What is your sin?

@mimpi1911 (25464)
May 20, 2009 5:53am CST
The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are a classification of the most objectionable immoral vices that have been used since early times. They are: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Are you guilty of any of these?
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21 responses
• Portugal
20 May 09
i'm not sure you know this but to every zodiac sign, there is a correspondent sin. i'm a libra, therefore, mine is lust. and yes, i'm totally guilty of it. of course that i'm guilty of many others. i think i'm just not guilty of greed and envy. but i don't pay much attention to it, if you control yourself so it doesn't get out of hand, it's all part of being human, and we should enjoy it...
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 May 09
Great to way to see it, I really appreciate. But I did not know that zodiac signs have respective vices. Do you have a detailed list?
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• Portugal
20 May 09
aries - wrath taurus - lust gemini - envy cancer - sloth leo - pride virgo - wrath libra - lust scorpio - wrath sagittarius - guttony capricornus - greed aquarius - pride pisces - gluttony so, which is yours?
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 May 09
Great! Mine is Scorpio and if you see, I am not an angry kind but when I do, the world gets shaken. That justifies my sin, I guess. WRATH is not only bad for others but also poison for health. I think I need to control the seldom bouts of it. Thanks Catarina for sharing this. LUST - that's yours. I am sure the battle is almost won when you can spot it right. And you are doing a wonderful job, I guess.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
20 May 09
i think that at some point or the other in my life,i have been guilty of these sins but as good always prevails,i recognise it to be and immediately replace it with good!(i think it all depends on ones upbringing and the surroundings.)
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
That's true. Genetics and sociology are very dominant but there's also something called instinct. A killer's parents might not be killers or bad.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
20 May 09
OH! It is difficult to assess oneself. We all have some vices in variable quantities and I am no exception. At the cost of blowing my own trumphet, let me confess that I love 'eating' food, however I cannot call myself a glutton. I am quite consious about my own dignity and self-respect. I feel really bad if someone cast aspirations on my faithfulness, character or sincerity. I can say that I am neither arrogant or haughty. For me 'work is workship', therefore, I do not sloth to the maximim extent possible. I know it very well that wrath and envy could be disastrous and lethal, so I try my best not get angry unnecessarily or envy anyone. An excellent Post!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
Simplicity is a great virtue Deepak.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
Hi Deepak I know you love to eat but gluttony is different and you are not an angry kind or envious either. I think you do not quite possess anything of the vices above. hat makes you a greater human.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
21 May 09
Hi Mimpi! Need I say many thanks for the excellent analysis about me. I am just an ordinary/average fellow, I am not greater, it is friends like you, who make me feel 'special'.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
23 May 09
Hmmmm Well, i must say that some of all of these are inside me, though its contriolled and i try not to overcome them to me
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
23 May 09
Good to hear fro your Zass.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Sep 09
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
23 May 09
Well i heard some people were missing me, so i decided to come back
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
20 May 09
I think its quite obvious that Im guilty of gluttony Of course its not just limited to food but on certain things. But its mostly on food.LOL As long as there's still food on the table and I really love the food, even if Im full Ill still try and eat all that I can Good thing though that I have a very expandable tummy. My friends get amazed at how I could eat so much food. They wonder where I put them all and they even nicknamed my tummy 'The Black Hole' Its okay I dont mind the jest. I just love food and Im admitting it. I also have this sentiment that I really hate wasting food. So if no one will eat it anymore then its best that I should rather than just let the restaurant or anyone throw it away. I also have this habit of not refusing food that is offered to me. Even if Im not fond of it. For me, its my way of respecting them, at least a bite or two would be enough. With material things, I also dont refuse that is given to me unless its waay too much to be given as a gift. Like a hundred dollar dress or something like that. Those knickknacks or even a simple string are much appreciated. I keep them.^_^
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
Keeping your age and experience in mind I think you are just doing great! And I hate wastage of food and many times end up eating more just to save the wastage. That doesn't either you or me glutton, does it? Coming to gifts, I can understand the pamper and love that you are being bestowed with. Take them and appreciate the giver. Trust me, that makes them happy.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Sep 09
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
21 May 09
Hehehe, I guess Im still stuck with a bit of the mindset that I had when I was a child. Id really eat all of the plate just because I have to but because I want to even when I cant anymore. I was really chubby back then, and I guess my parents just let me have it.LOL I sure hope that they appreciate it, cause I am grateful to them for offering.^_^
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
20 May 09
Hi Mimmpi, For an atheist like me there does not arise any question of sinning and not sinning. Yes if you ask me which these 'virtues' you have more proportionately I can tell that. Lust is 20 km, gluttony is 18 km, greed is 15 km, envy is 10 km, wrath is 5 km, and sloth is just 1 km away from me. Now you judge where I stand.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Sep 09
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
*Laughs* OK, got your point but are they approaching you or the distances keep increasing or they are static??
