Is Ebay becoming more expensive ?
By sandymay48
@sandymay48 (2030)
May 19, 2009 10:17pm CST
Hi everyone..I joined ebay many years ago, and I loved the thrill of bidding on items and waiting til the last second, sitting by the computer, hoping to get the winning bid. I purchased many things back then at bargain prices.
Recently I was looking on ebay again for some things and sadly could not find what I wanted. It seems many people have ebay stores now and the prices are just as expensive and in some cases more expensive than if I just went shopping locally. I wish they still had the old bargains, where people sold things cheap. For me it takes the fun out of shopping on ebay.
What do you think? Have you noticed the skyrocketing prices and does it take away the fun for you?
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21 responses
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
20 May 09
The prices on ebay are just outrageous
I am an ebay addict and I have noticed that prices are going up and i can no longer afford the things that I do not need. I have noticed that the shipping cost for some sellers has gone through the roof.
I just don't think my credit card can take it anymore
The golden rule is - Never get into a bidding war

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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
20 May 09
Yes I would agree with what you said gcorp09 some bidders don't know what the are doing and can inflate an items price due to inexperience.
Sandymay, I still am addicted to ebay and I love everyday when the mail comes just to see if I have any goodies arrive. Maybe you can give me the name of the rehab clinic
That was funny what the mail lady said lol.
I do know what you mean sometimes with the higher prices you are better off just buying from the high street. I have been ripped off on shipping more than once and it can be a shock sometimes

@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
I am a conformed ebay addict...I have been to rehab and beaten the addiction..
...All it took was to see the ridiculous prices being offered now.
I used to order so much the mail lady knew me by name..She told me to keep ordering so I would keep her job secure
Now I cant find the things or sellers I used to buy from, and the ones I do find, are so expensive, its not worth it.
THere are many who make big money off of shipping. I dont think it should be allowed really but who am I.

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@gcorp09 (940)
• Singapore
20 May 09
I agree with you on the bidding war issue. I had seen some items, where the seller deliberately mark down his/her price. This got lots of people interested and started bidding on it. By the time it's going to close, the item had around 40 over bids, and the price had shoot up to a level where it's almost similar to the selling price outside. I was really wondering if these bidders do know what they are doing... 

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@gcorp09 (940)
• Singapore
20 May 09
Well, I do at an certain extent agree with you on this. I have been with eBay for quite a number of years, and I'm mainly a seller in eBay. However, I did also purchase something from my local eBay too if I feel that it's a bargain. I do remember that around 2 years ago, I won a bid for a top at S$12. In addition, there are also others which the seller is also starting the bid from below S$10. However, at that time, I didn't think of purchasing anymore.
I sort of regret it, because after a few months, the prices shoot up higher, and the average price was around S$20... The price was almost similar to the local shopping centres. I will say that I will rather buy in shopping centres where I can test and try out, since the price are similar...
However, occasionally, I do see some bargain items from time to time...
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
yes, I have still seen the odd bargain..But for the most part, the things I used to order have gone way up, and yes tops are one of the items..I used to buy from a couple of sellers who had really nice stylish tops for under $10,,,now they are up in the 20s and more. I can do better at a local discount store and see the product and not have to wait. I will still buy if I see something totally unusual that catches my eye..
@gcorp09 (940)
• Singapore
21 May 09
Well, I do agree. The seller which I bought from is still there but he/she is not selling anymore things. As for other sellers, their price are all quite high, and are on par with the shops. Nowadays, I seldom look at eBay for their tops. I do occasionally look at other items.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
20 May 09
I think that at first Ebay was just a neat way for people to get rid of their unwanted junk and make a few extra dollars. Now it's become an out and out business so prices definitely went up. But since the economy has changed there are more deals to be had then there was a few years ago. One thing I have really noticed is that it seems like the best prices are on electronics that are coming directly from China.
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
Absolutely, and electronics are much cheaper in china anyways..I have friends who get friends to buy them stuff when they go to china because of the much lower prices. I used to order a lot of clothing from china because I could buy wholesale lots and it was cheap. But not any more. The sellers I dealt with are gone or priced out of the market now so its not worthwhile.
@asherem2 (257)
• Thailand
20 May 09
getting expensive huh? i guess, that's the law of Supply and Demand.
When supply is less and demand is more - prices will go up to met the demand so that there will be equilibrium in the market.
well, you've just gone through the free market system where buyers and sellers interact and in such a way - comes to an agreement as to the prices of goods and services...
anyway, can you tell me how to enrol on ebay - and if you got something to sell how can you get it to ebay?
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
Hi there...I think there is ebay for different countries, and everything has changed so much that I dont even know how to do it now. But living where you do, you might be able to find items that are uniquie to say where I live in Canada, and if priced well, they would sell. All I can suggest is that you go to the site, and I know there are instructions there on how to get started. You used to be able to pick a country, not sure if they still have that option or not.
I have noticed with the increased prices, that a lot of items sit unsold and with no bids. Again it also depends on what you are selling. Good luck on trying it out. I would be interested in knowing how you do.
@inkstainedheart (455)
• United States
20 May 09
Yeah, the eBay stores are not really worth looking at unless you can't find a certain item anywhere else. Some stores are actually charging two or three times what other eBay stores are for the same product!
That being said, I've seen a lot of everyday people selling stuff for CHEAP. I just missed winning a set of 8 Ben Nye products for less than ten bucks (they're normally six dollars each.)
I guess it really just depends on what you are looking for and how much the seller wants to charge.
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
yup, I agree. There are still a few bargains to be had. It really annoys me though when you see something really cheap and then look at $200 to ship it
A lot of sellers were using this tactic for a while.

