away our opinions of how the scripture is interpretted can be! This is why even though teaching is important, you need to study and know the Word for yourself!
On this topic,I will throw out one scripture for you to think about. It is First Corinthians 14:39 -- it says to nor forbid speaking in tongues....
Look at it in context,, let me know what you think!!
@DanBen (346)
• India
18 May 09
It's a gift to speak in tongues,especially to interpret them. And it's not mandatory to force someone into speaking in tongues, cause it just doesn't happen out of the blue. It's almost like an evolutionary process, like how you evolve in Him and His Word. It's something you accomplish based on how passionate you are towards knowing Him.
Tongues is like an intimate language that you use to converse with God. It's a special language that only the privileged ones can operate in. But this gift is no respecter of person.
You need to seek Him earnestly and lead a life that is pleasing to Him. Cause this is a GIFT!! Speaking in tongues basically is the language of the Holy Spirit.
I find it hard to explain this topic in particular, but I providing you a link that is very much self explanatory.
Hope you find it useful..
@dh6136 (13)
• Taiwan
19 May 09
Please read the important verses by sequence peacefully as stated below:
1. John 14:16-17
Jesus promised to send the "in-dwelling" Holy Spirit down to his true
2.Acts 1:4-5, 8-9
Before Jesus' ascending to the Heaven, he reminded his disciples to wait
in Jerusalem for the coming-down of the promised Holy Spirit.
3.Acts 2:1-12
The first time the disciples received the in-dwelling promised Holy Spirit
according to the guidance of Jesus Christ.
4.Acts 19:1-7
the apostle Paul asked that "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you
5.Acts 10:44-48
It is audible and visible when a Jesus' true follower receives the in-dwelling promised Holy Spirit like that day when Peter made the testimony.
In a word, when you receive the in-dwelling promised Holy Spirit like that the apostles had received you naturally will speak in tongue whenever you pray. The Scripture never say that by means of "human's learning, teaching, and/or practicing" will make you speak in tongue as what our Lord Jesus Christ promised.
Earnestly invite you to visit the following URLs whenever you are available :
http://www.tjc.org (website for the Church of Lord-True Jesus Church)
God bless you!