By xtianpalafox
@xtianpalafox (70)
5 responses
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 May 09
If you look at the calendar it is Saturday because it is the seventh day of the week. The week has never changed. The year is determined by the revolutions it takes to go around the sun. and this can vary as much as a few hours. The month are determined by the time it takes for the moon to go around the earth. These things have been changed over time on the calendars. But the weekly cycle has never changed. There is only one seventh day and it has never changed. only the dates change on the calander. There is a form of the word Sabbath in almost every language.
REMEMBER the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. This is the only commandment to say REMEMBER.
There are other Holy days but they are different than the Sabbath.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 May 09
The Tanach says the Lord rested on the seventh day and that we must also rest on the seventy day. Historically the Israelites have observed the Sabbath on what is now known as Saturday here in the U.S. They were the first Monotheists so they sort of were the ones who should know the day.

@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
23 May 09
THE LAW was fullfilled in Jesus Christ, and in Romans Paul dealt with folks who judged others for not following "their" beliefs about holy days.
The law was given ‘not’ to give you entrance to heaven (by keeping it),but to show us our sins.
Paul said that if you offend in just "1 point" - you are as guilty as breaking them all.
Receiving Jesus Christ is the key to living for God. The commandments are repeated in the New Testament, EXCEPT for the keeping of the sabbath. We are now living in the time of grace, and follow the teachings of Jesus.
Read what Jesus said about those that judged “Him” for so called breaking the Sabbath in Matthew 12:1-8
‘nuff said
@xtianpalafox (70)
• Philippines
25 May 09
don't you know that Jesus Chist himself came to the earth as a mirror that we can reflect? Jesus Christ himself sanctified and rested on the Sabbath day (Saturday) we must understand that nothing was abolished in the holy scripture.
@xtianpalafox (70)
• Philippines
23 May 09
that is right sir, the holy scripture itself clearly states and history proves that we must rest or worship in the seventh day of the week. this is stated in the ten commandments of God. Remember the Sabbath day (7th day of the week) to keep it Holy

@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
22 May 09
forget holy scriptures. they say many things without meaning it. nobody checked why a particular day is more important in a religion,what is the significance behind that day and so on. most of these are pagan worship methods incorporated into your scriptures without explaining it to the believers.
does it make any difference to god if you worship on any other day than what is mentioned as holy days by scriptures. he cares a damn about those holy books and its ways of worship.
for me every moment is worth worshiping. all my acts are acts of worship.
@xtianpalafox (70)
• Philippines
23 May 09
it is very important to know that there is a specific day that God had provided for worship. and the Bible itself is not silent about it, and Jesus himself sanctified and worshiped in that particular day. it is a special day for every creature for it originated in heaven and even in the garden of Eden they practice this.
@xtianpalafox (70)
• Philippines
25 May 09
i'm sorry i do not agree with that, if you can read only one passage in the bible that is the Lord's day then i might believe it. I can prove you that saturday is the true day of worship, i will be basing it in the bible alone.
@xprincessx (99)
• Malaysia
22 May 09
i like sunday more than saturday..but for most of the people..they like saturday more..because after sunday they need to work again that's why that dont like sunday..but for me, sunday is the time i can play like crazy and have fun with my friends and family..we can enjoy our time together..
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
22 May 09
There are religions that teach that if you don't honor Saturday as the day for worship or rest, you will miss heaven.
This is nothing more than a continuation of the Sadducee and Phariseeical laws in modern society.
When God created the heaven and the earth in 6 days and then rested on the 7th day - of course, no one was there to know what day the 7th day landed on.
Jewish folks honor the sabbath on Sat., as do the Seventh Day Adventists. But in Romans 14, Paul said not to judge anyone in respect of sabbaths (holy days.)
To me, worship is not something I do one day a week, but daily. The churches have so failed to teach what true worship really is.
Hope this helps somewhat.
@xtianpalafox (70)
• Philippines
23 May 09
Doy you believe in Bible? you can read the law of god in the book Exodus, for your information the Bible mentions ISRAEL it does not only apply to the Jews. ISRA=people EL=God it means people of God. if you are one of the people of God, you must follow His will. not the human will