Should People On Food Stamps Be Punished?
By LevysLuv
@LevysLuv (238)
United States
May 18, 2009 11:29am CST
I ran across a discussion, on a different board, where they were discussing food stamps provided to individuals by the US government. In this specific discussion people were outraged a take and bake pizza restaurant, Papa Murphy’s, are now accepting food stamps. They were saying people on food stamps should only be able to eat romen noodles, their food stamps should only be able to be used at discount grocery stores and people who get food stamps shouldn’t be allowed to get take out since they sit home all day they can make their own food.
Now I am on food stamps but I do understand the annoyance at some of the things that are covered by food stamps. With the exception of unemployment I have NEVER been on any government aid. I have worked since I was 16 years old and at times have worked 2 jobs at once. I have applied for Social Security Disability which takes anywhere from 6-18 months to get. During this period you wait and can’t have any income so I basically have to count on family to support me. I’m not able to get any kind of government aid for insurance because I have no children; the only state aid I get is my food stamps. I understand not everyone on government aid is like me and some do cheat the system and I do think food stamps cover some things that it should, like soda.
What do you think? Should people such as myself on food stamps only be allowed to purchase romen noodles?
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15 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
18 May 09
Just because a person is on food stamps doesn't mean that they should not be able to purchase what everyone else is purchasing. Saying that people on food stamps should only be able to get Ramen Noodles is wrong. To that person I'd like to say, maybe you should eat just Ramen Noodles. My mom is on and was on food stamps when I was living with her, we had to eat what we could afford, but by no means did we eat just ramen noodles.
Now I've had jobs myself and can't find one because of the economy + I just ain't looking for now, but honestly I'm a bit peeved at people who would say that a person on food stamps should just eat ramen noodles. Maybe they're tired of paying taxes etc but really that's no fault of those who are on any government related assistance!
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@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
18 May 09
No, I think foodstamps should be for basics. I.e water (your city/town might not have good tap water), juice, milk, but no soda. Sodas not good for you anyways. Meats, chicken, and fish should be allowed. Rice, veggies, and noodles should be allowed. Eggs and bread should be allowed, too. Anything else I feel is not really as important. I see people on food stamps wasting it on junk like coffee and sugar. Which I feel are not needed. I also think resturants should not be allowed to take food stamps. That's way out there. If you order a pizza it costs like 10-15 dollars. You can buy them in the super market on sale for between .50-$2.00 for one. It's smaller, but it fills you.
Off topic, but I hope you get disability. You can be denied. I know, my mom applied. She did not get it.
Also, if you get it, they don't give you health benefits for 2 years.

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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
18 May 09
Do you also support someone being able to tell you or anyone else who pays cash what you are allowed to buy in the grocery store based on it's nutritional value? You may believe that soda, coffee & sugar are no good for you but that does not mean that your views are shared by everyone. What you choose to eat, and what you choose to feed your family, are some of the most personal decisions people make so what gives anyone the right to impose their beliefs upon anyone else in this area? Is it your contention that poor children don't have the right to eat cookies, that a poor mother does not have the right to bake a birthday cake for her child? What about cereals...should poor children only be allowed to eat certain brands and be denied others?
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
18 May 09
Yes, I believe my comment was needed because you're discriminating against the poor and I have every right to state my views on that, no offense. You talk as if being poor and on food stamps is a temporary thing and, for many, it's not, it's a life long condition. You do not have *less* personal freedom because you are poor and I do not support taking the freedom of choice in the grocery store away from anyone for any reason.
Yes, tax dollars support the food stamp program but that still does not give the government the right to limit personal decisions for people in the grocery store. Do you also believe that the government should be able to decide what medical care you receive if you're receiving medicaid or medicare?
No one is suggesting that people who receive food stamps only purchase junk food...that would be a ridiculous assumption to make. In my question to you above I did not ask you about a birthday cake purchased in a store I asked you if a poor mother should not be permitted to *bake* a cake for her child since you seem to believe that sugar is not necessary for poor families to have. I agree that poor families have bigger concerns than birthday cakes and you have made your views on the subject of a child's feelings pretty clear as well but, again, I will return to my main opinion that the government does not have the right to take freedom of choice away from a single group...any single a free country. I know how difficult it is for poor families and especially for children who grow up in poverty because I've participated in many outreach programs designed to assist these families in a variety of areas. Many of the children I encountered during the Toys for Tots campaign, for instance, didn't receive gifts on their birthdays but we helped to ensure that they were not forgotten at Christmas. This is life and I agree that life can be hard but to suggest that a poor mother should be prohibited from buying a cake mix for about a dollar, frosting for about another dollar and sugar so that she can bake a cake for her young child is totally unacceptable in a free society.
@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
18 May 09
That's the whole point, no offense. Someone else is paying for people on food stamps. I don't really see what "food" you're buying if, using the example I've seen, you waste money on coffee and sugar. You can't survive on coffee and/or sugar. I think if you're getting aid there should be rules. One, so no one abuses it. Two, if all you're eating is junk, you're just going to get sick and cost tax payers more money. if you're poor, I think you have bigger concerns than eating cookies and birthday cakes. I don't think food stamp should be allowed to cover cookies, even though they do, and not birthday cakes because a birthday cake costs more than a regular cake. If I was on food stamps, or poor, I would think I would explain to my child/ren (if I had any which I don't at the moment) times are hard. We might not have a enough, and this year there is no birthday gifts and cake, but I still love you. Giving a child a gift and/or cake when there is no money to sends so many wrong messages. It models wrong spending habits and shows money is the most important. Maybe people like this who got gifts and cakes, or too many or too expensive gifts, are the reason the American economy crashed? "Well, mommy bought me cookies and cake when we were on foodstamps. Maybe I can take out a loan for a home that I can't afford?". Yes, poor people, adults and children, should be denied certain brands. Why should they be allowed to ear General Mills when Scrunchie (sp?) is just the same for less? I'm not saying they should eat low quality food, or food from the dollar store, but come on. Times are tough. I bet some people who are not on food stamps but can't afford certain brands. Is that fair to them? No offense, but was your comment needed? Not everyone is going to share your views.

