Was joining mylot an accident or an intention????

Mylot surprise !!!! - Mylot came to me as a surprise package with so many wonderful things to do.....
May 25, 2009 11:25am CST
Well i still remember a month back.......i had heard about some sites which pay you for clicking their advertisements so i went around my search for finding the right site to get some pocket money during my vacations...... As i was searching i came across a discussion which was about a PTC site and about paypal.......i clicked that link not knowing a single thing about mylot.......the word mylot kept appearing on my searches in Google so i decided to look around the site and someone spoke about earning that you get through discussions on mylot........now that grabbed my attention immediately because i loved social networking sites anyways......so i thought whats the harm in trying it out as it is i am looking for a way to earn......so why not through something which i always love doing....."socializing" So that's how i entered mylot and i am so glad i actually joined in........i am having a gala time here......mylot rocks..... Whats you story how did you join in?????
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16 responses
@Baltek (261)
• Canada
25 May 09
Personnally it was an accident, I was looking for ways to gain money online, and it popped in the search results. So I would say it was a positive accident indeed.
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@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 May 09
actually its not an accident because a friend of mine gave me the link for myLot, why he gave it? because i asked him a site that i can make money thats why he gave me the link of myLot. and so what i did? i register myself, and i didnt make active. just a few months after registering got the guts to participate on posting a discussion and commenting other's post. so from that moment, im having fun, i said to myself wow this is addicting huh? LOL
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
26 May 09
yeah exactly,. ive made the correct choice on making money online. iam happy that im almost on payout amount since ive join here, this gonna be my first payout,. yeheeee. LOL
• India
26 May 09
you know all the people above who had taken a break from mylot and had decided not to work on it for some time and then came back have a gone a looong way on mylot.....just like you......i am sure you didn't make a wrong decision...... Have a nice day !!!!
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
25 May 09
it was a friend who invited me to join myLot. She found mylot when she was doing her research and got into some discussion in mylot. she can't ask nor reply unless she's a member and that's how she got into here. i love doing things like this so she introduced the website to me.
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• India
26 May 09
You might be really thanking your friend now.......as i can see you have come a loong way on my lot.......and that is certain that you are having a gala time here....... Good day !!!!
@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
26 May 09
@ thaMARKER Wow! Its great to see you at 1100.I believe you are addicted to this site :) Good to see the enthusiasm.Happy myLotting!
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
26 May 09
I know this in a Chinese BBS, When I was searching some english learning sites. And I don't know we can earn money that time, then I joined in. After half a year test, I found out mylot is really a genuine site, I love it very much. And now, I alway took about several hours here. My aim here is to improve my english, even if I know we can earn money by discussing. Happy mylotting! John4christ, it's really a good topic, I think.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
26 May 09
I had been sent a link to join yuwie by a friend.I joined the site and there i got to know about mylot.As i was new to internet money making,i signed up for the site and started participating.I quit yuwie because i did not like its functioning.It has been 4.5 months now and i have been loving mylot more and more.It has all the factors which bind my interest and inclination to get hooked to this site.
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• United States
25 May 09
Joining mylot was intentional I am trying to make so extra cash to be able to buy my kids things so I looked up different things to see what was legit and i think this is have you made any money for being on here?
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• India
26 May 09
Hi you made the right choice.......and i hope that you earn the max so that you could get your kids the best things......well all i would suggest is you have to be super active......dedicate as much as time possible on responding, commenting and also start new discussions which will engage people in it.......that would be your ticket to earn more here.....also try to get your hands on some tasks......they are a quick incentive......... Yes i have reached my payout and will be getting paid in next months(June's) slot..... have a nice day !!!!!
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
26 May 09
i got a very misleading invitation that said i could make $40- day! but anyways, my interest was piqued and i have been here for 3 years and i have enjoyed it, but i found that mylot isnt what it used to be (what is anymore? lol!)
@ltmoon (1008)
• United States
26 May 09
Was joining mylot an accident or an intention? I would classify it as a trainwreck! ... and it's only been downhill from there!
1 person likes this
• United States
25 May 09
I joined mylot after doing a search on a word or some topic and I saw it come up as a link to a mylot discussion. I was interested in it right away because it reminded me a lot of the old chat websites.
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
25 May 09
Well it's my intention to join. Delayed intention actually. This site was introduced to me months ago after i finally joined. She told me that i can basically talk about anything here and i get paid for doing so. She asked to join her. I was skeptical at first because it will be my first time to venture on online moneymaking. To add salt to the injury, i was on dial up during that time so i really don't have enough time for it. Mom decided that we go DSL. That's the time i joined myLot because i would be able to maintain my participation here without worrying about speed and time. Too bad though because i joined on my own. The one who told me about it is not inactive.
• India
26 May 09
I am glad that you joined in.....though you made a delayed decision and as we all can see you have made a loooong way through mylot........and we still hope to see you here in days to come..... Have a nice day !!!!
• United States
29 May 09
Hi John...I was informed about MyLot from a friend. I have always been skeptical about money making sites on the computer. You always here all the horror stories that go with them so in listening to alot of those I was a bit skittish about joining this site. I am so glad I did. I have made some wonderful friends and they have invited me to share what they do in their everyday life with them and it gives me a good feeling that people from all over the world can come together for one cause. MyLot is awesome and it is just not about the money but about making friends that maybe you can help with a problem they are having or they can help you with a problem you may be having. flutterby
@tashakau (131)
• Canada
25 May 09
I also joined mylot by accident. It looked interresting so I continued reading on. I am a member for a nearly a week and I am really enjoying reading comments from people from all around the world. I have only been hearing great things about mylot and so far I have been login in everyday.
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• United States
26 May 09
WAS referred by someone from other site social network that pays you for activity however she turned on me because i had no activity in 1st 3 days ! Kind of weird cause I helped her free giving her a vaulable resource that cost me $20 and the information is worth $1000's for the rest of your online marketing life ! She agreed to join mines also atthe time and never referred just 2 people at the time to earn 1 share of the giveaway pool which turned out to be worth $22.75 per share I referred 100's of people and now have contracted pay out when a buy out happens like two years from now of $2,895.78 ! So call it even ! She never even helped here or guided me through the signup process !
@miakel (2)
26 May 09
I tripped over mylot by luck...TODAY!!! I just wanted to post a referal link on this game I play on the internet yesterday and my friend decided that he'd look for more. He sent me a bunch of different sites and this was one of the better ones.
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• India
26 May 09
Well joining mylot was an accident but deciding to stay on is very much the intention. Like you, I too was surfing the net in one of my idle moments when I came across mylot. I dont exactly remember (gosh it seems so far back)what got me interested in it...guess I just love writing and interacting with people and the more I got into this the more I was hooked to it...so here I am still replying to discussions and posting some too.
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
26 May 09
i just discovered this accidentally. i think it's GOD who gave me this link. He knows what i want and what i need. i felt so thankful to him. being resourceful is a big asset He has given me.