Is it only natural to send old people in the Home for the Aged?
By MyzDy19
@MyzDy19 (919)
11 responses
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
23 May 09
Honestly,I can't understand about many people who sent their old parents to old folks home.For me, I hope I can take care my parents if they old.They need love from their a child,they are our responsibility.We have to find time to take care them.The heaven is under mother's foot palm.yes it's difficult to care old parents,they talkative and sensitive but can't we imagine about how difficult they take care us since baby till adult.Priceless!
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@siZidni (1860)
• Indonesia
23 May 09
you have golden heart Zhizho. hope there will be no more people sent their old parents to the Home of Aged. but i do so hope that people will not spoil their parents since it will fasten their parents to become senile. if you brave enough to take care your old parents, who have to prepare yourself to guide them and give plans or program to maintain their brain keep alive. you can not let them live at your home but then you abandon them. they still need the social live.
do you know that NH Dini (the famous novel writers) choosed to spend her age in the Home of aged? because she knew that she will be some one.
well every body has their point why they choose their way.
@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
23 May 09
Where I live it is somewhat of a necessity to let others care for the family elders. Most people need two incomes to keep things going, and people work for so long that they are not able to keep their elderly parents at home. It is better for the elders as well to stay in a home. I do think though that they deserve the best treatment and respect. We visit our old familiymembers often, and make sure they live as well as possible.
@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
23 May 09
Thank you!
The vast majority of people do the best they can. people who are not able to care for the elderly should not be judged, or made to feel bad or ashamed. It does not mean we do not love and respect our elders.
My prediction is that eastern countries and cultures will become more and more like ours. maybe it will not be long before they do not have much of a choice either?
@MyzDy19 (919)
• Philippines
24 May 09
^^ Actually some counties in Asia also do that...Sending old people to the Home for the Aged.
Anyway, Teison2 thanks for your opinion ^_^
Ehem! Sumimasen book1962.
But I never ever thought of that. I mean the one you said err wrote "money lies on the ground in rich western states"...ecklaboosh ek-ekz
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@MartyM (95)
• United States
24 May 09's VERY sad. i work with the Elderly for my full time job. We go into their homes and help them clean, cook,..whatever they need. We do this so they don't HAVE to go into a Nursing Home. I've dealt with some of the families, of my 'Clients.' It's really frustrating to see how my 'Clients' are treated, by their own families, nevertheless!! I do what I can to help my 'Clients'. Alot of them are really appricitive of the help the receive. I've been in this 'field' for 10 years ( or so). I LOVE what I do!!

@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
23 May 09
In my country most old people move into nursing homes if they are no longer able to live in their own homes. Children and their old parents usually don't live together, but that doesn't necceserally mean that the children SEND their parents away to a nursing home, because they don't want to take of them. My grandmother lives in a nursing home and she picked out the place herself. Long because she had to move there, she looked at the different possibilities and she chose where she wanted to live. She has found a very good place, the staff seem very friendly and there is a nice atmosphere at the place. We often visit her and she also visits us in our home.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
24 May 09
For me it is not , but it also differs in our
customs and traditions in our country.It is the time that
we serve back and care our grandmas and grandfas or
older people that related to us. That's the best time
to take care of them ,serve, and supplied those medicines
they need. This the response of the things they did for us
that we shouldn't forget.
@pelastikbintang (325)
• Malaysia
24 May 09
ITS NOT NATURAL!! I can't work my mind how can people send their old man to the Home for the aged, that is so cruel. Just think of the sacrifices they hv made in order for u to grew up and become who u r right now. I don't think that we as their children should send them to that place even though u r bz. If u had no choice but to send them there at least, visit them regularly. Would u like ur children do the same thing to u?
@thanks2jesus4ever (76)
• United States
24 May 09
There are some elderly who need serious medical attention that some children cannot give; however, a huge majority of those placed in homes are a result of LACK OF love, good old time beliefs, irreverant children that have forgotten who RAISED THEM, paid for them and put up with THEM their entire lives. There is a great loss of just plain decency and humanity. If at all possible my Mom will be with me when she's unable to tend to herself; my Dad is deceased. I love them both dearly and thank the good Lord above that they tolerated all of my 70's and then some behaviour and although quite settled now- I will NEVER forget what they have done and are still doing for me. The Bible states that those that honour their mother and father will live long here on Earth. I say quite frankly - GET BACK TO BASICS! Take care of those that provided you life, love and had a huge part in making you who you are today. STOP BEING LAZY and self centered...start GIVING some and stop TAKING! Older people are WISE, have lived on this Earth a LONG TIME and have a LOT more to offer and give if we will just take the time to listen and apply.
@echomonster (2225)
• Greenwood, Mississippi
24 May 09
I think often people don't WANT their parents to be put in nursing homes, but circumstances make it very difficult to care for them at home. Suppose, for instance, that an elderly parent has problems with mobility and is prone to falling down. If no one can be at home to stay with the parent because of work, is it right to leave the parent alone in the day knowing he or she might fall and break something? What if the parent has medical problems or dementia and requires constant skilled care? A nice solution might be to hire a private nurse, but that's only an option for the well-off. Often, people send their parents to nursing homes precisely because they DO care so much. It's not ideal, but we don't live in the ideal world...nursing homes are necessary under some circumstances.
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
24 May 09
Hello! It is not wise to send the older people of the family to the Old Age Homes where they not feel good and may not get proper care.If we being sons and daughters can't take proper care of our parents how we expect that others would take adequate care of them.The older people have sacrificed their life for our well being.So it is our obligation to look after them in their old age.I don't like sending them to Old Age Homes to be tortured.thanx.
@Jevendiran (778)
• India
24 May 09
Yeah, it's so sad. This is not a right thing. If u couldnot assist your parent, just appoint a nurse, give her the money that you pay for your parents in Home for the Aged to that nurse. They'll be more happy thinking that their son/daughter is looking after them with so care. U can also be free from assisting them. But just don't throw them off into those Orphanages! Give them love and affection and not your money!
@macel19 (202)
• Philippines
24 May 09
I guess culture is one of the biggest factor that people sent their old parents in home for the Aged. Some culture like in the Philippines , it's a taboe that we sent our old parents to that particular place because since we are still very young we are being thought of paying them back of what their sacrifices when we are still young, and of course we do have a close tight family , we even though have extended family.In my point of view their is nothing wrong in sending old parents in Home for the aged if that would be the best way of caring them by providing them profesional care taker.