@Amberina (1541)
• United States
18 May 09
I'm on food stamps and I buy food that will last for the month and I don't buy pizzas an already prepared frozen food because I think it's a waste and it's not healthy for my family. I buy meats and vegetables sometimes they have to be frozen so they will last. And I buy potatoes an little things that will go with salads and side dishes that I make myself I hardly ever buy things that are already made I find it's cheaper to make things from scratch. And yes I buy sugar and coffee and I buy things that I can make my own cakes an cookies. I don't buy soda and chips and junk food I will on occasion buy my son a candy bar but it's a rare time I do that because he has braces that I paid for because I had a car accident and got a settlement the welfare health card wouldn't pay for it even though the Dr said it was a medical need not a cosmetic need. My son has a deformed mouth and he needs it fixed so he can chew and speak properly. As far as people judging me on what I buy at the check out stand? Go ahead judge me before you even get to know me but may I suggest walking a mile in my moccasins?
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@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
18 May 09
I am hoping you are being sarcastic saying you can only eat Romen noodles. I am completely satisfied with what we are able to get on food stamps. It's the only state aid I get as well. Having 3 children soon to be 4 even with my husband working we still need that little bit of help each month. I like the fact that your not allowed to get ready to eat hot food, as that is just lazyness.
I dont think that it's fair that you are only able to get romen noodles. I think that is completely unfair. I would be bringing that up with a lawyer. I know for us we can buy anything as long as it's not precook hot food, ciggerettes or alachol.

@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
19 May 09
No offense katsmeow but I do believe you said in a post here....
We went down and applied for food stamps when I was 8 months pregnant with my youngest child... only because our heating bill was about to be shut off and we had to choose between paying the power bill or buying food. Well they told us we were $2 over the limit so could not get food stamps, but to come back after the baby was born and then we'd qualify!
and you say your "youngest" child so you obviously have more then one child yourself. You are judging this lady for drawing food stamps when you yourself tried to draw food stamps. So is it a fair assumption to say you aren't to well off to be bringing children into this world either.? Maybe this woman doesn't have childcare, maybe she has issues with her pregnancy and she can't work, maybe she has a sick child. For you to immediately pass judgement on her without knowing her situation is just rude.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
18 May 09
So you're already on food stamps (aka tax payers money) and you decide to have another child for the tax payers to support? Let me guess... you don't work, do you? So the tax payers are paying you to stay home? How many jobs does your husband have.. how many hours does he work? Do you not have a few hours you can go work yourself to support yourself and not collect food stamps?
How is it okay to collect food stamps if you have options? How is it okay to bring another child into this world when you can't even support the ones you have without government and tax payers help?
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 May 09
Why don't your children drink as much milk at they should? Why did you decide to have another child when you already have what you describe as a large family that you obviously can't feed well without the help of government assistance? Let me don't work either, do you? How many jobs does your husband many hours does he work? So, when are you going back to apply for those food stamps or do you have a few hours where you can go work yourself to support yourself and not collect food stamps?
How is it okay to collect food stamps if you have options? How is it okay to bring another child into this world when you can't even support the ones you have without government and tax payers help?
Judge not lest ye be judged.

