Do you believe in GHOSTS???

May 22, 2009 8:07am CST
Right from our childhood we are subjected to so many ghost stories, from the elders in our family to the stories we read, to the films we watch and the chat we have when we grow up with our friends. I was always mystified by the existence of the supernatural, I love to watch ghost movies but most of the times I am so disappointed with the way they try to portray a ghost in the film. nevertheless I am fond of the subject. I have never really met with some one who has really seen a "ghost", yet we come to hear so many tall claims of its existence. Now, Please do share your thoughts on the existence of ghosts, Do you think they really exist? If yes, have you had any real experience, I would love to hear it. If no why not? Just because you haven't encountered one you don't believe in them?
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17 responses
• United States
22 May 09
I absolutely believe in ghosts/spirits/entities, whatever you want to call them. I work with and lead two paranormal investigation teams, and we very frequently get a good deal of evidence. The most recent ghost hunt we did, we had a ghost turn on a light for us, at request, a number of times. We also tend to get a good number of EVPs from a few of our favorite locations, which we cant seem to explain any other way than that they're paranormal.
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• India
22 May 09
Hey. that is soooo very interesting that you actually work on this subject. I am so very interested about this subject, and who better can really quench my carving. Well the first thing I would like to know from you is what is an EVP, I am a layman so you have to bear with me. :-)) The second thing I would like to ask you is have you really been scared I mean Real SCARE by any spirit, if yes I would love to listen to the incident, if you would be kind enough. Thanks in anticipation :-))
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• India
23 May 09
Hi Astrosoccergirl, thank you so much for being patient with me and kind enough to explain the terms. I have loads of questions for you to ask. Hope I am not boring you. I have heard that the spirits really get stronger if they smell fear, but don't you think that one would be scared if you suddenly encounter with a GHOST. Ah! do you perform some holy rituals inorder to get a house free from the spirits? Thank you again.
• United States
22 May 09
"EVP" stands for "Electronic Voice Phenomena". In the simplist terms, it's when you record audio, play it back, and there are voices on the recording that weren't audible when the recording was made. There are 3 "classes" of EVPs: Class C (the most common, but the least clear, often just a whisper or a sound that seems to be a voice, but the words arent understandable), Class B (somewhat uncommon, where there is clearly a voice, but different people think is says different things, like "there you are" or "there she goes"), and Class A (the most rare EVP, which are very clear voices where pretty much everyone hears the exact same thing being said). Spirits dont really truly scare me. I've been around and aware of them all my life, so while they might startle me sometimes if one says or does something unexpected, I dont particularly get scared. There have been a few times on investigations where we've left a location because a ghost was simply too violent to make staying there safe (like when one girl was cut across the back and had to get stitches), so I guess that might qualify as being scared of a ghost. Normally, the more scared of them you are, the more energy you're giving them, and the stronger they're going to become.
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@drdivu (1011)
• India
22 May 09
well, i dont know if they exist but me too have heard many things..I REALLY DONT WANT TO ENCOUNTER THEM IN LIFE THOUGH...THIS IS THE FEAREST THING FOR ME.. rest, i do believe that certain things are there but not sure of them... raeding people's views on it.. this too fascinates me though i really dont want any encounter... thanks...
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• India
22 May 09
O Thats being very diplomatic, but in the right way I must admit. But don't you think friend, that atleast once in our life we should get the hint of the presence of something paranormal. There is so much of talks, topics, debates, claims, stories, I would like to know the truth first hand. Thank you so much for sharing.
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@kaysue4 (951)
• United States
23 May 09
I think that spirits are more seen by little children because their minds are open more to hearing things and as they get older, some just loose the ability of hearing them. I have never heard one talk to me, but my one son would always be talking to one in our old house. After my son was treated for bipolar, he never really seen them again.
@kaysue4 (951)
• United States
23 May 09
Ghost caught on film - There is no reflection that could have made this picture like the one in this picture. If you would blow up the picture, you would see a face or blow it up more it looks like a single eye looking at something.
So, how is that for a closeup of a ghost?
Hello to you,Well, I have never really met a ghost that I can really, really remember, but, I do remember when I was young thinking that one was following me around and even knocked a picture off of the wall. I freaked and it never happened to me since. Now, my ex-SIL had an entryway in her house. She can feel them when she is around. She knew that their was a guy buried in her basement. Now, someone borrowed my camera and took a picture at a friend's house and low and behold, there is a ghost on the picture! I sent the picture to my ex-SIL and she said that it is an evil spirit and not to go back to that house because it could "get a ride" on her purse and end up at our house!
@kaysue4 (951)
• United States
24 May 09
Your welcome. We still think it is freaky and the girl that lives there says that as soon as she enters the house, everyone get into a bad mood and they fight all of the time, but when she leaves, she finds it calming and at peace again. STRANGE
• India
24 May 09
I guess I have a similarity on this. Strangly almost every evening I have a sort of heated discussion with my father. We talked about it that why in the evenings we start these heated topics, maybe there is something unnatural working out there. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, it is much appreciated.
