What Has The Internet Taught You About People?
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
May 18, 2009 7:09pm CST
Life on the Internet has had its ups and downs for me, but in the three years I've been in Mylot, I've learned a great deal. When I first used the Net, I was very cautious, and then, I came across Mylot. Don't get me wrong, I had already made a few, special friends in Pogo, but Mylot was an education. I love the site, and the comradery in here. I've met some really special people along the way; some have gone and others have stayed, but those who have stayed have made my life what it is today.
There are some very strong characters here, not least of all, two very special, strong ladies, who have come through a heck of a lot whilst being on this site. I hold these two people in the highest esteem, for what they have endured recently, and how they have worked through it all, and come to accept "their lot". They'll know who I mean... and I'd like them both to know that I'll be here for them at all times, through good times and bad, with my full support. I admire them for who they are!
They, of course are not the only strong characters I know. All of my closer friends are strong in one area or another. Some will fight for their families and children with little fear of what happens to them. Some will fight for their rights, to the bitter end and some will turn to me if they want advice or help with something they feel I might know about. They all have the ability to give and take with grace. All in all, I have made a great bunch of friends here, and I really appreciate all they have done for me.
Naturally, there are those who have fallen by the wayside, and those who purported to be something they're not. Sobeit... they were here for a purpose, and now have moved on, or they've been ousted from the site for whatever reason, and didn't wish to return. I miss those who have gone, but what will be, will be, I guess. That's the way life goes.
I just wanted to pay tribute to all those Mylotters who have become my friends, and thank you for the hands of friendship you have extended me, the trust you've put in me and our undying loyalty. What I want to know, is how you feel about the friends you've made on the Internet, and which sites you met your closer friends on. Are those friends always there for you, and you for them? Do you think Internet friends are as important as your friends outside the internet, and have you met any of your online friends in person? Do you spend more time on other sites, or is Mylot a special site for you, and has it changed your life to an extent? Please share your stories with me.
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26 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 May 09
Yes we do met alot of people on here and some get very close to each other.
I have several close ones here 2 for sure.
also met another one that comes in here but in one of my programs the WM did and intro for us. and we have been going strong for 4 years now.
2 others I met on the net are sisters and met them on a bingo site now they live here in vegas so we met and go play bingo lol KNow them for 9 years now.
So yes you can met great peple on the net and grow very close like a sister hood.
I think I have more women friemnds on here than men but I have them too.
and I love talking about the different things about our countries and culture we travel around the world every day in here.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 May 09
your welcome and you know how I enjoy your walking stories!.
So that should give you and idea how good you are at writting.
Really where she lived at that time was only a 4 hour drive.
But now she has moved up by her sister and she dont drive that far anymore.
Which I think adds amnother 4 hours on to the drive.
BUt I do call her and when I call we talk for hours and hours!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
20 May 09
Hello there Darkwing. Sorry to be taking time to answer your discussion as these past 2 weeks or so, I have just been back to mylot. I'm intending to become active once more. Over the course of my internet journey, I have gained some friends and lost some too. I think that friendship on the internet is just the same as friendships formed outside. All of us are just hidden by the PC screen. And there are some that have formed real friendships over time because their distances are not a hindrance.
However, I will not go meet one on one with married persons over the net. And I feel that being overly friendly can be a problem for some. There are one or two friends (not in mylot site) which I'm close but the friends of their respectively tend not to like me being friends with them. Where in actual fact, there's really nothing going on. I feel that's kind of funny and 3rd parties are always a hassle. But strong friendships even on the internet will withstand anything at all.
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@Darkwing (21583)
20 May 09
That's ok, my friend. I've not been back for long, as I've been very busy offline, and I know we all have to down tools every so often to catch up with life. Welcome back!
Yes, I feel online friendships are similar to offline, but I think sometimes, you get to know the person better because you can't see them. You tend to find the need to be more explicit about your inner self in writing, which means you get to know a person for what they really are, and not what they look like. I think this is an important part of getting to know somebody well, and of forming a friendship, or bond with that person. I've had to be very sure that the friends I've gone to meet are genuine people, and so far at least, I've been right. I haven't had problems with third parties either, but rather, tend to get on with friends and families of those friends I meet... even spouses and partners. All in all, I've found some lovely friends online whom otherwise, I might never have met, or got to know, and I treasure them all.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution. You've put some thought into that and I appreciate your time. Thank you.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
20 May 09
Thanks again for understanding. Friendship like the one you described will certainly withstand any form of challenges in life. No wonder there are people that can be best of friends 20 over years and beyond. Brightest blessings to you too, my friend.