@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
18 May 09
That is horrible that people think that way. Plus romen noodles is disgusting. People are put into situations that sometimes they can't avoid. However, that being said I know alot of people cheat the system. I remember when living on S.I. NY where people would be on line buying food with foodstamps but wearing a fur coat with jewelry dangling all over and driving a fancy car. If I got into a situation like that I would sell my fur coat, car and accessories before going on food stamps but thats me. God bless you and I hope you get your disablity soon. Have a great day!
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@derlilaStern (1756)
• United States
18 May 09
That is absolutely disgusting that people think like that!
Like you mentioned, there are people who abuse the system. But there are many more who dont! I worked at a grocery store and I saw both sides of that!
I find it even more obnoxious that people suggest Food Stamps should only be accepted at discount grocery stores. I do shop there. I do regularly buy some things there. However, there are other items that I can get for cheaper at the grocery store! Many of the discount stores dont run sales. Most of them dont accept coupons. At the grocery store, I can combine the two for an even better deal! I have seen people on food stamps do that so their money goes as far as possible.
I dont really even have a problem with the take and bake pizza. It isnt any different than buying a frozen pizza at the grocery store! I doubt most people on food stamps will use that option much. The money you get from Food Stamps (as I am sure you already know) doenst go very far at all!
Suggesting that people eat cheap foods only, like Ramen noodles, would also be counterproductive. That wouldnt be a healthy diet. If a person cant afford food, they certainly cant afford medical help! The problems from such a poor diet would eventually be paid by the tax payers anyway.
Do I think that Food Stamps (and the associated program for things like toilet paper and shoes) needs to be reformed? Yes, there are some problems. Do I think it is overall bad? No. I wish that people would understand the stigma and the hardship that comes with using Food Stamps. That is hard enough for some people to get over!
(Sorry for the long response and the rant. This topic really gets to me. And I have never been on Food Stamps!)
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@LevysLuv (238)
• United States
18 May 09
Thank you! I stretch out my food stamps as though it was my own cash. I go to discount grocery stores. I also go to "normal" grocery stores. Some times I'll go to 3 different grocery stores in one week to get what I need the cheapest. Double coupon days are awesome for saving money!
@peavey (16936)
• United States
18 May 09
Since a person gets a limited amount of food stamps, I don't see why they shouldn't be used anywhere they will accept them. If you choose to use all your food stamps buying take out or fast food, when you run out, you do without, so what's the problem?
But... coming from the other side, most (not all) food stamps recipients get more than enough to do them for a month of conservative spending. By "conservative" I don't mean ramen noodles! I mean, no lobster and steak. It's hard to deal with it when I'm doing my best to stay within my budget for groceries (which means that I buy conservatively), then see someone with a cart loaded with cookies, ice cream, potato chips, steaks and other expensive items and pay for it with food stamps. My taxes pay for those food stamps and I'm the one doing without. I suspect that's why the outcry against Papa Murphy's. I can't afford it and a lot of people can't... unless they're on food stamps, that is.
@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
18 May 09
I once saw a woman load up her cart with Gatorade, and some other type of drinks, and proceed to pay with with food stamps. It's ashame how some people work the system. I also know people who applied for, and need food stamps, who didn't get them.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
18 May 09
I completely agree Peavey! We went down and applied for food stamps when I was 8 months pregnant with my youngest child... only because our heating bill was about to be shut off and we had to choose between paying the power bill or buying food. Well they told us we were $2 over the limit so could not get food stamps, but to come back after the baby was born and then we'd qualify!
There are many times during the month, usually on weeks we have a very large bill due, that we're eating cheaply. We do have Ramen Noodles for lunch quite often to save on bread which gets expensive for a family as large as mine. My children don't drink as much milk as they should as it's too expensive for a family as large as mine.
Yet when I go shopping I see the people in line ahead of me buying boxes of twinkies, ho ho's, ice cream, soda, and all sorts of other junk with their food stamps!
It's truly not fair!