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
21 May 09
No Mimmpi, they are not static. This is the stats of the present scenario. But as a fact this is the present distance but some of them would come near and some go off land.lol
@rainbow (6761)
21 May 09
Hmmm, me but I'm just perfect well if you discount wrath, glutton and sloth, lol! I think we can all be guilty of each and every sin at times after all don't they just make the day a little bit more fun, heehee! As an Aries my temper is typical but burns out quickly, I love food and am trying to eat more healthily and I should do more chores but end up out in the garden instead of doing my work or household chores. I cannot imagine that you are guilty of any tho mimpi!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
23 May 09
My wrath is killing. Luckily, I seldom get it. But when I do, every one just knows it! Its that bad. And also I have some problem to ask for help. I will go to the extreme end to do my stuffs myself. And I agree that these do make our days little more fun filled. I cannot image you getting sloth though.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
20 May 09
Guilty of Envy and pride -Yes during a certain phase of life. Envy at people who have fared better academically and pride for a very short phase in my career. And fortunately i was able to recognise and control it within a very short time span and with the help of feedback i recieved from peers. The Envy and it's subsequent control brought out the determination to do well. The Pride came when i achieved more than i had sought out to do. I was being avoided and talked about for this reason. It's a good thing i recognised and controlled it. The others sins i'm sure i have not committed. Gluttony- I think i can sin a little here.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
20 May 09
My picture . I can be full of surprises. Gluttony ones Now maybe some kebabs, ice creams......
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
Here's to kebabs...
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 May 09
I think we all are guilty of these vices at some pint in time. But the fact that we realize and learn and refrain it makes us greater human. We must not justify ourselves doing these. That would only enhance our guilt later in life. Admitting and rectifying is a good way overcome vices. I am glad that you realised soon and restored back to your good self. And had all the world restaurants and cuisines been put together, I would not admit to accept the glutton in you! I think we should have your pic uploaded here! lol...
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
20 May 09
I would say it's a tie between wrath and pride. I do need to tone down though, and I'm doing well in the wrath department but have yet to improve on the pride part.LOL. This is a good question discussion. I am coming to terms with this 7 deadly sins, and in fact I have a little bit of all of them. So I have be good at Quality Control.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
As long as you know how, when and why to control you win the battle there.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
21 May 09
Thanks mimpi...
• Philippines
21 May 09
I believe all of us are guilty and charge as sinners and for me, I often more convicted of wrath and pride, it is probably because when I am in a circumstance of being belittled or the like my pride would consume me as I am to burst into anger over the person classified with wrath, I could be angry at times but not necessarily all the time. Among the other deadly sins, these two I can account I am most guilty of.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
I agree torcha. But even I am guilty as charged. Anger is something I am trying to control. You take care.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
21 May 09
Hi mimpi! I am quite sure that I am a sinner! I try not to be, but I'm sure I have broken the laws of a few of these mortal sins, although not very proud to admit! I try not to be too greedy, and I really can't be since I don't have anything to be greedy with! I can be envious of those that have more money than I do and have a better and easier life than I do and I know it is wrong and I should be ashamed of myself! I certainly can be a sloth! I tend to be lazy at times, though I think it has to do with my illness so I hope I won't be condemned for it! I have learned to control my wrath! So that is a good thing! And I don't understand why pride is sin, but I do try to take pride in being the best person that I can be, and if that is a sin, well then I am a sinner!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
23 May 09
Pride gets to a sin when it affects other people in a negative way and I get that yours only can motivate in a good way. So that's not a sin. I am sorry about your health and sloth is over ruled as well. And I wish I get control over my wrath. How did you manage?