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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 May 09
One of the reasons I am still her is the special Friends I have made
I do have to admit that this Site has made a lot of difference to me when I joined here over 3 years ago
Like in your case some have gone and some are still about
The Strength that can come from these Friends is stronger then the actual Friends of the Net
I have met 3 Friends of here and still hoping to meet another few but at the moment no chance
One Friend dropped everything last year, to be here with me and Gissi when I had to have my Operation, as she knew my Children where not able to get here because of their Jobs, someone needed to be with Gissi while I was in the Hospital, also she knew I would need looking after
Others where sending their love and support over the Internet
With the love and care from my wonderful Man, my Wonderful Children and all my wonderful Friends online has helped me and still is helping me to carry on and stay strong
7 years ago my world fell apart, my Life changed drastically, then my Son suggested I start using the Internet as I had never used a computer before, I was very cautious I am still today, but I was amazed and still am at times, how much it helped me to come to terms with things, the love and care from D and my Children held up, when I came on the Net and started learning more and more, then joined Mylot and met all the Friends I started to accept what had hit me
To this Day it keeps me going and my mind is occupied on other things and on Friends that have been down and needed an ear and still are to this Day
So all the bad things that have happened here, a few times I wanted to go, but my Friends are here, I will always stay
Love you and a big Hug also from noisy Gissi xxxxx

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 May 09
Thank you Dear Friend, I don't think I give much though I am just me and I just try to be there for People no matter what
You just remember that you are very special to me and you are one of the closest and dearest to me
Thank you for being my friend and I know we always will be Friends no matter what
Big Hugs and Gissi sends his hugs to Auntie Darkwing to xxxxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
You're welcome to the truth, Gabs. I know you don't think you give out much... you don't even know you're doing it but take it from me, as somebody on the outside of you, I can see you giving almost constantly. You have great compassion for other people and it results in your giving your all for anybody that's in need. That IS you! The Gabs we all know and love. You just said you just try to be there for people, no matter what.... well, you don't "just try", you succeed, always. The only time you can't manage it is perhaps when you're ill, but you still try!
Thank you Sweetheart... I WILL remember those special words, and I'm sure you're right when you say we'll always be friends, no matter what. Hugggggs. xx
@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
I know what important pillars of strength D and your kids are in your life, Gabs. They're not online friends as such but they will always pick you up when you fall and afford you the strength to carry on. Not only those three, but Gissi too, my friend. He needs you and relies on you, for you have given him new life. Thus, before you even start to venture on to Internet friends, you have four very good reasons not to give up the fight. Yes, your lifestyle has changed, but with those people around you, caring for you and offering you their unconditional love, as do I, I think your life is happier now than it's ever been, despite the obstacles you're frequently encountering. You'll get past them, merely because you have four very good reasons to do so. As you say, they've given you the strength you needed to cope.
That having been said, I also know what tremendous love and energy you put out to others... your online friends and your physical friends, as well as those basic four. Even when you're poorly yourself, you find time to support your friends and family, and that in itself shows your strength and determination, and is precisely why you get so much support back. You do it effortlessly, probably without even realising you're doing so much for others, because that's your way. What you give out is what you get back, special lady, so understand that's why everybody cares so much about you and why you got so much support last June when you needed your op. I know for a fact, you'd give a person the shirt off your back if they needed it. Furthermore, you've come to accept what's been thrown in your path, and have learned how to pass the obstacles. You got that support of a visiting friend because that friend appreciates you for the person you are, and holds you in very high esteem, and if the situation presented itself again, I know she'd move heaven and earth to be there for you, without a second thought. Hence... I know you'll make it through the darkest part of your path, on the arms of your friends, and emerge with the sun in your hair and a sparkle in your eye. That's my special friend Gabs!
I think the Internet was where you needed to be those seven years ago. You've learned a lot about how that special link between so many friends, both distant and closer, can help you through life, and despite your reservations, you've been lucky enough, like me, to befriend some very special people. Michael did well to introduce you to the Internet world. Mylot especially, I feel, is a very special place to make friends. They somehow found a way to place everybody together, and to open up to others, making some really true and loyal friends along the way. I'm so glad I found this site... and you, my dearest friend.
Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. Thank you for your touching contribution and a big hugggggg back to Gissi. xxx
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@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
25 May 09
I have learned that on the internet that I have more friends then what I have in my real life...and to be truthfull about it..I think I could trust most of my internet friends then I can the ones that I call friends at home...I have many close friends that I would trust my life with on the net better then I would someone here...I have 4 sites that I own on the internet and spend alot of time there but I still pop in to MyLot daily to check on things and say hello to friends here...MyLot was the first place on the internet that I ever joined when I got internet and will always be my first home and friends on the internet...XXOO
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 May 09
I think perhaps that you build up more trust online because you see those friends almost daily, and share so much more of your daily lives together. We don't seem to have as many inhibitions with online friends and therefore get to know what they're like on the inside, thus building more trust.
Thank you for your contribution, my friend, and Brightest Blessings.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
19 May 09
What a wonderful sweet sentiment!
Yes, I've met many special dear friends online.
Most of my friends don't live near.
If it weren't for online friends, I'd be pretty lonely
most of the time.
Sad, but true.
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
Awwww... thank you both. I'll deal with Beauty's response first if you're happy with that, Purple, then I'll come to you.
I find it doesn't matter how many "local" friends you have. I have a fair few, but it costs me money to go out every single night to meet up with them, coupled with the fact that I don't feel like going out every single night. There are times when I just like to close my door on the world, and to chill out. That's when I enjoy my time on the Internet with the friends I can't just pop out and "see". I feel you get to know people on the inside when you can't meet them physically. That way, you come to know better their character, and you come to trust them and make real, true friends. It doesn't matter what they look like, the way they dress, or anything else for that matter, when you can read deep into their soul. That's the most important part of a friendship... knowing a person inside out. I feel we have that facility here, especially in Mylot, and that's why a lot of great friendships have arisen out of it.
Brightest Blessings my friend, and thank you for your contribution.
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
Now, Purple... thank you, my dear friend... the feeling is mutual as I'm sure you well know by now. There's this eerie draw don't you think, to come on Mylot and find your friends. Sometimes, it's quiet and quite disheartening, but you know if you go off somewhere else for a half hour and return, they will have arrived in Mylot and have found your discussions. Thus, you're happy again!
As I said to Beauty, I feel that because there's the absence of sight, touch and expression on the Internet, you get to know what a person is really like on the inside. You get to know their hopes, their fears, what makes them happy and what brings a tear... it's a more intimate relationship in that respect, because knowing the person on the inside, is more important to my way of thinking, than what they look like and how they move. I think trust develops from that, and we begin to be less inhibited with each other, as we grow closer. Internet friendships are just as special as physical ones, in my book. As I said before, I really treasure the friendship I've found here, especially in Mylot, and you are one of those unique treasures, my dear friend.
Only three days to go!!! Stay well and happy! Brightest Blessings to you and yours. xx
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
19 May 09
I agree it is a sweet sentiment, Darkwing is such a sweetie and I love her to pieces! I think online friends have enriched everyone's life, even the people with so many friends off line then they'd ever know what to do with!
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@hiddenwing (3719)
• China
19 May 09
Wow, Thanks goodness! I read a great discussion today! Yeah, mylot has chanced me a lot! It was but last year, my tutor told me I really wrote like crap! I am a postgraduated student and I have to write some science paper! The editor won't pay attention to my writing that close! However, at learst, I should let him or her know what I was talking about! My research is good while my explanation is confused. Without clear writing, I am not going anywhere with my research results. It used to bother me a lot! After mylotting for month, my writing skill has improved a lot. Now, you know, my primary target here is to improve my writing. Thus, I try to find some well-written discussion every time. It turned out that I was sort of disappointed sometimes. Luckily, I found one today! It is my great honour.
@Darkwing (21583)
20 May 09
Awww... thank you. I'm glad I could be of help to you. I gather you're studying English... am I right? Well, if so, good luck to you. It's not the easiest language in the world to learn, or indeed to write in, my friend. If you ever feel you could do with some help, please don't hesitate to PM me. I will be glad to help you.
I feel Mylot has changed me a lot too. My Internet experience is a much happier one since I joined the site, and I have found a lot of lovely friends; some more special than others, but all treasures in their own way. They've helped me learn, helped me understand and most of all, been there for me through good times and bad. That's why I like Mylot so much and why I spend so much time interacting with others.
