I Have An Honest Question But, How To Word It Correctly Is The Key....

Christians and Jews - I hope this picture is appropriate for I tried to find one that fits this discussion.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
May 18, 2009 11:07pm CST
Is being Jewish a race or a religion? The reason I ask is, I was brought up to believe it's a race in which Jesus Christ is not believed to be the Savior so in that case, it makes me believe that it is a religion. Or is it both? I'm confused. Let me explain why I ask. A childhood friend of mine had told me that being Jewish is not a race but a religion. You see, she being a Christian had married a Jewish man and had two children by him. This man was so abusive towards her both mentally and physically. I couldn't stand him because of how he belittled my friend on a constant basis. They did eventually get a divorce. His parents had money. I mean, they were very well off so he managed to get custody of the kids because of some mistakes that my friend had made by moving around too much. She didn't have a lot of money and had to go where she could to survive but she kept her children with her. Now all of this information is really beside the point. One day I had asked her if the children were being raised Christian or Jewish and she said they were Christians. Then she proceeded to tell me that being Jewish isn't a race but a religion. Now I am confused! The kids were born of a Jewish father and a Christian mother but they believe Christ is our Savior. So what are they? Christian Jews? Please understand that I mean no offense to anybody and their religion, I'm just wanting to set the record straight, if you will, in the correct terms on this. So what is being Jewish? A religion? A race? Or is it both? Another question, What if a Jewish person converts to the Christian faith, what are they then called? (I feel like I'm going around in circles trying to explain my confusion!) Religion has been one of the most fascinating yet most misunderstood subjects in this world and I'm willing to stick my arm out there to hear the answer.
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16 responses
• United States
19 May 09
People of all different races and nationalities are Jewish. People who are truly Jewish believe in and practice Judaism, and have gone through a conversion process.... Orthodox Judaism - The convert must make a lifelong commitment to Orthodoxy, be immersed in a ritual bath in the presence of witnesses, and (men) be circumsized in the presence of witnesses. Conservatve Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Reconstructionist Judaism - The convert must go through a period of learning and growth, be immersed in the bath, and be circumsized (either physically or symbolically). In short, it is a religion. The Jewish believe that "any God fearing human being who lives justly and does good is 'assured' a place in the world to come." If your parents (even one of them) were Jewish, you are labelled Jewish yourself. If you become Jewish either through converting or growing up to follow the religion and decide to change to, say, Christianity, the Jewish community still considers you to be Jewish.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
19 May 09
Ok, so lets say this, this man's parents practiced Judaism so they're Jewish and so they raised their son to be Jewish however, he doesn't practice the religion but being that his parents are Jewish, that makes him Jewish as well even though he doesn't practice it. Now he marries my friend who is a Christian and they had two children. He wins custody in the divorce. She gets to see them so many times a month and is raising them to be Christians. He's not raising them to be either, just raising his children. Supposedly, they believe in Christ being our Savior. So does that mean they're Christian Jews? If that's the case then being Jewish is a race. Can you see my logic here? I'm confused! lol
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• United States
19 May 09
They are Christians if they believe in Christ. It's actually the Jewish community that considers them to be Jewish no matter what. But if they are being raised Christian, then that is what they are.
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@harmonee (1228)
• United States
19 May 09
First off, I am by no means an expert or even a great source of information on this subject, but as I understand it, it is both a race and a religion. If Jesus was a Jew, then wouldn't it have to be a race? And we all know of it as a religion. It would be great of someone more educated on the subject would respond too though.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
19 May 09
You have a GOOD point there!! So maybe my friend was right after all? It is such a confusing subject and even trying to read the bible as it was written and even the so called translated ones are soooo confusing! Hopefully someone knows the answer for I am right curious on the answer! Thanks!!
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• United States
20 May 09
I am not an expert either but I do have some knowledge in this arena. My father was born a Jew. It is both a race and a religion. In order to be a Jew by race one must be born to a Jewish mother. Since my mother was not Jewish I therefore am not Jewish. Just as we are considered Americans because we were born to American parents or born in the USA (naturalization notwithstanding) those that are Jewish Americans are asked to return to the Holy Land and serve for 2 years in their military. They have dual citizenship. This makes them part of a society (race) and a faith (religion).
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
19 May 09
Cat this is a perfect question and you asked it very well. I have often wondered this same thing but had no one to ask. My mom once had a neighbor that was Jewish, I didn't know her well so couldn't ask alot of questions from her. She did tell me that the Jewish people believed that Jesus was a profet but not the son of God. I have always been confused about all this too, Jesus was Jewish himself. I hope you get lots of good answers. "Inquiring minds want to know".
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 May 09
Hi Polly! It seems that a number of people have answered that it's not a race but a religion. Come on here and check out the answers for they're really interesting!!
