***Liar liar pants on fire!!!*** Grrrr...

@tabsnlos (587)
United States
May 18, 2009 10:26pm CST
One of my husbands old buddies is what you would call a pathological liar who lies about any and everything under the sun. Why?? I don't really know... Maybe he likes making stories up, or the extra attention he might get from others. Or maybe his life just isn't all that interesting, so he makes things up to spice up his life stories. Whatever his deal is, its pretty annoying. He is a cool person to be around, but its to the point you can't believe a word he say. He gets called out on a bunch of his lies, but it won't stop him...he just keeps on lying.. Oh well Does anyone else know someone who is like that? Why do you think they lie so much?
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16 responses
@flaredust (728)
• Indonesia
19 May 09
I know that, because i've met that kind of person. First is my ex-neighbor, and second is my step sister. When someone meet them at first time, they probably don't know if they're liar, but if you do live near them just one day.. only one day! You actually know that there's something not right about them. They talk like everything about them is big, their career, their status, their husband, their children.. everything is big, that make people sick of listening it. But in the real world thay're just one unsignificant person. They do that only to cover up their weakness. They're so weak and have no skill, they can only speak, so they use that "skill". Just ignore them and you're find
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@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
19 May 09
I see your point. Its pretty annoying!! I wonder if they remember all their lies? Thanks for sharing!!
1 person likes this
• Canada
19 May 09
I think they might remember all of the lies so they never get "busted", but you'd think with that that many lies they'd slip up somewhere! Welcome to MyLot flaredust!
• Indonesia
19 May 09
Of course it is annoying, moreover if those people is live close to you. But as i said before, don't waste time with them. We have much more valuable thing to do with our time beside confronting them. Ye i'm newbie here, but i'm enjoying myLot
• Canada
19 May 09
Ohhh yes, my daughter (18) has a friend that is like that we let him stay with us for a month or so and everytime he went out he came back with some drama that happened on his travels it was proven over and over he was lying but he just kept doing it. One day my daughter straight out told him your such a BS er no one believes a word you say and he had the nerve to get angry at her, he packed up and left and even tried to have someone come after her. He was so un beleiveable he even went to the extent of stealing from us a few years back when my daughter used to have alot of friends over, we would notice stuff missing like a braclett and an old cell phone etc..He would say it was probably J or P or R and a day or 2 later he would show up and say "I ran into R and he had your braclet and I punched him out and here it is! And he gave it back, he did that with every item that went missing!! WHY?? I think he wanted attention, to feel important and for my daughter and I to like him ...Truth is I think it goes way deeper than that because from what I hear now he lies to everyone even his family. Bad huh?
• Canada
21 May 09
Your welcome, I couldnt help myself lol. This guy was one in a million totally ungreatful. Now it seems to run in the family, his sister and my daughter were friends too. She called my daughter day and night with boyfriend problems or some other drama in her life and my daughter was always there for her, she would even get up at 3 am and go to her house to support her. After many situations like this I said to my daughter " why doesnt she ever hang out with you anymore, but sure calls when she has drama in her life" After two more of these situations my daughter finally mentioned it to her the other day. She said she felt like she was being used and only being called when she needs something. Well she got so mad at my daughter, name calling you name it and this girl is 20+ years old and no maturity she even involved all these other people instead of talking it out with my daughter like adults. So I guess where that family is concerned lies and drama are inhereted in the siblings anyway lol.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
19 May 09
Oh wow thats Horrible! And to think, you took him in and thats how he repays you! He has a lot of nerve! I hope he is out of your lives for good! Thanks for sharing!
2 people like this
• India
20 May 09
I think they lie so much coz they have been brought up with the wrong values and appreciation of life. They think the good things of life, the money, the social status, the fun and frolic are all that matter. They do not understand the inherent beauty of a simple life. I know someone like that...she lies about her lifestyle to anybody and everybody caring to listen. Whatever she does, or buys or uses are over-the-top costly items. Her story falls thru as we have never seen her true to her words in her daily behaviour but I think we all are too polite to challenge her.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
20 May 09
Yea, I am the same way. I just let him talk. He is not a bad guy, you know...he just lies...It doesn't hurt anyone but himself, so I just let him. Thanks!
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
20 May 09
some people out there tend to use lying as a way to get people's trust and take advantage of people and they seem to get what they want by lying and so they keep doing it. they can fool easily by their sweet words and what seem to be sincere actions. i try to stay away from them and i also make it sure i won't easily get trapped by their words.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
20 May 09
Thanks for sharing!
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
21 May 09
I used to have a friend who is also a pathological liar. At first I really pitied him because there were so many hardships that happened in his life, so I tolerated him. But eventually, his lies kept on getting worse to the point that he was already telling things that people know are highly unlikely if not impossible. We drifted apart and now I don't talk to him anymore.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
21 May 09
Thanks for sharing!!
@joy1234 (33)
• India
20 May 09
We all lie,but to some extend.If somebody randomly tell lies then better be careful.He/She may mislead you.So try to avoid such persons.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
20 May 09
• Canada
19 May 09
Ahhhhhhhh yes, I know a guy that lies so much I think he believes himself! It's so annoying, disgusting, and just plain stupid! I can't believe that he can say half the things he does, and sadly I'm pretty sure he believes it! I think the reasons he lies so much is the reasons you said either his life is really that boring, the extra attention, or he has a serious problem and doesn't even realize he's doing it!
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
19 May 09
Haha... Yea they probably do believe their own lies... Its sad but probably true! It just amazes me evertime I hear something outragous come out from his mouth... I just can't understand the reasons behind it. Thanks for sharing!!