Well, after only a month, your writing skills are not at all bad, and I feel you'll progress as time goes on, probably ending up speaking and writing English better than me... a U.K. citizen. lol.
Brightest Blessings my friend, and thank you for your contribution. I'm so glad you enjoyed my discussion.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
20 May 09
i must say that some of my online friends are just as near and dear to me as my friends i see daily. there are so amazing people here on mylot. some are no longer here, but they too have taught me wonderful life lessons. Mylot to me is one of the best sites on the internet today. it's a site where you can met real people who are just wonderul, and get paid. what is better then that!

@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 09
I agree... you can't get much better than that, my friend! I feel that sometimes, online friends become closer to you than your offline friends. It depends on how much time you spend here, I guess, but I definitely seem to see more of my online friends. It's so expensive to go out often, and we end up just passing the time of day with most of our offline friends. Therefore, I think we have the opportunity to form a stronger bond online.
Brighest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
22 May 09
What an awesome post!! It is clear you put a lot of time and thought into this posting. Like you, I have been blessed by the people I have connected to over the years. I believe I know the two women you have referred to. If I am right, I am glad I have these women in my life. The internet has opened the door for us to socialize outside of our normal comfort zone. I have met one person. It was nice to be able to put a voice to the person. Mylot has allowed me to see topics from many different viewpoints.
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@Darkwing (21583)
24 May 09
Awwww... thank you, my friend. You probably do know the two women, as they're both on your friends list, I believe. There are others too, who are pretty strong characters but who haven't had to face the same traumas. Nevertheless, they're good people and work hard to succeed in life. They give, regardless of what they can afford, or need themselves, and they care about their friends. Some are not so strong, but never worry about asking for help, as they feel they can confide their troubles in you, which is a great feeling, because it pleases me to be trusted and to be able to help. We all have different ranges of knowledge and wisdom and sharing is a big part of forming a friendship with trust and loyalty.
I've now met eight of my online friends in person, and each of them have their own character, but when it comes down to friendship, they've all been most receptive and welcoming, and I love them all, just the same as those I haven't met. They know they can always contact me by phone, and if there's a problem, I'll make my best attempt to be there offering a hand. That's what it's all about, huh? The other benefit of Mylot as you say, is that we can get a wider perspective of life from others, from the discussions. I feel that from that, we learn to grow in spirit and realise the value of life and wisdom.
Brightest Blessings, my friend, and thank you for your contribution. x
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
19 May 09
with out a doubt, I spend most of my internet time on mylot, but another site that holds a special charm for me is Misc Cat topics on AOL discussion boards I have many friends there and still look in to it several times a week.
I often cross post if there is anything about cats I want to share on both forums since I don't think there is any overlap.
because some people have left AOL one of the members started a Yahoo group called Misc Cats that I am also a member of to keep up with those members.
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
Yes, I think most of us are drawn to Mylot because the majority of people in here are very interesting, caring and each has their own "specialist" subject, about which they can advise others. Of course, there are the not so friendly members, but there's a sense of unity amongst friends here that overcomes all that, and we just seem to carry on in the same old way. I love the site. Your cat ones sound interesting too. Places to meet people of like mind who have experience with cats and can share their knowledge on all aspects of cat ownership. There are a lot of pet owners here too, who would probably value those sites.
Brightest Blessings my friend, and thank you for your contribution.
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
19 May 09
Honestly hun Msn was always the best way for me to keep in touch with friends I had already made off line, BUT since joining here I have met a lot of amazing people! The people I have met here I feel really close to, know I can write about just about anything and they will understand, I can always go to for support and encouragement, I know they will always give me their honest opinion even if it hurts, and I feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky for the friends I have made here! 

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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09

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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
You sound like Meatloaf... you got me singing now! lol.
I know that on Yahoo, I can have a friend on my list who, when they log on to MSN, I can see they're online and converse with them across the two messengers. It has to be set up though, by migrating your MSN friends in. I don't know whether they do the same from MSN's end mind.
The little mite (or big mite) had better not play shy on us! lol. I can't wait! I think I'm almost as excited as you!
Roll on Friday!

