Do you have a weighing machine?

@dhawanbm (3705)
May 25, 2009 12:18pm CST
Are you concerned about your health and your looks, then you might be having a weighing machine in your bathroom as I think no other room is so fit to have a weighing machine, Are you health freak, and do you keep a machine?
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7 responses
@Mitraa (3184)
• India
25 May 09
I have no weighing machine with me, but I keep watch of my weight whenever I find a weighing machine! Thanks for this nice posting and have a good day!
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
28 May 09
of course mitra it nice to keep an eye on the weight and to do so one has to look at the scale, it gives a sense of satisfation that you are not over weighing!
@rrdj71 (696)
• United States
25 May 09
Yeah I have a digital scale in my bathroom but I stopped weighing myself because it upsets me that even though I exercise and try to eat right I am not getting the reading I want and stress causes weight gain so I have vowed to only weigh myself once per week instead of daily like I was doing before.:)
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
28 May 09
rr its nice to have one, you have a digital,its fun to note your weight, I have a simple one and its too good for me to keep a tag on the weight!
@UK_Shree (3603)
25 May 09
Yes we do have a weighing machine at home but not in the bathroom. It is usually kept in the masterbathroom and we have had it for well over 10 years now. It has nothing to do with us being healthfreaks though - and it is not used so often actually. I think it is important to know how much you weigh anyway, as it can be an indication of health.
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
28 May 09
oh that fine you do have a machine and you are not health freak anyways it does help in containing and maintaing weight!
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
29 May 09
i have a weighing scale since i am quite concerned with my weight because women in my family get big once they gave birth. i don't think that that little investment was a waste with my current physique.
@agent807 (751)
• United States
28 May 09
I used to have a scale in the bathroom and checked every now and then. But I went to lifting heavy weights to grow more muscle mass ( I have been craving more muscle lately). While I have been growing steadily, I have done nothing but gain weight. My scale went up to 300 pounds. I knew the weights was doing something because I felt bigger, things were small and lighter, and I felt heavier. I stepped on the scale one day and broke the scale, not knowing how much I weighed. I thought it could be repaired, but it couldn't. So I put my newfound muscle mass to work and balled up a metal bathroom scale. I kept getting bigger because I was breaking even more stuff and clothes no longer fit, but I was lifting things that I could never do before. I found a digital scale in a store one day to try it out because it was glass and it could handle 400 pounds. Skeptical that it would break, I tried it and found out what I weighed: 337 pounds. Normally I am not as concerned about my weight, but because I have been gaining muscle lately, I was curious beacuse I need to determine a plateau
@Beenice (237)
• Canada
5 Jun 09
We had in the past a scale and now since 12 years in the most we don't pay attention even to have one. For me I always weigh the same I'm not too big not too skinny, my husband is the same, but we take car of our health.
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
25 May 09
I am a bit conscious when it comes to my weight, but I prefer not to have a weighing scale at home. Though I know that weight loss is not really about the numbers on the scale, I'd still like to avoid checking my weight. I might have the tendency to check on my weight every now and then & that will make me paranoid, so it's better for me to just check on the numbers at the gym when my trainer tells me so.