There is why nopt anyone to teruly sympethetize with you?

@subha12 (18441)
May 18, 2009 3:40am CST
I have seen in many cases like there are people who do something bad to you. There may be others who ask you what went wrong. you tell them the truth. They listen and sometimes may just show few sympathy. But knowing what has happened with you is wrong and somebody has done wrong, never take any positive action on your behalf. Even the people responsible for your well beings. May be only parents will do some good to you.
5 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
19 May 09
depends on what it is once you are an adult your life is your own not any body elses, sometime people can help but most of the time they will not fight your battles for you.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
18 May 09
Yes, parents should love their children. However, I have a problem with the idea of unconditional love because many people use this as an excuse to allow their children to run wild. If parents truly love their children, then they won't protect them from the consequences of the bad choices. However, too many people use "unconditional love" as an excuse to protect their children even when they do evil.
• India
18 May 09
No of course not, nobody wants to get in the mess for you, nobody wants to take sides because people never know when they might need somebody’s help for their own purpose. Its absolutely futile to expect anybody to point out a wrongdoing, especially if you are talking of an office environment. Outside, even friends may fight for us sometimes, but in an office, it’s the person who can keep the best public relations, wins the day. You have to fight your own battle.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
18 May 09
That is about the truth of the matter these days. People seem not to care for others feelings anymore.
@parv123 (18)
• India
18 May 09
Dear one That's true people do bad to you,others listen and show symphathy.. reason being: 1. they donot have courage to take positive actions. 2.They want to play safe,may be in future they had some work done with such people and therefor they donot take your side. 3.they are not as sensitive as they show and as u think them,they will act only when the thing go wrong with them only. ISN'T IT!