• India
23 May 09
Interesting. It seems like a child. Thank you so much for posting the pic, it is a very kind gesture. I have heard and have seen it on the tv that at times these spirits get captured in the lens. It is freaky. Thanks again.
@MyzDy19 (919)
• Philippines
22 May 09
I also believe in them though I haven't seen them hehehe ^^ When I was younger I always want to see one but now... ihhhhhh....I don't like because I don't know what will I do if I see one maybe I'll faint ^_^
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• India
22 May 09
LOL I would faint too......... maybe, but still I would love to have a first hand experience the prospect is so very intriguing. I had gone to the lengths of finding one, there is this place, near the graveyard, I often used to go there and would walk alone hoping to see one, but never even remotely I sensed anything "Supernatural".Thanks for sharing.
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• Cebu, Philippines
22 May 09
I personally believed in ghost because I've seen one when I was in my younger years..It was early in the morning about 5:30 I went down stairs to take a bath..since it was an old house in my grandparents house..with chinese window and japanese architecture as well..that time I didn't feel like taking a bath, I want to sleep more..but since I have to be early I took the courage to do what I suppose to do,when I open the shower I saw a have bodied woman staring at me and her left hand waving at me...I was so shocked and couldn't move..I was in the middle of scrubbing my body with loofa and soap..So what I did? I took the towel and run back to my room and went to my sister's room to take a bath there with her..she's my twin sister and when i told her she didn't want to take a bath without me since then we used the same bathroom because of that incident.
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• India
23 May 09
Scary, really scary. I guess i would have gone berserk if I had an experience like that. I wouldn't take a bath for the whole day if I have known that there is a ghost staring through the window while I am in the shower. Hope that it was the one and only experience you ever had with the supernatural. Thanks for sharing.
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
23 May 09
I didn't believe in them until I lived in a haunted house. I too am fascinated with ghost stories and haunted places. I love to go on the ghost tours when I go on vacation.
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• India
23 May 09
Ghost tours, what exactly is that dear friend? I am also very fascinated by the stories and legends associated with it. Thanks.
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
23 May 09
A lot of historcalplaces have ghost tours where they take you on a tour of their famous haunted places. They let yu go and take pictues and things to try andcapture the ghosts on film. I have been on the one in New Orleans and one is Spring Texas. I know that San Antonio and Boston have them as well.
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• India
23 May 09
Wow It really sounds interesting. Are the places really creepy? Wish I could go there at a time not far from now. Thanks again.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
23 May 09
definitely they exist in the world. but we can't prove them. but i think that many has seen ghost. anyways, i have seen one once with some friends. but that was it. thankfully not any more.
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• India
23 May 09
Would you be kind enough to share your experience? I would like to hear it.
• United States
23 May 09
I definitely believe in the spirit world. I have always been "intuitive", and so has my oldest daughter. There was a spirit who followed me around for a few years. He showed up close to the end of my marriage. I was in a very abusive relationship. I would see him from time to time, but I mostly felt him. There was always a cold draft on one side of my body. And it moved around me...usually when my husband and I were fighting. One night, I was over at my sisters house and my husband flipped out. He left our house to come get me (I didn't ask him if I could go visit her). He said that he was about a mile from pulling out of the drive-way, and he hit a man who was standing in the middle of the road. When I asked him if the man was ok, he turned white as a sheet, and said that he wasn't sure because when he stopped the car, the man was standing in the middle of the hood. All he could see of him was from the waist up. He said that he then turned around and vanished. He described this man to me, and it was my "friend". When my son was a baby, I would wake up at night to hear him laughing in his crib. I would look over at him and see my friend leaning over him. I knew that he was ok, so I would go back to sleep. My oldest daughter used to tell me that the people in her room would call her by her name, and she thought it was strange because they didn't know her....or she didn't know them. One day, my mom was standing on the front porch, and my daughter saw a man standing behind her. She ran up to mom because she didn't understand why she was ignoring him. I could go on and on, but it would take a lifetime to tell you all of my stories. I don't mind seeing people. What I do mind is when I dream that someone is going to die. They always do within three days. I am terrified of my dreams. They usually always come true. Even my mom is scared of them. Of course, it's not bad when they are good dreams.
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• India
23 May 09
I would just love to hear whatever experiences you had till now. I would love to have the details of those too.Thew stories you mentioned in here are really interesting and I would like to know more about them. hope that you would oblige, thanks.
@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
23 May 09
i do believe in ghosts, though i haven't seen them for real but i believe that they exists in some form. they are spirits who just visits the land of mortal. they do exists in remote places where there are few people are living because i do believe that they like places that are silent.
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• India
23 May 09
Well there are many people who claim to experience the presence of ghosts in a crowd too. They say that they want our attention towards them. But yes it is a common belief that places with less inhabitants are the ones where the ghosts resides. lOL Thank you for sharing.