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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
19 May 09
You took the words right out of my mouth! I couldn't have said it better myself! I love thius site and love all of the friends I have made here
. I didn't know that Yahoo and Msn had teamed up!?! Hope you have an excellent week, and I will be sure to have a discussion for you on Friday when I get back from the ultrasound
. That is IF they can tell me what I'm having and baby isn't playing shy. 

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@britzjoecel (95)
19 May 09
First of all, i admire your thoughts on how the internet taught something to us. Yes that's true two thumbs up!...
@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
Thank you... I truly believe that the Internet can not only teach us academic things but it teaches us about life, people, cultures and beliefs. Mylot is a great place to learn all of these things.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
23 May 09
Hello Dark Wing. First of all i know i miss-spelled your name, but i wanted to give it a meaning (for me :D).
I have met online friends from a game i played with my best friend about 5 years ago. We have had a few meetings with them, and i say a few because they were scattered all around the country. We have even met some of them in the middle of the country when we went in vacation as only one was living in the city we were visiting, and the others came from the close towns (when i say close, i mean over 100 km) by train.
Thinking of mylot i haven't met any of the people here live, it would be quite hard as many of my friends are from abroad, and the few that are in my country are not active, or i have not been to close friends with.
I do have some good friends on mylot, from various countries (Philippines and USA do come to my mind more often though :P).
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@Darkwing (21583)
24 May 09
You didn't misspell my name. I write it like that sometimes because some sites require a first and last name. lol.
Yes, sometimes, there's a lot of travelling involved to meet online friends. I did go to the States to meet one... my first ever long-haul flight, which was a bit daunting. I stayed in Oregon for four weeks and was shown some beautiful places. All the friends I've met personally from the internet, have been wonderful people, very warm and welcoming characters, for which I'm very grateful. They not only welcome me into their lives but involve me in their family lives as well, which is a really good feeling of trust. I've had some great times with meeting my internet friends and I get to travel too! What could be better? I doubt I'll be going as far as Australia though!
I hope you continue to enjoy your time spent with internet friends! Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.

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@jazzsue58 (2666)
19 May 09
People are the same on the net as they are face-to-face - I've 'met' some lovely people, especially those I write for - people seem more appreciative of your efforts on the net than they do in real life!Real life ... interesting way of looking at it ... hmmm.
A lot of people use the net as a weapon to hide behind, though. I've had experience of that - a really nasty piece of work who ran her own 'paranormal' chatroom and used to pounce on those she thought were disobeying her 'rules'. I got kicked off for having the sin of my puter going down when I was on the chatroom - she thought I was 'dissing' her. Stupid cow.
Worrying thing was, she claimed to be a schoolteacher.
So why was she recording live chat sessions 24/7 on ghostchatter then?Whoops - think I broke a MyLot rule there!Anyhow, one bad apple out of god knows how many million good barrels isn't too bad, I reckon.
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
Yes, I've met some very special people too, and on the whole, they're in the majority. That may be because I'm a little selective as to whom I befriend, but just the same, I turned out to be correct, as I've met up with a handful of them, and each has become a close friend.
As you say, there are those who pretend they're something they're not, just in a vain attempt to make friends online which they can't find off it... I wonder why? lol. There are those who lie their way through life and purport to be somebody they're not. There are some pretty dodgy people around, but on the whole, I've been pretty lucky, and Mylot has been one of the best places to make friends.
Lol... I don't think you broke a rule, as you didn't post a link. I often mention other sites by their name, but you're not spamming for referrals so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Anyway, my take is that online or offline, the ratios of "good" and "bad" are pretty balanced and similar. Thank you for your contribution my friend, and Brightest Blessings.
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@Ultimamagix (36)
• United States
19 May 09
The internet has introduced to us, a whole new breed of people. Ones who doent take the responcibility for their actions. If you look around most forums, you'll see people who act as if they were five years old. They just act so carelessly like they are invincible and nothing they say could ever come out to haunt them. I think that the friends you make online are not as good as the friends you make in person.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
19 May 09
Internet has taught a most vital thing about people.I have learned that people all over the world have the same emotions.Here in India there is always a kind of misconception that the people from the western countries are not as sentimental or as sensitive to the family relationships.My time in mylot proved that this is not so and human beings all over the world are the same basically.This made me to come a little closer to my white friends without any inhibitions.I think that this is a an awakening for me and I just love this feeling.I cherish the friendship of my online friends like you as the experience is always interesting,fun and educative.'I love you all The beautiful people'.