@XxAznBoixX (81)
• Canada
20 May 09
I have to say prices on eBay are still better than what I pay for the particular item in my city. I bought 1 item about 6 months ago off eBay since I could not get it in Canada. Also could be the currency. Canadian dollar has dropped big time.
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
I am from Canada also, but I still find most things have gone way up. There are still some things that are a bargain so I guess it depends on what you are looking for. Years ago, I used to collect teacups and I bought many collectibles for under $ they are priced up in the 30s and higher. Also clothing, I have noticed its cheaper to buy at home.
@disturbedgd (1819)
• South Africa
20 May 09
I dont really trust ebay's items since some are scams. I only buy from local online stores nowadays. I did buy from ebay once and it took forever to deliver but in general I havent seen any changes.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
I have been buying from Ebay for about 15 years and only once, did I pay for something and the item was never sent. Using paypal, they have insurance now for when things like that happen which arent very often. Its also very important to read the sellers feedback to see if they are honest. You wouldnt have seen ebay when it first started out to see much difference anyways as you are still young but things have really changed.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
20 May 09
I used to buy and sell on Ebay and I haven't been going on there for a long time now but I was thinking of selling a few things again but I had a look around the other day and there just didn't seem to be many bids on things so I was wondering if it is even worth while these days with all the fees even if you don't sell..I will have to really think on this i think
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
Hello lilaclady..yes I have friends who used to sell on ebay, Now they say its easier and quicker, just to have a yard sale or table at a flea market. Ebay is so crowded with stuff now that doesnt sell. There is so much to look through that a lot goes unseen.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
Hi there..There are still some bargains to be found, depending on what you are looking for and whether or not the seller is in it to really make money. Most of the items I used to buy, are over priced now. Maybe the fees and stuff for the sellers have also increased, forcing them to raise the prices of their goods.
Some of the really cheap low priced items are gone because of the expense to sell and send them.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
20 May 09
yeah that is what i have noticed out of ebay. seems it is not any more a bargain or any cheap items to look at. only few cheap items. and not it is rare to see one. seems the popularity of this site make it more expensive to buy anything here than to buy it in our local store nearby.
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
I liked it better when it was all bidding, and there were no stores. It was normal people selling things at cheap prices. Now its just like an online mall and the prices are just as high too for the most part.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
Hi sanadoodoo..No, I have never sold anything on ebay but I used to buy a lot of things. I think I kept them in business for years.
I used to buy a lot of jewelry and stuff from other countries because it was so much cheaper and resell it here in Canada.
I also used to buy collectible things which have really gone up in price. Now you are right, its often cheaper to go to a local market.

