The most usefull thing you will learn in your whole life
By Imnovice
@Imnovice (43)
May 23, 2009 2:10pm CST
Money Management, this is the real secret of the pros in trading see
2 responses
3 Jun 09
I agree with you that Money mangament is a real secret. People are always learning and working hard to earn money but where is comes to money mangment they are completely lost. The rule should be that "Your money should work for you and you should not work for money all the time". Money mangment is the key to financial problems, your social relationships between spouses or friends and even famlily members.
If you can mangage money - you will be able to manage your health, your stress levels - this would be the ksy for "Countries not going into Recession".
The secrets of money during the recession are avaliable
There are simple ways of money mangament like trying to save on your Auto and home insurances or budget your expenses, maintain your written expenses and analyse your own expenses at the end of the month..... this is a great trait to have. Thanks for brining this up.