How do u think the "3rd PARTY" in relationship???

May 22, 2009 8:04pm CST
In the last year's APRIL something,suddenlly come out in my relationship! WHY? Im felt very hard,and scare..It is the 1st time to happened!After that i withdrawal my self,i can't accept this was happened on me,i can't accept my boyfriends will do this..accuatly til now,we still together,and the girl now is staying with him!For give up,is easier for saying,but is very very hard for do it! Im very love him,accually he treat me not bad except the 3RD PARTY,im feel happy when together with him. Am i stupid? But he alway ask me give him sometimes for decide him self,what i should do? And mind u all give me some idea?
1 response
@beamsey (425)
• Philippines
23 May 09
The girl is staying with him? Do you mean they're together? Or do you mean living in his house? Either way, I think you should leave. I know how hard it is to leave but not leaving shows your boyfriend that what's happening is okay with you. If you leave and he chases after you and asks for you back, tell him to be faithful first. Tell him you won't take him back unless he can break up with the other girl he's seeing. This situation is unfair to you. It may seem like you're boyfriend's in control but the truth is, you are. You can leave anytime you want and he can't blame you for leaving if you ever do. Staying will only hurt you more. If he tells you to give him time, tell him you can give him time without being his girlfriend. You don't have to be together for him to be able to figure things out. This way, he can have his time and you can put yourself together for when he decides to stay with you. If he doesn't, then you'll have started the healing process already while he was out there having his "time".
• Malaysia
23 May 09
Yes,the girl is staying with him nw..And sometimes i feels like under his control,he alway said he oso felt hard,and alway buzy for work,izzit this all is just his reason?
@beamsey (425)
• Philippines
24 May 09
I doubt that. If he's really busy, how come he has time to have 2 girls? He's just giving you excuses to make you stay. I highly suggest you leave. Yeah, you'll have a few crappy months. But after you get over him, you can be happy and find someone else who deserves you. Staying with him will just hurt you more and he won't realize how much you're worth until he loses you. I'm sorry for saying this but you're boyfriend is a jerk. Having a 3rd party is already insulting. Even more so when he lets the girl live with him. This shows you that he really doesn't take your feelings into consideration and only cares about himself.