1 person likes this
• Brisbane, Australia
19 May 09
I do have friend of same character and habit. He is totally into looking someone's flaws and weaknesses. He is not intelligent or smart but I can count him as clever. He starts talking about dressing sense, hairstyles, other people and same time he will say I am not that great but "touch wood".. now what this touch wood stands for? Total show off talks and I am not at all interested in that crap talk then also he keep saying all stuff to me and he give lot of lectures to change myself even though I am better than him.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
19 May 09
Yea thats annoying!!! Thanks for sharing
@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
19 May 09
My brother is a pathalogical liar. I love him because he's my brother but he wouldn't know the truth if it bopped him in the nose. We get tickled at him sometimes because he will tell a lie about a particular subject. and then a week later he will tell a lie that contradicts the first lie just proving to us he is lying. lol. In other words he lies so much he can't keep his own lies straight. I don't know why they do it. Attention maybe? I know he has this bad thing about no matter what my other brother does, he has to make it sound like he has done the same thing. Only bigger and better.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
19 May 09
Yea for the most part, this friends lies are harmless and are ususally all about him. I never really get to catch him in a lie, because I am usually with the girls hanging out when hes at my house, but my husband will tell me later of all the lies he was caught it! LOL... I tell ya, you think he would learn by now. Its alsmost to the point where all the friends are waiting to just catch him in a lie, just to call him out on it.
@littleone3 (2063)
19 May 09
One of my friends is like that. She lies about everything. I think she does it just to get attention. Every time me or another friend told her we were pregnant she would say she was, then just a few days later she said she had miscarried. I now do not believe anything she says. Like I tell everyone if she tells you it is raining outside you should go and check as you do not now if she is telling the truth. But the thing is that she often trips her self up with her lies because she will tell you one thing and tell you something completely different the next day. I just hope that her three children do not pick up her habit of lying.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
19 May 09
I hope her kids don't start lying like her too!! Thanks for sharing!
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
19 May 09
Hi Tabsnlos, I used to put up with this every working day. One of my colleagues lies about almost everything. She talks about herself, husband, children and family & exaggerates a lot. She boasts a lot too - I think she feels very inferior and insecure. One of the topics she always emphasises is how much her husband loves her, and how he obeys her every command - we found out that the reverse is the real situation. I finally put an end to her nonsense - I started questioning her in detail about every situation that she tried to lie or exaggerate. So she doesn't talk much to me, or boasts in front of me - I am really thrilled !
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
19 May 09
Awesome! You are so lucky! I wish that would work on this guy, but it doesn't...he keeps lying....even after he is caught.
@rainmark (4302)
19 May 09
I know lots of people like that. It would be okay if they lies something as a joke. But if they lie about a serious thing that's not good to me. They even sometimes steal on me and lie that she never stolen my stuff or my money. It burst my head! and it's so shame if your family do it to you!
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
19 May 09
Yea that would be a shame to have a family member do that to you! Thanks for sharing!
@Ahmone19 (28)
• United States
19 May 09
My step father is a pathological liar. He makes the craziest things up I've ever heard in my life, it makes me wonder if he isn't insane sometimes. The biggest problem is that he actually believes his own lies, and if you try to call him out he gets all angry because we don't believe him. Of course he will lie about anything and everything as well, even the smallest things that wouldn't even bother me if he had just told me the truth in the first place. I don't know why he lies so much, and how he actually believes himself is beyond me, he must be truly ill.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
19 May 09
Wow...that really sucks! Thanks for sharing!
• United States
7 Jul 09
I've known two people like that. One, my aunt, worked in sales her entire life before she had major spinal cord surgery, and she has very good methods of manipulating people into doing what she wants as well as lying. My mom has called her out on lies many, many times, but it seems to be a part of her as much as her name. The other person is my birth sister. I was adopted, and the first time I saw my birth family, my sister began making things up at the top of her head. I didn't know what was going on until I learned she was schizophrenic (sp?). It's not the same as a pathological liar, but it's just as confusing! My birth sister is better now...she's taking medication that helps her with that...but with my aunt, I think she lies so much because she's used to the extra attention it brings her. She's naturally a very selfish person, so anything that gives her that extra attention she will cling to. I've also known people that, when asked a question they don't know the answer to, will make up an answer just to appear knowledgable. My grandpa is one of these people. It's actually quite funny before it gets plain annoying. :) Thanks for the discussion idea...now I'm remind of how messed up my family truly is! :)
@kelpie (190)
• United States
30 May 09
I know lots of people who do it. I think it is something like a disorder of sorts. I think they do it so much that they don't even realize they are lying. I can't help but ignore these people, since my step father was one of them, and I really, really, really, REALLY despise my step father.
• United States
5 Jul 09
i know this is gonna sound kind of lame. but maybe he just wants to be liked. i seen that in a episode of leave it to beaver. it in black in white it think from back in the day have u seen it? well i always wondered why ppl lied also then this episode came on. its like how some kids exacterate things to make them n it sound so cool. n maybe he did it as a kid n he just hasn't grew out of it. he may never will. i hope someone confronts him about it. tell them there sick n tired of it. they like him for who he is they wouldn't hang out with them if they didn't. "we don't hang out with u for ur stories" something like that. n no i don't kno anyone who lies that much but this dude in my class got called out on it. i kno he does it to fit in. he usually just gets picked on he has a very high voice for a guy. like micheal jackson just a little lower n much more annoying.