@aikhong (661)
• Malaysia
23 May 09
Ya, it's true that we all are exposed to those ghost stories, supernatural, spirits and mystical things since we were young. I think all these actually have some sort of influence to our thinking and belief on the existence of it. For me i will believe the existence in ghost and spirits, although i've never seen it or experienced it myself before. Mostly i heard it from my friends and relatives. They claimed that they or their relatives have true experience on those supernatural and spiritual 'things'. All these have made me started to believe and take cautions so that i won't harm or disturb 'them'. I believe as long as we didn't do anything wrong, sinful or disturb 'them', they won't be any harm to us too. Human and spirits can actually live in harmony in this world. These are just some of my thoughts.
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• India
23 May 09
Thats a very peaceful thought. But I beg to differ dear friend. If for an instant we start to believe in ghosts, then I think that the humans and the human spirits would cross roads. I don't know if it would be peaceful then or not. Ghosts are believed to be troublemakers, just an assumption. Thanks for sharing you views on the subject.
@queennee (186)
• Philippines
23 May 09
yes its really true,during our childhood days,we often heared stories about ghosts,the good and the bad one.and also its very rampant in movies and books as u said.i used to believed that ghosts really exist.and they are of two kinds,the good one and the bad one.but nobody ever told me that they really have seen one.i too have never encountered i grow up,i refused to believe it already becoz no one has proved to me that its true.sometimes we its us who create the ghost that we believe.we immagine soo many things and our minds create negative i dont believe that ghosts exist.if there are instances that some may feel or seen a ghosts,its the devil satan who creates them to lead us into false beliefs.and leads us to commit sins.good day! :)
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• India
23 May 09
Your reasoning is apt and absolutely logical. your stance in the subject is very in line of what I too think about it. But yet it fascinates me. And here at mylot I have come across some really interesting takes that might affect my stance on this subject. have a great weekend, friend.
• India
23 May 09
yes i belive in ghost...even i saw them...they r horrible...
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• India
23 May 09
All of them are horrible? I ask this because some do say that all ghosts don't mean to scare.
23 May 09
Too many attention seekers give the idea a bad name. Ghosthunters and charlatans who claim to have evidence on camera and then sell crazy stories to tabloids and the media, makes it impossible to believe. I think we should listen to each other and be accomadating of each others beliefs, I am open minded to the spiritual world and understand people get great peace of mind in the idea of an after life, that loved ones who've passed away have gone on to a better place or are still around in some form, we get to keep people with us for a long time still if we have a sense of spirituality in our lives. That I believe is a fantastic concept that benefits us all.
• India
23 May 09
Yes, quite right. Your response is inclined towards spirituality yet very coherent. I also agree that it is our minds that play games with us. Things we want to see, we want to hear and feel and then these unanswered experiences are attributed to the the existence of "GHOSTS". Thank you for the wonderful response.
@tashakau (131)
• Canada
24 May 09
I do beleive in spirits but I am not sure if it is the same as ghosts.
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• India
24 May 09
Yes there is a fine line between the two. :-))
@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
27 May 09
Here is the story I posted a while back if you would like to read it I had to look in my emails for it because they sent me a link to the site where I post my stories.
• India
27 May 09
Here is a story which I posted in sulekha, hope you would find it interesting and the time to read it. Hope its good and catches your fancy. Just one thing I would like to add up here, it is purely out of my imagination. Bodhi
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
22 May 09
I'm a really open minded person, and I'm not the kind of person to rule anything out, becuse just when we think it cant happen or it dosent exist we might find that it dose. now with that being said I haven't actually seen a human ghost before, but in the past I had a rather unbelievable experience that some might say is a ghostly experience, but I wasn't afraid of it at all it actually made me feel a little better, it was a few years back in 2006 my beloved cat suddenly past away and I was very sad becuse of course I was very close to her she and I seem to understand each other I mean more then other cats Iv owned in the past, and this might sound silly or strange, but I could still feel her presence around me even in my dreams, and I could almost see her in places that she use to sit like the window of my apartment the certains would also be spread apart where she use to sit, and I could see her at the top of the stairs, this lasted for about 3 or 4 weeks maybe a little longer then the sitings and dreams stopped, Iv posted this before in a similar discussion, but every time I think about the possibility of the existence of ghost I think of the strange experience I had and even to this day I'm still not sure if what I saw was real or if I imagined it all, but the funny thing is my mom and dad saw my cat too.
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• India
23 May 09
Hi Apples, Maybe it was the ghost, maybe not. God knows! But of all the education I have got and things i have studied in this regard it suggests me that we seem to see and feel things which we love very dearly. Maybe our minds play games with us. Like we experience a mirage in deserts, similarly we see ghosts of people who we love, or are very scared of. Thanks you so much for sharing your experience.
• Malaysia
22 May 09
I do believe in ghost. When I was a boy I often see something staring at me from behind a pole near my house. When I stare at it, it suddenly run an vanish into thin air. There are lots of ghost stories I heard from my friends who live in hostel especially stories of people get possesed and suddenly have superpowers and hoarse voice.
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• India
23 May 09
Wow, have you really come across someone, possessed. Strange things really do happen in this world of ours. Thanks for sharing. Cheers.