Losing a dear friend and loved one
United States
May 18, 2009 6:01pm CST
About 2 weeks ago I lost someone dear to me. I called him my uncle but he wasnt acculity my uncle. He never told anyone thay he had a problem and he always kept to himself. Just one day out of the blue he called me and toldme he loved me very much. I asked him whats wrong and he tole me that he was leaving and going to a place thats better for him to be taken care of. I thought that he was going to a ne=ersing home and come to find out he passed away. A few days before that my husband, daughter and I went to the baseball game and the handed out the phllies shirt for I guess it was the free gift that day. We got 2 of them and I looked at my husband and told him that I wanted to put one of them in his casket because he was the biggest fan of the phillies. When all of the kids cam in and seen it sitting there all they did was dry and say thanks for whoever got it for them. after all that happened to them I told them that it was frim us. The thing is he in a better place and he isnt hurting anymore. I also told them if they need any help just to call and they told me not to worry about abything. If you have any other suggestions please fill free to give me it to help all of us through this tough time.
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