i dont like cell phone

May 21, 2009 10:26am CST
i dont like cell phone in past we were living with out cell phone nowdays we cant imagine with out cell phone so thats why i dont like cell phone
2 responses
• United States
21 May 09
There are a lot of items that people once lived with out that we use on a daily basis, like running water, refrigerators, and indoor plumbing. That does not mean they are bad things. I do think people are becoming to dependant on cell phones, myself included, but that is not a reason to hate them. In the world we live into day people expect immediate answers and if you cannot be reached then you could miss out on a lot of opportunities.
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
21 May 09
It is true that in the past, we have all lived without cellphones. But we cannot discount that fact that the world is not the same. Times have changed. Our lifestyles have changed. People's lives have become fast-paced and technology has already changed the world. It is with these changes that a lot of people claim that they can't live their lives without a mobile phone.