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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
That's right, my friend. In make-up, both inside and outside, we are all the same. The colour of our skin is due to the amount of sun we have in our country, and our skin pigment. It doesn't make us any different at all. Fat, slim, tall, short, dark, light, whatever, our souls... our emotions and sensitivity, are all the same.
What makes us different is our cultures and our beliefs. However, none of these can be wrong because they are merely beliefs... how we perceive the creation of the Universe, Earth, animal and human life. None of our evidence is concrete... it's just beliefs passed down, through the religious books and organisations. So, how can any of us be wrong? What's all the fighting about? Isn't it far better to understand that we all have the right to choose our beliefs and follow our country's culture, and to love one another for what we are inside, rather than what we believe?
Mylot has overcome a lot of the inhibitions you speak of, for us. They seem to have created a reasonably amicable, peaceful place, where we can all meet and make friends, and where several of those friendships thrive and grow. If there are any infiltrating trouble causers, the friends unite and stand together. Problem solved. If anybody is going through a bad patch in life, the others rally round in support and if anybody is on a high because they've achieved something, others rally round, celebrate and dance with them. That's what friendship is all about, and that's what I love about the Mylot site and the friends I've made here. I shall treasure them all till the end of my computer days.
You, dear Bala, are one of those friends, and I thank you dearly for trusting me, and indeed for your contribution to my discussion. Brightest Blessings, my friend.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Internet can't teach you about people, but you get to learn about the different Culutues.
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@Darkwing (21583)
26 Jun 09
Yes, I find that a very interesting aspect of internet contact with people from different countries. I love to learn about the cultures and beliefs around the world. It's surprising when you do, how similar our basic beliefs are whichever path we follow.
Brightest Blessings my friend and thank you for your contribution.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
19 May 09
I have been in online communities for years and have met some very nice people, I guess the best people I met are the ones that subscribe for my e-zine, I just don't know what I would do with out them, they have helped me in so many different ways just as I have helped them.
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
I think that although there are the "nasties" around, there are a lot of special people to be found on the Internet. It's just a matter of working out which are the better ones to befriend. It's like in all communities, there are special people, nice people, and then those who are not so nice. We learn to differentiate between them, thus "choosing" our friends, and leaving behind us those to whom we can't relate. You attract nice people, my friend, and I'm happy to hear that you've been supported to success with your e-zine.
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution.

@ellie333 (21016)
19 May 09
Hi Darkwing, What a lovely discussion topic. I think for me the internet has taught me that people online are really just like those in real life some are straight and upfront and honest and some are always hiding their real self, some are very loving and kind and others are down right rude and nasty just as in life. You my friend are very special to me and in fact the very first person I met in real life after chatting here through myLot although I was also blessed to have met P1key too and his lovely wife too. I have close relationships with a few I have met here and chat on the phone or email and I believe these friendships to be just as important as the friends I have offline. I also have a lot of aquaintances online the same as in life, some people you immediately gel with and others you do not. MyLot is a site that although I haven't spent that much time here recently has a special place in my heart and is a site I will always visit and it is the only one I have met friends on as on the social networking sites they are already people I know anyway. I have recently been spending more time on another site but I have deactivated my account temporarily to wean myself off of it as I was wasting so much time playing games which was distracting me from other things I needed to attend to. As I don't go out in the evenings as I have a young son MyLot is in fact my social life in the evenings once he is asleep and I find it very interesting read the thoughts and opinions of people from all cultures all around the world. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
Hi Ellie, and thank you. Yes, you're right... people are no different really but it's easier to take on a false character when you have no physical contact. The upturn here is that you get to know first, what a person is like on the inside. This, I feel, is more important than looks, at least. Touch, I feel is important but then maybe you'll come across somebody you don't want to touch! lol. What I'm trying to say is that if you're astute enough, you'll be able to differentiate between the person who purports to be something their not, those who tell lies, and the genuine people. The former always come a cropper sooner or later, because they forget what the truth is, and they get sussed! The latter, the genuine friends, you get to know well. They don't hide anything and they open their heart to you because trust grows from knowing a person's inner self. I suppose instinct plays a big part in it too... you seem to instinctively know whether you feel comfortable with somebody or whether the warning lights are flashing in your head. Then often, from the trust, openness and honesty, comes the meeting. So far, I've been lucky, and my friendships have grown through meetings, except for perhaps the odd one or two, who through other avenues, went sour, but that's all behind me. As is my trait, I say my piece and move on!
