How do you believe the world and humans were created?

May 23, 2009 10:07am CST
How do you think the world was created? What do you believe? Do you believe God created the heavens and the Earth, or the Big Bang theory, that we stem from animals or any other religious or non religious beliefs. Also, why is that what you believe?
4 responses
• United States
9 Jun 09
Thank you for asking this question. I do not believe that god created the heavens, or the earth, or anything. I do not believe that god even exists. Everything that happened in the universe happened as a random events. Everything started with a small infinitely small point and everything expanded. Then, small microscopic dust grains started forming around heavy masses of gas, which stuck together. the grains moved toward the gases, but they also gained in mass, and eventually the extras were expelled, and the most massive dust grains stuck around, and became planets.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 May 09
With such knowledge of the complex, God creates everything with a bang. The universe unfolds into what we have today just like a seed grows into a tree. All religious stories are too simple to be real.Got to have more technical details. Man will discover those along the way.
@UnderSea (69)
• United States
23 May 09
I m an Agnostic, so I believe in the big bang theory at the sametime I m not going to rule out that god being the creator. But when I look around the world, there is nothing that really convince me the existence of god. Instead I see evolution everywhere... Just look around, If god created the world, why would there be 1000+ different kinds of butterflies, or hummingbirds etc etc... I see it all over the place where in certain envirnment produce certain animal. It just doesn't make sense to me if god created the world.
• Philippines
23 May 09
Sometimes it's difficult to believe.. according to Science, Bigbang theory.. to Religion it is God... But for me, it's God the creator..