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
19 May 09
its a good question - on the whole, Jews are members of the Semitic "race" but actually more of a lingistic group. Many Arabs are also members of this "race" so being Jewish is a religion not a race.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 May 09
You are right, it is a religion, not a race. How interesting! Thanks!!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 May 09
Well I cheated a bit before answering, but looked it up and Judaism/Jews seem to be both considered as a race and religion. The Judaic "race" were tribal people who followed a religion, known as Judaism..confusing huh? Here are some links about it--the first article was written by a Rabbi, so he should know...LOL (Warning: NOT referral links but to articles about Judaism) http://clublet.com/why?JewishReligionOrRace http://judaism.about.com/od/orthodoxfaqenkin/f/raceorreligion.htm As far as Jesus being a Jew--he no doubt was raised in the "normal" manner of the Judaic religion, but I remember reading that as he got older he studied under the Essenes..a sect of Judaism that was different from the orthodox religion--as it says here: [i]The Essenes are what we might best call an apocalyptic sect of Judaism. An apocalyptic sect is one that thinks of itself as, first of all, the true form of their religion. In fact, that's part of their terminology. Again, using the prophet Isaiah, they think of themselves as the righteous remnant ... the chosen ones ... the elect. But they're also standing over against the mainstream ... most of Jewish life, and especially everything going on at Jerusalem. So they're sectarian. They're separatists. They're people who move away. [/i] Source: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/portrait/essenes.html As far as a Jewish person converting to Christianity, my take on it is, that they would still be considered Jewish, since it's considered a race as well--while a Christian IS a religion and NOT race, since one can be Christian but of Asian, white, African "race" Confused too?
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
19 May 09
YES! VERY! I'm wondering if there is an answer to this question at all!! lol Interesting but VERY confusing! Did you see the response just above yours? It's confusing too, I don't think there is a REAL and TRUE answer to this so we're all to guess and dance around the subject until we finally resolve the issue - when ever that might happen! Probably never! lol
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@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
19 May 09
Judaism is a religion. Children born of a Jewish mother are considered Jewish. The case of your friend, the children would not be Jewish by birth because their mother was Christian unless she converted. If she fully converted the children would be considered Jewish. Being born of a Jewish father does not make you Jewish. There are black jews like Sammy Davis Jr. so it is hard to consider Judaism as a race. Because Judaism originated in a certain region people confuse people from that region as all being Jewish. Somewhat like Muslims are considered Arabian, there are Christian Arabs as well as Muslim Arabs, and there are many white people who are Muslims. You can convert to being a Jew, it is harder to do so than converting to Christianity.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 May 09
Why does it have to be the mother that the child is born to to be considered one way or the other? Why not the father? I find this very interesting and am curious in the ways or workings of the Jewish faith. Not that I want to convert for I don't but I do find the ways of their religion fascinating. Anyway, thanks for explaining what you have!!
• Canada
22 May 09
I am not Jewish, so my knowledge is second hand. I am sure a Rabbi would be more than willing to explain all your questions. There are lots and lots of rules to follow, the exact nature and reason are beyond my sphere of knowledge.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 May 09
The Jews are the dependents of Abraham of the bible. His grandson was Jacob and had his name changed to Israel. God promised them the land they now occupy. Their religion is called Judaism. Through their history they have been dispersed through out the world because of their disobedience to God. They have been called Israelites and Hebrews. Their nationality is determined by the mother because as you know the father is hard to prove until now with DNA.
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
21 May 09
Being Jewish can be both a race and a religion. I think though that the race is called Hebrew. There are people of the Jewish tradition or religion, who then become Christians. Different Jewish Christian Groups go by different names, just as different Christians go by names like Baptist and Methodist. Two groups I can think of that make much of being Jewish and then saved are groups known as The Completed Jews, and then a group called Messianic Jews, and I believe I have heard of Jews for Jesus. Your friend's ex husband may have been Jewish by birth and not practicing any faith. The kids are part Jewish and are raised to celebrate the Christian faith.
