Do girls look better with a tan?

May 24, 2009 2:30am CST
This questions is for the guys. Do girls look sexier/better with a tan? Having a tan makes me feel confident and more sexy. Do you feel more confident and sexy if you have a tan?
4 responses
• Philippines
24 May 09
I love natural causcasian women... why? I think the freckles are hot, and their really white complexion... but that doesn't mean tanned women aren't. you know, girl, the key to being sexy is being confident of what you got. be proud of who you really are. and of course, the attitude. you can't be sexy without the attitude. ;)
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
24 May 09
i always see the girl wear black cloth .and looks nice. and in movies i found many women wear black cloth or skirt, and also they looks very beautiful with the tan. many girls like to wear black tan.
• United States
24 May 09
I am part Irish and most of that heritage comes out in my skin tone. 9 months out of the year I am pink and blotchy (or, when I get cold, purple and blotchy) so I absolutely look better with a tan. But some girls have that smooth perfectly white porcelain skin that looks terrific no matter what. If I looked like that I wouldn't care if I wasn't tan.
• United States
24 May 09
It *really* depends on the girl. Some girls look sooooo good pale and others look so good tan, it depends on hair color, eye color, freckles and where, a few things. Tan lines also look good on some, where on others they should tan their whole body :P I personally think it depends on the girl. some look like porcalin angels and then totally different tan, it all depends!