@cahyorini (315)
• Indonesia
20 May 09
Hmmm, I join ebay couple of month ago, so i don't know the significant of the different from ebay before, but somehow i fell several things are expensive to, just like the cable i want, how would you spend $7-10 just for the stupid cable. Because of that I only buy stuff lower than $5 in ebay, LOL.
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
Well, before it was all bidding. There were no "buy it now" or best offer things. It was all bidding and it was fun. There were no stores either. It was just people selling what they had to sell and for cheap prices.
Now there are people who are buying and reselling to make profit. The prices have really gone up.
@Jenniferp (210)
• United States
20 May 09
I totally disagree. Since the economy has gotten so bad, things that would have 5+ bids are not receiving as many bids and I have found the best deal ever. Clothes for one, people are not buying cute clothes unless really needed these days and I just bought my son new pants for $3!!! that is $3 with shipping. They were listed for $.99 and nobody bid, almost feel bad for the seller, you know they did not intend to give them away. Me, personally as a seller, I have almost stopped for the same reason, I am not making enough to want to package and drive to the post office. I have given stuff to goodwill for this reason.
I have bids on boxers for my son, bid at $4.25 and ends in 1 hour, at the store, I am looking at $10.00+ for these. I would take a second look because I am scoring deals right now! Oh, soy candles for $3+ shipping! Oh yeah, the deals are there :)
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
You are lucky to find the good deals. $3 with shipping is really cheap as most shipping is more than that no matter how small the item. I think its different if you are in the states and buy from a seller in the states.
The fact that you are not making enough, is why many have raised their prices. Ebay is charging more to the sellers then they did years ago, and postage too has gone up although some are ridiculous. Yes you can still find some bargains and kids clothes is one area where you can, but with all the discount stores around now, usually when you add shipping, the local stores are cheaper.
@derlilaStern (1756)
• United States
20 May 09
I think it depends on what you are looking for. I have never been a big ebay shopper. But there are a few things that I can still find cheap on there!
I think part of the problem is that ebay changed what they charge the sellers. A lot of sellers had to then raise their prices. I think that will probably really hurt ebay in the end!
I dont bother with a lot of things on ebay because the prices do go so high. I have also noticed that sometimes you can get something cheaper in the local store! I dont understand why people dont check out the prices before bidding. I guess it is the thrill of winning an auction!
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
I used to be a big ebay shopper and I loved the thrill of winning an auction. People would literally sit by the button and count down the seconds to place a final bid. Now its all automated, and some stuff you can just buy outright anyways.
The prices on the things I used to buy have definately skyrocketed.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I had not bought anything from there, but when I have looked lately, there is not much of a price difference.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
21 Jun 09
Hi sandymay, please pardon this late response. I have shopped eBay as recent as six months ago and I get bargains still. Maybe it depends on what we are looking for. I find that jewelry but also dog cloths and accessories I get amazing prices on. As well as camera equipment.
There are some items however, that I have looked for on eBay and found the same as you. Far too expensive and made me wonder. I just keep looking.
I too have made some really awesome purchases through eBay though.
Additionally, I get periodic emails from eBay offering promo to sell at no cost for given periods of time.
@angel_690 (208)
• United States
20 May 09
I think you are right I have also noticed that shopping on ebay has not been as inexpensive as it used to be. I guess that is what happens to companies that start out small and grow to an enormous money making machine. :)
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
Yep. and then someone gets a bright idea about how to make even more money. People follow the scheme and for a while it all seems great. Then people begin noticing that things are being priced way to high, and sales begin to drop on many items. It depends I think on how much in demand your item is, as to whether or not you can raise the price.
@laurieming (8)
• China
21 May 09
Yes, Ebay is called Evilbay, very very evil.They charged too much on the seller, so that why you find the prices are skyrocketing.
I am currently selling products in our China local aution website, taobao never charged me for anything, the services are free and lovely.
I am happy to see will exploring to worldwide market, so I could sell my product worldwide at competitive prices.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
Yes it probably does. Its just that things I used to buy for really cheap prices, no longer are cheap. There are still some bargains in certain things, and I guess it depends on what it is you are looking for.
@usaflove08 (281)
• United States
20 May 09
Well sometimes I think it is getting more expensive. They sell and buy, just like my friend lol. My friend works for ebay, I mean she buys things and sell stuff on ebay. She told me she likes it because she makes a profit. So meaning she buys things from stores and sells them for a higher price. I never buy from ebay because I don't even understand how it works haha. I don't want to bid because someone will obviously get the thing I want since they'll bid even higher for it.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
20 May 09
Well there are still some bargains to be found on ebay if you look, but not like it used to be. You would have enjoyed it before, and it was very addictive. Now you can often just use the buy it now feature and not worry about bidding and losing. It does take the fun out of it though