@DuoMaxwell (953)
• United States
21 May 09

@DuoMaxwell (953)
• United States
21 May 09
One more thing, there are already some guidelines set up already.
There's no way to use your food stamp card at restaurants, fast-food, all-you-can-eat, etc. The only place you can buy food with your food stamp or EBT card is in grocery stores, or convenience stores that accept such cards such as Fred's, Wal-Mart, Ingles, Winn-Dixie, etc. There are more places to buy groceries and food that qualifies, but to be told what food to specifically buy such as ramen noodles only, that's going WAY too far.
@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
19 May 09
Here in the state of Texas you can only draw food stamps for three months if you do not have children. In order to draw that first three months you must participate in a very intensive job search program. You can draw an additional three months if you are meeting requirements of the job search program and still have not found a job. If you fail to find a job after a month in the program you do community service for the duration of the time you are drawing food stamps to help "earn" your food stamps. You do community service until you find a job. So to imply that someone of food stamps is simply "sitting home doing nothing" is an incorrect assumption. So the max you can draw food stamps in Texas is 6 months and after that you will not qualify again for 3 years.
I am on food stamps after losing my job and not finding another job soon enough. The economy here absolutely sucks. I am out hitting the pavement everyday looking for a job and hope to find one soon. If I don't find one soon enough I will be doing community service to earn the total amt of my food stamps. So for someone to tell me how I can spend money that I am working to earn? As long as I am buying food that is. The fact that some stores will take food stamps for booze blows my mind. People need to quit thinking that only "lazy" people are on food stamps. Some people just are having a rough time and need a little help until they get back on their feet. Would you rather see them starve?
@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
19 May 09
I also would like to add that I agree they shouldn't be used for "ready to eat" foods. Alot of families can't afford to go out to dinner. I don't think you should be able to get that priviledge on food stamps. Besides cooking your own meal definitely stretches the dollar further.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
18 May 09
Saying that people on food stamps should only eat ramen noodles is a bit extreme, but I do agree that they shouldn't be able to get take out pizza! I am disgusted at the fact that people can buy twinkies and ho ho's with their food stamps, and lobster and crab legs. You should not be able to purchase soda with food stamps as it has no nutritional value. Actually I think the food stamp program should be set up more like the WIC program. You should recieve checks for specific foods instead of money that buys whatever you want. For instance, you'd recieve a check where you can choose up to 5 lbs of meat, and you can go and buy a pound of ground beef, a 2 lb pork roast, and 2 lbs of chicken. Then there's another check for vegetables, and another for grains, etc etc...
@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
19 May 09
Do you seriously think five lbs of meat will feed a family for an entire month??
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
18 May 09
The elitist attitude that some people have towards those who, for whatever reason, depend on government services like food stamps turns me off so much. Believing that anyone can dictate what anyone else feeds their family is wrong! This is a fammily's personal business and should not be subject to government control or public debate because, once you find dictating to this group acceptable, it's just a small step to...YOU. Should the government be able to say that you cannot buy soda or snacks with food stamps, how long before it's acceptable for the government to say that you cannot buy soda or snacks because you're overweight and consuming those products is bad for your health? We have freedoms in this country and one of those freedoms is the freedom of choice. People who depend on food stamps receive them only once each month and they either make them last or they don't. It's no one else's business where they shop or what they buy.

@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
19 May 09
Im On Food Stamps myself and i dont think you should only have to eat roman noodles which i get sick off of...Something about them jsut makes me sick everytime i eat them. I have 2 children i never had food stamps until i lost my job due to economy. So i applied for it but thats the only thing i get is food stamps. And i wouldnt make my children go without food or no reasons at all. Im not trying to be rasicts here but here where i live if you white you will be waiting in the back of the line until the others races get what they need frist. Im white and i dont mind waiting but what makes me mad is the ones that arent even US citizins get everything handed to them on a silver pladder they they are the only ones that need help. I met a black lady the other day who had nothing and i mean nothing and she was the nicest person i probably have ever met in my life and our department of Social Services wouldnt even help her to get on food stamps which really made me mad because the lady needed it so i took her down there and they said they couldnt help her and i pitched a fit i did because it wasnt right when there was a mexican sittin in front of us with 6 kids and she got EVERYTHING. But they finally did help her because i wasnt leaving until they did because it was not right. So i dont think about myself i do think about others. And i didnt know Fast food excepted Food stamps lol But we dont go out an eat i'll buy food and cook it and thats that.But thats jsut me.
@myskina (182)
• China
19 May 09
well . it's seems something happend at long ago . becaus at our place , use the stamps yo buy food at a long time age , maybe that's the government's disguise take . well , maybe that's just continued for a while . so don't worry . you can be good . you and your place . everything gonna be alright . have a good time my friend `
@meli1203 (1)
• United States
4 Sep 09
no, i believe people should purchase anything they want, so long as their not cheating the system. because people obviously have to eat, especially when their living on a low income basis. because people get tired of eating the same old crap everyday, they want to eat something new. and i think this whole new thing of papa murphy's accepting food stamps is a great thing, especially in this time of recession, people need to feel a sense of relief and comfort and i believe papa murphy's does that. and if i would have known sooner, i would have purchased food there. so long as your not eating there everyday then its okay, you don't want to get high blood pressure or diabetes we have enough of that problem here today in this country. and i believe other places should follow in their foot steps, especially subway, i just love that place. i would eat there everyday if i could. so hopefully the government will hear about this and allow subway to accept food stamps. because i believe that would be a great thing, if they could do that. i believe the country would be alot more healthier if they did this.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 May 09
Everyone needs help every now and again. There is nothing wrong with turning to public aid for help. I think that most of us have been there and done that at certain periods of our lives. If we haven't, then we have been very lucky. I think the anger is more towards those that take advantage of the system. When someone that can't get public aid is standing in line with their last $20 and sees a person use food stamps then jump in a Cadillac may cause them to feel a certain amount of resentment. I don't think you are less or should be punished because you get food stamps. People know not everyone cheat the's the ones that do that anger people.