Going Back To My Roots
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
May 20, 2009 10:39am CST
Ok... I'm getting somewhat frustrated now. I've been trying to trace my ancestry back. I've done initial searches and followed through by researching some of the information online, but every time, I think I'm getting somewhere, I end up on some site that wants me to register and spend a heap of money. Several of these sites are in the U.S.A.... not many are British, and I'm chasing my tail. (You didn't know I had one of those and a little red pitchfork, did you?) he he.
The reason I'm interested is because I have a strong pull towards the Anglo Saxons, and the county I live in was Anglo Saxon. My grandfather, on my mother's side's name was Washer, which is a form of the Anglo Saxon name Wascher, meaning a sheep or wool washer. My father's father bore the name West, which is a difficult one to research at the best of times, mainly because there are none of his side of the family left, and I don't know where he came from, spent his childhood or anything. However, I did find that most people with that name either lived in the West Country, or the East Anglia area. They had big houses and were quite wealthy in the Middle Ages, which is the latter part of Anglo Saxon times. Most Anglo Saxon history comes during the Dark Ages, which means that not a lot was written in the history books during those times, so my task isn't an easy one whichever way I approach it.
I was wondering if anybody here has attempted to go back to their roots, preferably in the U.K. somewhere, as this would be where my records are kept. If you have tried to trace your ancestry, how successful were you? How far did you get back, and did you manage to do it free, or at minimal cost? I dearly want to get to the bottom of this and I need some help from people who know well, the route to take. I've spent hour upon hour on the Internet searching, but every time, I come up against a brick wall, usually ending up in a U.S.A. site, or an expensive British one. Can anybody help me, pleeeeeeeeease?
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11 responses
@jazzsue58 (2666)
20 May 09
Have you tried Ancestry magazine? There are loads of references in the back to good sites. Otherwise, join Genes Reunited - a spin off of Friends ReU. I'm forever getting mails from them - it's a network site where people from all over the world can track down others.
It might give you a starting point to track county records from. All the counties have history websites - the Surrey one has a page where you can trace county records, which is the only way you'll track down ancestral records not on the net - i.e. most of them.
The reason you have to pay the US sites is because THEY pay freelancers all over the world to visit local records offices and painstakingly trawl the paperwork - often hundreds of years old.
If you've a rough idea of where your folk hailed from, you can do all that for yourself. Happy searching!
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@Darkwing (21583)
20 May 09
Thank you, Sue. Where do I get Ancestry Magazine... is it available in somewhere like W.H.Smith, or online? I would like to buy one and shall also join Genes Reunited. That sounds like a good bet. Anything that will get me somewhere.
I'm willing to go and trawl local office records myself if I only knew where to start. These days, they've been moved around and amalgamized so many times, that I don't have the foggiest. I guess all the main register offices, like Brighton, Haywards Heath, etc.
Thank you so much for your help my friend, and Brightest Blessings.
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@jazzsue58 (2666)
21 May 09
Yes, you can find that magazine - and loads of others like it - in Smiths. Round about where the hobbies and things are, I think. Good luck - but really, Genes reunited is great, you might have to wait a while though.
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
20 May 09
I would like to research more of my ancestry but my family is a little tight lipped about it, makes me wonder what they don't want me to know. I guess just keep plugging away and ask a lot of questions.
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 09
Yes, I think I would wonder what they didn't want me to know too, my friend. It's the other way for me; my Mum will talk for ages about her family because she wants to know what I can find as well. Obviously, she didn't delve too far herself, but I'm really interested to know. I have a great interest in our English History, especially the Dark Ages. Our country was invaded and boundaries changed so many times, but I think my family roots lean towards the Germanic tribes, i.e. Anglo-Saxons.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 May 09
is there a national registry?
or the old churches in the area
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 09
I guess there's a national registry but I don't have a clue how to go about that... I'll have to do a search. The individual churches are probably not a lot of help. There are a few old ones in Burgess Hill where my Dad came from, and one in Scaynes Hill where my Mum came from, but I don't think they keep the records there.. rather the local Diosces, in Chichester, I feel.