• Canada
19 May 09
What exactly IS race? (a retorical question coming from a native English speaker, so I'm not asking about the word specifically). Skin colour? Black, white, Asian, Native American... ummm.... not really sure why race needs to exist. Ethnicity? My mother is from Denmark, my father is from Canada, therefore I'm a Danish Canadian. I'm a Canadian citizen, and what kind of Canadian? A Danish Canadian, since I have Canadian in me, as opposed to being a Canadian Dane (A Danish citizen with Canadian background). Religion? Christian Muslim Jewish Hindu Buddhist Pagan etc.... I'd say that Jews are a separate religious group, as are Christians, the others mentioned above, and many more. Now there are some religions like Judaism, and Islam that seem to have extreme cultural roots in certain places, or in certain "ethnic" behaviours (whereas a Christian may blend into the mainstream in North America, for example, a Muslim or a Jew might not, yet a Christian would not blend in in Israel, or Saudi Arabia...) I'd have to say that "Jewish" is a religion, as opposed to a race.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 May 09
Hi danishcanadian! I've gotten answers all over the board on this one but the most consistent answer I'm getting it that it's a religion and not a race. Very interesting indeed for I really did not know. But then it's said that if a child is born to a Jewish mother then they're Jewish in the eyes of the Jewish community however, if they're born to a nonJewish mother then they are not Jewish even if the father is. Very confusing. I wonder if I should've asked at all! lol
• United States
19 May 09
I hope this answers your question: Being Jewish is not a race because Jews do not share one common ancestry or biological distinction. People of many different races have become Jewish people over the years. Being Jewish is not a nationality Being Jewish is not a nationality because Jews have been dispersed throughout the world for almost two thousand years. People of many different nationalities are Jewish. Being Jewish is like being a citizen of a religious movement Being Jewish means you are a part of a religious movement. However, the great majority of Jews become a part of the religious movement through birth and not due to their beliefs or actions. In this way, being Jewish is like being a citizen of a religious movement. http://judaism.about.com/od/abcsofjudaism/a/beingjewish.htm A Jewish identity is automatically bestowed on the babies of Jewish mothers (according to Orthodox and Conservative Judaism) and of Jewish mothers or fathers (according to Reform Judaism). This Jewish identity stays with them throughout life even if they don't actively practice Judaism. If a person is not born Jewish, he/she can undergo the process of conversion to become a Jew. A person who was not born Jewish or has not gone through the conversion process is not considered a Jew even if he or she believes in Judaism and observes Jewish practices. The conversion process is very meaningful because it is the only way for a non-Jew to become Jewish.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 May 09
Wow whiteheather! I didn't know there were different types of Jewish religions! That is very interesting!! You've really did your research on this and it really is interesting to learn about how one does this and that and they why's of it all. Thanks!! Very interesting!!
• United States
20 May 09
I think its kinda both. You can be Jewish but not have Jewish beliefs. So I think that second part is a choice. I know of people who are of Jewish hertiage but are actually not they are Christian or go Christian. So I guess being Jewish is like being American or Irish. But believing things that are Jewish not just letting it be a part of you is the religion part. Its kinda confusing but how I understand it.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
19 May 09
Hey cats! Being Jewish is a religion! I was born into a Jewish family. Both of my parents were Jewish. If as in your friends case children are born into a family where the mother is Christian and the father is Jewish, usually the children are given the mother's religion which as you said in this family the children were raised as Christians. Depending on the family sometimes the children are raised as both Jewish and Christian and when they are old enough to decide they can pick one religion or the other or stay with both! But, being Jewish is a religion, not a race! I hope this answers your questions, if not I will be happy to explain further.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 May 09
Hey Opal! Thanks for explaining it for me! I was so hoping I worded it correctly and not offend anyone. I love to learn about different religions and different races with their cultures and such. I find it very fascinating to learn the ins and outs of things. Thanks for explaining!! I think I get it now! Hugs!!
• United States
19 May 09
Its a religion, Jewish people are christians but they believe that jesus just hasn't come yet.
• United States
20 May 09
They aren't Christians because they don't believe that Christ was the messiah, though they do believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a great prophet (As does the Quaran.)
• United States
19 May 09
Its both, technically. The race is Hebrew, actually, not Jewish... The religion is Judaism. Within the religion there are a lot of rules that dictate whether or not the blood has been passed (like blue eyes or curly hair) which is usually decided by the lineage of the mother.
@justinus (1104)
• Karawaci, Indonesia
19 May 09
Hello, I am Christian (Catholic), let me joint to share my opinion : To me Jewish is primarily TRIBE and not race, because race has to do with mostly continent such as Asia, Europe and Africa or Original American (Indian) but Jewish is also religion according to their believe,rooted at Judaism. FOr example you my friend as US citizen but you believe and Jewish religion worshiper I think, you are canbe called as Jewish in term your faith or your religion. But you are not included into Jewish tribe, perhaps you are Spanish descent or even you are Chinese descent. Jewish as religion doesn't believe in Jesus Christ although Jesus Christ is born and indeed Jewish blood, a man who was born from Jewish parents even at Jewish culture ! Thats my opinion I wish it meet your question, I am not expert in sociology or anthropolgy and only think according to my logical mind. But above all was I need to post and often didnt know what to post and this time I was interested to your topic, see as more than 3 years myLot member I posted only less than 400 ... thank you for choosed this interesting topic so that I can write my latest post.. see you again.
• Malta
19 May 09
Jesus was a Jew because that was the religion he believed in. I mean, Christianity didn't exist before Christ, but Jesus followed a religion and it is stated in the Bible that he went to pray in the synagogue. He also was a Jew because he followed that religion: he followed the Sabbath rites and that is where the communion in catholic religion was born, he was following the Easter and he had supper with his disciples. So Judaism is a religion, and they cannot believe in Jesus Christ, because Christianity was born after Judaism.