When people feel strongly about a topic why do they have to be right?
By cj5guy
@cj5guy (93)
United States
May 18, 2009 4:13pm CST
Let's take abortion for example, I respect a woman's right to choose what to do with her body. It's not my body and not my child, so what gives me the right to tell her what to do? How can we live with ourselves if all we do is correct everyone's opinions to match our own and we only see one side of an issue?
In my personal life, I would not consider abortion, I don't see it as an option, but if my neighbor were to have one for whatever reason, it was her decision to make and not mine. I'm not going to tell her she's a bad person, I'm not going to throw things at her house. I'm going to get through my day and since the decision had nothing to do with me, why should I get upset about it.
Everyone has their own set of personal beliefs, and they should be "personal" and not be forced on everyone else. Life is too short to worry about everyone else and the decisions they make.
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11 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 May 09
SInce you chose to focus on abortion for the most part with this, that is the direction I will take with it. Lets take that same child and put it outside of a woman's body, what is the difference between killing it then and before birth? infanticide, abortion, in all seriousness, what is the difference? .
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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
19 May 09
According to our goverment there are some of those that are legal and then there are some that are not legal..
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 May 09
It doesn't matter what I'm ok with. I do not have the right and don't believe that anyone else has the right to decide this for another person. It's not my body...it's not my life. No one walks in anyone else's shoes. What I don't want to see is women forced to risk their lives because of an unintended pregnancy. Some people think it's a matter of inconvenience or that abortion is simply used as a form of birth control, that little to no thought goes into making that decision. I know for a fact that it's not a decision that is taken lightly for many women and that the procedure itself is painful and extremely emotional.

@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
19 May 09
Your right its a womans chioce weather or not she'd want an abortion. However if she didnt want the baby in the frist place she shouldnt have layed down and spread her legs. In my family abortion is not an option and dont exist just because we got that way and we will take responseablity for it. However in some cases woman get raped and they get knocked up but they dont give you the right to KILL the baby before it has a chance to live. If people would think about so many woman,Couples in this world who want to have children but cant and there only option is to adopt a child that someone else gave up then do that but dont kill a child weather or not you asked for it or whatever the reason might be.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
20 May 09
I know my own opinion but I do not force it on others. I am pro-life and wouldn't ever have an abortion. I have a friend that had an abortion when she was 20 years old. It was her body and her opinion. I think she has some regret but she was young and felt at the time she wasn't ready to become a parent. She can't turn the clock back and now she is married with two children she does wonder about the child she had aborted all those years ago.
I have a vegan diet and I very much care about animals feelings. That is the right choice for me but many other people would disagree with me. I think life would be boring if we all had the same opinions. I find football boring but it is something that I can tolerate. If I saw fox hunting the cruelty would greatly upset me and I wouldn't be able to handle that. Kindness is right for me and I pleased about that.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 May 09
I agree with you cj but I see that you're taking a lot of flack for your position on abortion. I am pro-choice. I make no apologies for that and make no excuses for it either. I support a woman's right to a safe procedure, performed by a licensed professional in a safe and sanitary facility. I never again want to see news reports of women paying for an unintended pregnancy with their lives and I really don't care who agrees with me or who doesn't. When it comes to the issue of abortion there really is no middle ground where the opposing parties can meet so we're all just going to have to accept the fact that we're not going to agree. Those who do not agree with me can believe that they're right all they like. They can even provide evidence and examples to support their position if they so choose. It will not change mine.
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
19 May 09
yeah that is true. as long as her decision will not affect other people's lives and will not violate people's human rights. i don't mind whatever she does in her life. we must not condemn other people if they go against our own believe. not just because they have different beliefs does not mean that we have to feel better than them or make them feel like a bad people . That is pure judgment.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
18 May 09
Wanting someone to believe in a subject as you do, at least in my opinion, has to do with a sense of security.
People need to know that they're right; that what they believe in is just or, at the very least, sane.
Imagine never being taught that the earth was round. You'd be running around, screaming, "It's flat! Seriously. Why won't anyone believe me!?" And all the while, you're not really trying to convince them that the earth is flat; you're trying to convince yourself of your own sanity. Why would you believe something that isn't true?
Wanting someone to value human life as much as you do is simply to allow yourself to reaffirm that you're "supposed" to care that much for human life. Whoever doesn't share this basic belief is now the enemy! How can they not see the world how you do? It's inconceivable!
No, it's selfishness.
The biggest evolutionary gift humans were given is the ability to compromise. You don't have to always be right. We're here to learn from one another, not reign supreme as the one, all-knowing deity. Some people have that "me, me, me" complex that they can't shake.
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@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
19 May 09
We are all entitled to our opinions and free speech. I would not get an abortion myself, but I am not going to tell someone else what to do with their body. I do not agree with drowning a child or say for example suffocating a child either. I know if I were raped or had incest happen beyond my control, I would want the option not to keep the child. This is a personal choice for every women and the father involved as well if that is the circumstances.
@arkansos (545)
• India
19 May 09
You're right some people just have to be right about everything. They can't tolerate when they are told something they don't want to hear. I again agree that whereas my opinion maybe just, the other person's not an idiot and has the right to feel what he wants to.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
19 May 09
Personally, I find the whole idea of abortion devastating but that is not the way everyone thinks. I consider it a sin and as such the only sins I should be concerned with are my own. Harsh as it sounds this is their sin not mine.
I do have serious issues with the abortion excuses. In most cases there are alternatives. I can't help but wonder how many times the potential cure for cancer, aids, and other diseases have become "biological waste".
People become passionate over different subjects. Some for personal reasons and others just because.
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
19 May 09
Beautifully put! Just because people think a certain way is right and others are wrong doesn't give them the right to dictate to those people how their life should be.
I completely believe in the "to each their own" mantra, and I choose to live my life in peace and let others live theirs how they see fit, provided they aren't on top of a tower somewhere, shooting at people.
I believe abortion is the right option in certain instances. If you never wanted a baby and were raped, you should not be forced to keep that child just because you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I could definitely say that if that happened to me, I would likely not want to keep the baby inside of me for more than a second. And if someone called me a bad person because of it, not only would I not care about their opinion, but I'd also tell them to shove it. It is none of their $*Y#(%Y(Q*$& business!!!!!!!
Sorry, this kind of stuff really pisses me off. People that have a problem with abortion don't have to get one. It is simple as that. Live your own life by what you believe to be the correct way to live. But do not expect other people to agree with everything you believe. You will lead a life of disappointment. Live and let live. You will never get everyone to see things the same way.
Different cultures even have different basic beliefs from one another. Especially in a land where we have people from all over the world, you cannot expect everyone to agree on whether or not to keep a baby to term.
It should always be the ultimate decision of the mother of that baby, or, if the person carrying the baby is too young to make the decision, then it should be a joint decision between the mother and the mother's caretaker (her mother, aunt, or whatever).
Of course, this is JMO, but it is one that I am very passionate about, and I for one, will NEVER change my mind about it. I've debated with people for years about it, and I just don't agree with any kind of anti-abortion law. It is infringing on the rights of women to choose how they want to proceed.
We already have exponential growth as a species. We are overpopulating the Earth at an astounding rate as we speak. Why would we want a law that ensures that millions of unwanted children must be born so that they can fill orphanages and live their lives with most of them never having families because there are too many of them? We would have the problem we currently have with dogs and cats filling our shelters. Would we then propose a "euthanasia" plan for the kids? I don't think so. I would think that would be out of the question.