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
21 May 09
I think most of us have been guilty of all these sins at one time or another, it's just the level that changes, lol. I try to be a good person, so thankfully I don't commit any of these sins often, but I can definitely be a glutton every now and then. My eyes are bigger than my stomach and all that!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
LOL... You eat with your eyes, do ya?
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
21 May 09
i have a bit of everything i guess...
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
25 May 09
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
21 May 09
Hi Mimpi,Looks like its confession time this time......Well I will conduct a postmortem on my character and lets decide if I am guilty or not..... lets take up the seven sins one by one... Lust.....No,'cause I am a lady to the core gluttony..no I eat to live and would like to retain my figure for ever.. greed...well I am always greedy for love and recognition,but I do not consider it a sin sloth...No ,I am a restless person and can never sit still wrath...well I do get angry but not to the point of hurting or harming anybody envy...no, I am always a wellwisher pride....no,though I always try to keep my self respect and dignity intact... So Mimpi what is your vedict.???
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
That makes you a greater human, Mithra. And my verdict? You are a great lady that I am privileged to have known. Blessed be.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
20 May 09
HI DEARI think I qualify to be guilty of wrath, first of all-- I get angry rarely , but when I get angry then thAT is it.It gets a bit intense, but this rare wrath arises when I hear someone openly say something unnecessary ,unjust and untrue ,or demeaning about me or my loved ones to my face.I am not trying to justify myself but what I am trying to tell you is then my anger knows no bounds[ within my mind].I have occasionally spoken my mind out too. The second sin I may be guilty of is pride.I am diffident at times , but I also have pride in a few things. And so this is confessioon time father!!!!!!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
If yo read my comments you will know that I am guilty of anger. So, that makes two of us and coming to the initiation of it, I am perturbed by slightest impropriety in family and society. The righteousness in me keeps me busy all the time but I lose temper only when things go out of my control...
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• Philippines
20 May 09
I think I am the most sinful person as of the moment coz I am guilty of those. There are things that happens in our life that we cant resist. Sometimes we cant control how we feel specially if someone did something against us. No body is perfect. I think it's natural now to commit those sins.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
Yes we all are guilty. But goodness prevails in us and that's the reason we try to refrain from those soon. I am glad that you confided in here with utmost honesty. Blessed be.
@mayka123 (16847)
• India
20 May 09
Except Envy and Pride I dont think I have been guilty of any of the other sins mentioned. I do envy people who I feel are better than me. Pride may be sometimes I have been guilty of. What about you???
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
I am not at all envious or proud or haughty. I get angry in frequently though. That's killing. working on it.
@ellie333 (21016)
20 May 09
Hi Mimipi, Perhaps pride if any of them as I have been told that I am too proud to ask for help etc when needed and if feeling down I tend to turn to for so greed a close second but not in a material way. Huggles. Ellie :D
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
I know what yo mean. Many times our ego comes in between and we wear a mask of pride. Greed for love, good living and seeing family and loved ones happy - I think we are guilty of that. Huggles.
@med889 (5940)
20 May 09
I am sometimes over confident and it made me do wrong things in some circumstances, so I think i will take the pride as a sin which I commit.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
The fact that you confided in here and is conscious about it, shows that you are working on it. I really appreciate that.
• United States
20 May 09
I have been guilty of every one of them, most, many times. You know what the best thing is? EVERYONE of them are forgivable, everytime for everyone! NO exception! Excuse to commit them? NO! It's the reason why we don't have to be "ashamed" to put those ways behind us, move ahead in grace and... LIVE. Because THE TRUTH shall set you free! Without forgivness, we would stay chained to these sins for ever and never know life. Just our misuse of it.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
That's well said. Excuse to commit is no way accepted. I think, I do not do that. I do wrongs, I admit, I ask for forgiveness, try to learn and move on. I think the vice that i might have to some extent, very seldom though, is anger. I do not get it often but when I get it everyone just have had it. But now I more calm and good.
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