The true friends I've made have stayed with me, and I truly value them. Wow... was I really the very first person you met physically? That's amazing, and the feeling is mutual, my dear friend. Even though we hadn't spoken many times, you invited me to your home and made me feel very welcome. That surely was a meeting waiting to happen, and I feel the timing of it was a very important milestone in my life. Ok... things went a bit awry, but all's well now and I think my journey down there perhaps taught me a lot, and taught a.n.other as well. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a welcoming friend at that time.
As for going out in the evening, I too am a little restricted. I have plenty of friends around here, but finances limit the number of times you can spend socialising and you don't always feel like venturing out anyway. There are times when you just want to close the door on the world and chill out. That's when I come to Mylot and spend time with my online friends, some of whom, like you, are physical friends also. My computer is perhaps my biggest friend, but Mylot has initiated a lot of friendships for me. Some have come and gone, others have stayed but they each play a very important role in my life. I love the site and really value the treasures of friends I've found here, including the lovely lady from Devon!
If we have trouble with physical, or local friends, we know we can come on here and talk openly and honestly about things. There is always a friend who will listen without bias, and help us through our darkest hours. I feel there's just something special and bonding about online friends.
Brightest Blessings my dear friend, and thank you for your contribution. I hope all's going well for you just now. xx

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@ellie333 (21016)
19 May 09
Hi Darkwing, Yet another book response by you LOL, lovely lady from Devon, wonder who she could be LOL, thank you. Changes still happening but I know it will all turn out for the better in the long run, yes at times your online friends can give very unbiased opinions whereas people caught up in a situation and friends locally cannot I agree. I am just so pleased you posted that Mists of Avalon discussion all that time ago as it was that discussion that allowed our friendship to start blossoming. Love and huggles. Ellie :D
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
Ha ha... yep, there's no stopping me once I get my teeth into something, and you know very well who the lovely lady from Devon is! Wow... you just reminded me of that elderly lady on the bus. I kept bumping into her whilst I was there... amazing, but perhaps not as important as other things, as it had faded a little from my mind.
Well, I have spoken to my friend, and I'm not sure what the situation is there, or when the visit, but he says he's coming over soon, and perhaps I can grab a few words with him then, to find out what the situation is. I know you're strong enough and wise enough to deal with what's going on but when they break down your strength, it's time to ask for help... so don't hesitate, ok?
I'm glad I posted the "Mists" discussion as well. Isn't it strange how things happen sometimes, when you stop and think about them. It all marries up together, people and places, plus the timing is impecable! lol. I'm sure our friendship will continue to blossom for a very long time... I sure hope so, anyway. xxx
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@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
19 May 09
I think what I learnt from the internet is that it can show the true side of people as they are not afraid to attack anybody because obviously most people in the internet can hide behind a username and in the internet people are not afraid to express themselves no matter how timid they are in the real life.
I also learned that some people treat internet as a real place and also get hurt by words which shows that words can hurt somebody although the ones that said it to us dont even know us.
@Darkwing (21583)
19 May 09
It's true what you say that people drop their inhibitions online, but it's also true that some cover up, hiding behind the darkness of their computer. Some use this lowering of their inhibitions as a tool to hurt people, but others are sincere and very nice people. We have to learn when to trust and when not to trust by getting to know these people's inner selves. Those who hide their true character under a cloak of deceit and lies, will invariably trip themselves up sooner or later, whilst those who are sincere, will remain constantly sincere. It's not awfully difficult to differentiate if you're alert at all times, and don't let your guard down. I'm always a little apprehensive at first but I think I'm able to select the sincere people from the pile, and thus, have made some good friends here. You have to trust people sometimes, or you'll never have a friend in the world.
Words can hurt, but if not uttered by somebody you're close to, they're irrelevant and can be put behind you. Brightest Blessings my friend, and thank you for your contribution.
@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
19 May 09
Yes, I agree with you. But I dont really trust people on the internet 100% not that it matters because I never met any in real life. Words can always hurt people even online. All you have to do is hit personal attacks and a sensitive person will retaliate.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
15 Jun 09
Hi Darkwing you were there when I needed you, and I hope we can be online frinds for years to come. You have given me some some support when things where not going right in my life. You are a very nice person, and I like you very much, I am glad I met you. Have a nice day! Hope you week goes well!