drugs,gangs,and a messed up family up family
By neikopratt
@neikopratt (24)
United States
May 22, 2009 5:47pm CST
im 13 years old.....my hole life my dads been a alcoholic. he hurt himself on a job(carpenter)and got on workers comp.it was a shoulder injury and it was reely bad. so he went to lots of doctors and eventually started taking perks for his shoulder.as i can remember thats wen things got bad...ok lets go bak to wen i was like 9 or 10. i would come home from skool and usually my mom was there and my dad would be out(drugs/drinking). wen ever he came home there wuld always be an argument.i was reely stressed from alot cus alot of times i wuld get into my own fights with my mom. i was in 5th grade wen i had my first ciggerate.it relived stress so wen ever i got REELEY stressed i wuld hav one.....skip to about 11or 12ish in 6th grade. this point i smoke even wen im not stressed but my parents dont no and still dont..one day my dad came home and was fighting with everyone in the house. i got reeley mad and went out. walked for a while and then i saw sum1 smoking talked and did it with him.as of now im buyin ciggerates offa him all the time i was on maybe like about 6 a day. the more i did it the more th habit increesed.i was on packs a day.things at home got worse and worse. wich meen i got stressed and more stressed.went to the person i bought cigs offa and thats wen i got hi 4 the first time..so now weed is almost a dailey thing i got so involved in stupid stuff i got into gangs and my life ws all bad stuff now.. things at home were HORRIBLE and now im just like my dad at home fighting with everyone.eventully my dad went to rehab..i felt reely bad and things at home got as bad as they ever gotten. i got kicked out in 7th grade and spent a yeer with my grandparents. the hole time mostly at nite i was with gangs, drinking, smoking, girls, and drugs.
now im 13 going on 14 its the endof may. i came home from my grandparents house and lived my parents sinc december. when i came bak i was stilll messed up but...i met my girlfried and sh opende my eyes big time.up untill about march i been tryin to fix my life and itsbeen goin good for the most part. no drugs gangs lots of girl or beer. but i still smoke im on like a pck a month and my prents stilll dont no.
my dads outta rehad and is clean of everything but he changed.. good ineveryone elses eyes but bad in mine. before rehab we could tlk and agree and wen ever me nd my mom fought he was on my side. but now family problem are gettin bad again and i feel like no 1 is on my side anymore. i been in at leest 8 fist fites with him. my moms a complete u no the word a femaile dog and treets me like crap and i h8 her. now i no ppl say they hate someone there usually mad and dont mean hate but i do. i hate her even the times things re good mwith her istill hate her. with my fiting wit my dad theres been cops at least 3 times and now the next time we fite its jail for both of us for a wile.
i dont like my life the only thing good 4 me i my girlfriend i love her and a couple friends i wuld die for but besides that life sucks.
i idnt say my entire life story but its lot of it if any 1 has any question just ask but i just wanna no wat to do to become happy and lov life. thanks plese get back to me i cant stand living with my parents.
p.s. i no alot of ppl are gonna say something stupid like thats just teenagrs or something most ppl would say. i dont wanna here none of that just wats gonna help me thru all this and wats gonna make it better.
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1 response
@playapal (894)
• United States
23 May 09
Hi neikopratt, I'm so sorry for the situation that you are in. There are times that life just sux and it sounds like that is where you are right now. Try to remember that only you can change your life, you do have choices, make the right ones. It is much easier to make the wrong ones sometimes, but take the straight road, it will be much better for you in the long run. I have two boys that thankfully are grown now, but one of them made quite a few bad choices and is still paying for them. They had a loving family and a support network but still had to go and do what they had to do. Are you back in school? I would love to help you, I was a counselor for years until I moved to Mexico, I am gonna send you a friend request, I hope that you accept it and then we can talk more privately. Hope to hear from you soon!
@neikopratt (24)
• United States
24 May 09
thanks i h8 wat i did it changed me alot and i reely dont like it. and im in skool. so it wuld be gr8 if we culd talk. thanks