$3 My earning from NominCahsout.com

@aldrik (12)
May 21, 2009 8:49am CST
If you ever hear about nomincahsout.com ?? yeah it is the best PTC . . and I've got funds 3$. but this is already some time ago . . I am not arrogant and just to share . . this of proof payment, http://invidel.co.cc/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/nmc_payment2.gif c u next time
2 responses
• Indonesia
5 Aug 09
hello aldrik, congrats on your payment on nomincashut, I'm a member too.. but now nomincashout has a scam site. they don't pay their member again. include me of course.. and, I can't open your proof of payment on your site :) thank you :)
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
21 May 09
I really don't see how spamming the blogging category is going to help you. It will most likely get deleted for spamming and being in the wrong place.