Do you have your own website???

Hawaii - Lots of money can take you places, like Hawaii
@Beertjie (976)
South Africa
May 19, 2009 2:35am CST
I just read a magazine article that says you can make good money from the internet if you have your own website. Do you have a website andearning of it? What is your site about?How do you get a website and make it popular? This sounds like it can be a fun way of earning, together with mylot... Please share... Thanks
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15 responses
@arkasen (748)
• India
19 May 09
At present I don't have a web site. I have also heard that we could earn handsome amount of money from a web site. The most difficult think for me is to determine what should be the web site all about and how I will be able to bring traffic to my site. If I find some definite answer to these questions then I will definitely like to build a web site and earn from it.
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@stanlee81 (381)
• China
19 May 09
Well,that is true if you have your own site.However,i am still out of this group.By the way,if you have a successful blog and that could atrract a lot of readers and can make a great traffic.I think you still could get a wonderful extra cash from your blog.Anyway,i'll have a try when i have some time.Good luck in this community!
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@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
24 May 09
Well it is only true if you have a site that people are looking for...I do have 4 sites of my own but they are about like here..they are Forum sites but they dont pay but we have alot of fun on is a graphic site where people can get graphics with their names on them to use at other sites and one is a cooking/recipe site where you can find all kinds of recipes for what ever you re cooking...and the others are TV site and another graphic should check them out sometime you have free.
@loneleaf (165)
• China
22 May 09
I didn't have a website own me, as making a website is a big program and it cann't be finished by one or two days, this is a time-wasting job and needs high tech ability. Long ago, I try to make a website but give it up later, for the sake of time and tech ability. As for the earnings from the website, I never thought it, heihei!
@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
21 May 09
I have my own website. I created it myself. I'm not sure if it is even popular but I just created it to share some info, games, links and sing-along music with lyrics. It is not intended to earn money. You may want to visit it at
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@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
21 May 09
I had a look at your site, its pretty neat. hope it gets very popular.
@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
22 May 09
Thanks. It's not really hard to study html in order to write web pages. I hope many will be encouraged to study html and create their own websites. :)
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
23 May 09
yeah I have three blogsites.I write what I thought in there and whatever that comes into my fancy.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
21 May 09
Yes, but I am only half owner of this site. Me and my cousin own a community friends site it is in beta stage still and just beginning. You only earn if you get members. Without members and referrals it is hard to earn money on a site. I
• Philippines
20 May 09
I do have my own blog.. Actually I have two. I have my personal blog but unfortunately I don't want to market it.. just for my few very close friends.. then I also have a spiritual blog which I use to help others and make money as well. It contains not just spiritual articles, but inspirational and motivational articles to help others and also help me through life. Here's the address
19 May 09
I own a couple of websites and yes their is the possibility to make good money from having your own site. But now the rude truth, the only way to make good money from owning your own website is to run it like a business. Which basically means working your socks off quite often for longer than you would if you were in paid employment. You are constantly having to learn new things to keep on top of the game and need to be patient as running a website is not a quick rich scheme. And just when you think you have it sussed things change, search engines change the way they index you, another site comes along to knock you off the top spot and you basically have to take on these new challenges. But the positives are, despite working more hours you are your own boss, you schedule when you work and the only person who can sack you is yourself. Although it is hard work and often frustrating it is equally fulfilling and if done properly you wont go a day without learning something new. And most importantly when you do succeed there is no feeling like it.
• United States
20 May 09
You can make some money from having a website of your own. I have several. It is a lot of work and it takes time and a lot of elbow grease to get it going. If you do it your self. Or if you have some money you can pay others to do it for you. Starting your own BLOG is probably the easiest way to get started and it is free. Good luck. Check out my profile and go to the site about making money if you want to learn how.
• United States
20 May 09
No, I do not have my own website. But, it would be interesting to have one so I could make more money. Right now, I just don't know what I would put on my website to make more money.
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
19 May 09
Well i always wanted to head one website.......i had also started learning web designing.....but then things turned out different as i had to give my time to other i had to stop learning it.......but there are many tools on the web which makes your site in seconds........but still i lack little technicalities......i am planning to learn it again during my vacations hope my make it by then and have my own exclusive web site !!!!!
• China
20 May 09
i only have my blogspace now.but now i am thinking maybe i should have my own webiste,it is ture that it can make us money more and easier.but it is not so easy to build a website ,it also cost some money ,so i have to think about it carefully before i make the decision.
@abkinsey (173)
• United States
19 May 09
My husband and I have several websites. Some of them we earn on. Others, we break even on. Yet others, we lose money on. It's all a learning process. We're going with it, working hard, and trusting that one of these days we will get it right. It's definitely something you have to run like a business, though, and that means that at first you are working for nothing. Good luck!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
19 May 09
I used to have my own website a few years ago. I was trying to earn with it and give pthers the opportunity to earn also. My members earned but I never did because they would not contribute to do the task to help me earn. You can email gomama hosting and they will make you a website to earn with. I had no luck with it.