Brightest Blessings my friend, and thank you for your contribution.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
21 May 09
When my dad did the looking into our ansectry HE got stopped but the CHurch of England I think it was they wouldnt let them gte tot the records.
and he hunted thru the Mormon data base and found alot . The one located in Salt Lake City Utah. Dont know what ti may have cost him if anything other than going there to search. Luck to yoiu!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
21 May 09
My dad and aunt were doing it together she the Kelly side and Dad the Hurd side
ANd the MOrmon one is surpose to have largest data base I under stand.
Isnt that something a witch name of West.
I know a kid here in Tenn that used to run with my younget son was or is a West!
So you just might have some relitives here.
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 09
How strange... I wonder why the Church of England would stop your Dad getting to the records. You know, I went to the Museum of Witches in York once. I was wandering around and found a register of witches who had been tried and executed for their ways, throughout the country. Imagine my surprise, when I found one from Sussex, with the name West... my maiden name! ha ha ha. It was way back in time; I believe in the 1600s, but I was a bit taken aback, I can tell you! It would explain a lot of things though, if she were a relative!
Gerty suggested the Mormon Data Base, but I don't feel there's much connection between that and England unless some of my ancestors emigrated to America. That could be the case, of course, with so many moving out there in Quaker times. I'll save that one for if I get stuck, I think. I might find I have a whole string of ancestors out there. Wouldn't that be a turn-up? There is a lot of linkage between Great Britain and the U.S.A.
Thank you for your contribution, my friend, and Brightest Blessings. xx

@ellie333 (21016)
20 May 09
Hi Darkwing, P1key is the man to speak to, he offered to help me as he has done all this with his own family history, don't think he here at the moment but I am sure if you email him personally he would be able to point you in the right direction. Sorry can't be of any more help than this. Huggles. Ellie:D
@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 09
Is there no end to our Fish's talents? I didn't know he did all that sort of thing. I'll either drop him a comment in the Den or contact him by e-mail... thank you. Has he gone globetrotting? he he.
Brightest Blessings my dear friend and thank you for your contribution. xx
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
21 May 09
I have not tried this due to the registration issue. I was fortunate to find a copy of my great grandmother's registration on the Dawe's Rolls in Oklahoma, and see it. Dummy that I am I did not book mark it and have not found it again. I have enough documentation, however, that I have proven my tribal membership,as my heritage in that ethnic group is counted by quality not quantity. To be honest, I am more Scot, Irish, English, and Welsh than anything, unless it is German. Perhaps if I were to go back far enough we would be kin. I do not know any details, or how active the Sect is in the UK, but the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) have very good banks of genealogy, so that may be a source.
@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 09
I think that a lot of American people will have an amount of European roots, because apart from the American Natives, the majority of settlers in the U.S.A. came from Ireland and England. In turn, a lot of the English people at least, will have derived from Germanic, Flemish, Norman and Roman peoples as the country was invaded so often. That includes, of course, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, as the Norsemen in particular swept the whole of the British Isles, forming Anglo-Saxon counties. In fact, Wessex was one of the only counties, the Anglo-Saxons held from the Vikings. Wessex was ruled by the same guy who ruled Sussex, as it neighboured the county, so my county of West Sussex was kept from the marauding Vikings, remaining intact until the Normans came. There's a bit of history for you! lol.
Therefore, my alliegiance lies with the Anglo-Saxons who more or less, made our Country. Of course, there were the Celts, Druids and Neolithic peoples, but at one time, our country was joined to the continent by a bridge of land across the English Channel, and Lindisfarne, to the east, and between Scandinavia and us, was linked to the mainland... that being the first place a lot of Anglo-Saxons landed. I have learned quite a bit of the Norsemen, Anglo Saxons and Vikings because I'm very interested in the Dark Ages, and how we came to be what we are today. Then, my Mum mentioned something about wanting to know her roots, so we started working together, she giving me information and I researching it. I found that my Mum's father was probably out of a Germanic Wascher family, this name being given in Hampshire, to sheep and wool washers. Now, my interest is deepened and I yearn to find out more. My Grandmother's name... his wife, was Strickland, and these I tracked back to business people in Cumbria. Both have a family crest, as do the Wests, but that's as far as I've got. I need to find something more concrete... as you do.
I don't know whether the Mormon registry would be a lot of help to me, as the religion is largely American. We sometimes have Mormons calling, or did in Brighton, but they were both young American guys, so I doubt the religion has spread at all here. Hence, I would have difficulty finding records unless any of my ancestors emigrated to the States.
