medicating children

United States
May 22, 2009 9:24am CST
my doctor believes my son may suffer from auspergers syndrome on top of ADHD know they want to test him to confirm so they can get him on medication to make managing him easier but i wont let them test him because i don't think hes to a point where that's the best option what do you think about how eager doctors are to medicate children? does anyone have a child or loved one suffering from auspergers syndrome?
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2 responses
• United States
22 May 09
I don't know anything about auspergers syndrome, but I do know about ADHD. I have 2 children with it. I don't know how old your child is but for school reasons get him tested. I had to do it mainly because of my son, he was having major problems in school. I got him tested at the near by hospital, got all the paper work, for my own records. No body can make you give your child medication. We have moved from my sons old school and his current school basically that is all they want to talk about is PUT YOUR KID ON MEDICATION. I changed his diet in the past before we moved and that worked good enough for me. The school just wants to put him on meds so they don't have to deal with it. Also if you have it on paper, it is easier to prove what your child needs in school.
• United States
22 May 09
but where are you from because i know this sounds twisted but in SD they can take your child away if they believe he/she needs medicated and you refuse it because its negligence and my sons is soon to be five but has 1 more year before kindergarten because he doesn't make the cut off here and i don't think he needs it yet i agree if it comes down to only option but not yet
• United States
22 May 09
REALLY? Wow! I hate half these stupid laws, I was in Jersey at the time I got him tested now we are NC. Well can't you talk to your doctor about alternate medications? All I did was cut out A LOT of sugar from their diet and feed them alot of wheat foods. (strange but it helped) also definitly stick to a routine. A friend of mine got her daughter into art lessons to put all her focus on, that worked for her. Look at Phelps, the olympic swimmer, he has adhd, his mom put him into swimming classes. Talk to your dr. find alternates, medication is not always the answer, do your research, cause when it comes to school, you will have to truly push for his proper education. With my son, if I didn't he would have been one to slip through the system, schools just want it easy.
• United States
24 May 09
thanks for your comments
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 May 09
I have no idea what that syndrome is and it sounds scary. I am not a big fan of medication and i would hesitate to give medication to anyone. However, I am not a doctor and I believe in healthy living as opposed to medicating. Cheers!!
• United States
22 May 09
well thank you and the syndrome is a type of autism so it is pretty scary