Thank you for your help my friend. My investigations will continue. Brightest Blessings.
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@sophie_dfuss (2365)
• Philippines
21 May 09
I have also done the same thing a few years ago. There are some sites that are free to use like MyHeritage.com. Its a free ancestral site wherein you can share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love. http://www.myheritage.com/
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 09
I'm not sure whether I've already tried that one, but I shall certainly go have a look, my friend. I don't mind spending my own time researching but I don't much relish the thought of having to pay others to do so. It takes all the fun and feeling of achievement out of it, somehow.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 May 09
My husband is Mennonite and they wrote their history since they left Northern Germany, but with me, it is impossible. All I know is that my father's side came from Northern Germany and was something connected with trading, I suspect part of the family originally came from Italy, and Germany, and on my mother's side, Anglo-Saxon, Welsh from those Roman soldiers escaping to Wales (I was told I look Italian() plus part of the family must have been descended from Normans. So there is a big mixup in my family.
We also were middle class from both ends, so there is no nobility and no records and my ancestors were the type who would rather marry then fight.
The other trouble is if you find someone who may be your direct ancestor, he may not be because some names are so common that there are a lot of Harold Robert Williams who married a Sarah Howard, for example. When we were looking for my mother's family, I had to go through all the Ch-ns to get to the right ones and then go through the wives that were all Mary H- to find out what Ch-n and what nee H- had a son with the first name starting with R - who married a man call H- M who had a daughter who went to Canada. It was not that easy.
That is why they charge you.
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@Darkwing (21583)
31 May 09
Hmmm. You might even have a bit of Viking mixed in there too if Wales comes into the equasion. Very interesting, my friend.
As for common names, how does Thomas West grab you? lol. I don't even know what year he was born and there's nobody left to ask on that side of the family. My Mum's side is interesting though. Wascher is Germanic, and they say that's where Washer derived from. My county and Wessex were the only two defended from the Vikings. They never did win here, so Sussex (South Sax) remained Saxon, until the Normans invaded. I suspect I might have pure Saxon ancestry but what before that? I guess we can't go further back because of the lack of notes written during the Dark Ages, but I really would like to know if my interest in the Anglo Saxon beliefs is blood borne. My blonde hair and blue eyes would suggest so, but there could be a mix in there somewhere.
Brightest Blessings my friend and thank you for your correspondence.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
31 May 09
My father has always been interested in family history. I feel kind of bad because my brother and sisters and I haven't appreciated his efforts or his interest as much as we should.
I think he even has a chart on a wall somewhere in his house. At least I know he once did. He has a good memory for that stuff and it seems like some of his cousins have the same interest to record and share that information.
Years ago, I went to a family reuinion with my parents and my daughter. At the family reuinion they gave us a list of our our family roots as far back as they could manage. I think that was where he got his start in tracking things down. He seems to have traced both his mother's side and his father's side.
He also has some documents from my mother's side of the family.
I am just not meticulous enough to keep track of that type of information. I am thinking that when his time comes...one of my sisters will take over the role of becoming "family historian". It they are not interested, I supposed I will keep all his records and try to make some sense of it.
He didn't use online sites...he basically contacted the relatives that he knew mostly via e-mail. I think someone in the family was working on a family tree project while she was in college. I think she and my father also managed to exchange a decent amount of information. There seem to be a few in our extended family who have exchanged information. That could be a route that you might want to try...
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@Darkwing (21583)
26 Jun 09
It's the simple things like checking with cousins and other family members that don't really register with us, isn't it. Of course, they'll know things that we don't; like on my Dad's side, there are no surviving siblings or anything and it's so difficult to get to the bottom of stuff, but cousins just may have the information I need to start on the bottom rung of the ladder. Thank you my friend. That's very helpful.
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
21 May 09
i have watched something like that before on television show. i don't know if it was on oprah. anyways, i am not interested to know or trace up my roots. i am just contented to know my ancestry up to my grandparents. i am not interested to learn further back. i won't care if my roots were heroes before or some important personalities in their time.
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 09
We're all different, my friend. Some of us are interested in history, and curious about our roots, and some aren't. It's all a matter of choice I guess, and I'm one of those who chooses to uncover mine. However, I'm finding it quite difficult without spending money and wondered whether anybody had some positive feedback as to which way to go, is all.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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