To say that God is perfect does not make sense to me , at least not in my opinio

May 25, 2009 8:46pm CST
In my opinion, it does not make any sense to say that God is perfect. Because what do you mean by the word 'perfect'? How do you define perfection? You may say 'God is perfect because he is without a mistake, error or sin'. But how do you define 'error', or 'sin'? Even if God commits an error, you might feel it is not an error because when the transgressor is God, people excuse him very easily. Thus, perfection is a meaningless concept which exists only in imagination.
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12 responses
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
26 May 09
Hello Frederic42!!! I don't know why do people like to say that God is perfect. I have many questions to them if they say it perfect. Well may be because people think that this universe is made by god and this universe is perfect. But again I ask, is this universe really perfect. Do people mean that due to the balance of various forces in this world, that this kept them thing that this world is perfect. At least I don't think this world is the perfect place for the living creatures to live. Look, how cruel this world is. In this world, in order to live, one is bound to suppress the other. Take the example of a creature with life depending upon the other creature seizing life of other creature. Take the example of human life. Is this world perfect for us to live. No, if anyone say yes then it is the illusion. Look at the world perfect, what does it means. It means that we god has given us the perfect life to live. But we have lots of suffering when we live. We can't even know when we die, i.e at the moment too, a big earthquake can exist sweeping away our life. Even the people we love can't be with us forever, every one has to sadly departure. Each and every life has very bad sufferings in their life. And now, if anyone still say, god is perfect, then he is a fool, a perfect fool. So there is now way for me to accept that God is perfect and even I doubt its existence. Happy mylotting...
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• India
26 May 09
Frederick42, your question are getting better and better. it drives some mad, confuses some. I dont think we need to have a perfect being. what is perfect now, this moment will cease to be perfect a little later. that is he law of nature. everything moves from one stage to another without being frozen in time. we move from one stage of perfection to another, that means we are 'perfectly imperfect'. perfection is a big myth and do not exist. if god is perfect, error free, sinless, all his creations should also be perfect, error free and sinless. if we are imperfect, full of errors and are sinners then it is directly attributed to the creator who is fully responsible for the mess. we cannot have two sets of rules - one for god and one for the rest of his creations. it is said god created man in his own image, doesn't that mean the creator is also a human being? i agree with you that it makes no sense to chase the mirage of perfection as it is not only meaningless, but a big waste of our talents. all that we need is just improve upon the present for the welfare of the humanity.
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• India
26 May 09
God is nothing but a concept of energy...that energy which flows thru every atom of life on this universe. Now where that energy comes from is still debatable but to be on the safe side, we call the source as God. Hinduism defines God as omnipotent, omnipresent, formless, one and only and swayambhu (born from self) and into which, all life forms finally merge. So there is no question of God being perfect or imperfect...these are very human terms, the concept of God is much beyond these.
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@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
26 May 09
I take it you do believe in God. I make this asumption based on what you said:'God is..' OK, when you believe in God, you obviously need to learn more about Him to get to know Him. To learn about Him you find out how He is, who He is and what he wants. I take it you do have some source of material that you use to get to know God. May I be so bold as to ask what source you use to gather information about the God you believe in? Sorry, I am not trying to be arrogant, I just want to know so I can get a clearer understanding of your discusion. Blessings
• Canada
26 May 09
My friend, my source is my own intelligence, wisdom and common sense. I also consider nature- in other words, whatever that can be perceieved through the five senses as a source through which one might find God.
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@benny128 (3615)
26 May 09
I dont see anybody in this discussion making a mockery of anyone merely expressing opinions. Religion will always divide cultures etc etc and there is no right and wrong answer as there are large holes and unanswered questions in religion just like there are un-answered questions in life.
• Canada
27 May 09
Beertij, I wonder how you got the idea that I am mocking God? I am only saying God is not perfect, in my opinion. Opinions differ and I hav nothing against those who disagree with my opinion. As fas as God's son dying for our sins - again, it is a matter of belief. I tend to disagree with it.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 May 09
Hi Frederick, It's always good to hear people thinking for themselves and that my friend is what you are doing here. We say so many things that don't make sense and the idea of God being perfect is one of them because we all define perfect differently. Words are of this earth, invented by humans and serve no purpose in other dimensions. Sin is defined differently by different people and cultures as is right and wrong, good and bad. Thanks for a good discussion. Blessings.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
30 May 09
God is perfect because one plus one equals two. The problem is not perfection. The problem is judging perfection. How can one really judge perfection without seeing the entire picture, without knowing all the facts? Man has a very very narrow view of things. I work on my narrow vision everyday. If you could look through God's eyes, I bet you would say WOW!!!! PERFECT!!!!! But since we see with a limited view, one can get all kinds of answers. Worry not. In time, your education will show you the truth.
@justinus (1104)
• Karawaci, Indonesia
26 May 09
That God is perfect is concept of religions which based on faith, doesnt need prove and test. Any error and mistake in the earch was not becaused of God according to worshiper, Got is the ultimate basic of truth, God will not make mistakes and will never wrong. You are right that the word perfect is meaningless concept for peoples and other created things, even to me the imperfect human is only the perfect things in the world, relativity formula is perhaps can help our understanding that we are not comaparable each other, you are nos is the best of you and not comparable to me because you are perfect as you are and I am perfect as I am, perfect as the way we were created, perfect in our imperfetcness...hehehe...I am confuse also finally...just want to post, thank you for your interesting topic...
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
26 May 09
if you say you do not agree that God is perfect, then who do you think is perfect, at least someone must be so perfect in creating the world and putting everything in order and in perfection, if God is not perfect in creating mankind and animals, then where do you think every human comes from, the apes? definitely no
• China
27 May 09
i do not agree with you! ithink the god is perfect!if the god is not perfect .what thing is perfect?if nothing is perfect,how the word "perfect"appear?one word comes to our life for a describe of a thing or a feeling !so ,i think the god is perfect,perhaps i am wrong!
@kkarki44 (132)
• Nepal
26 May 09
God is only the sense to stop doing bad things. If the god exists & be the perfect there won't have any violence any where he will stop that. In my view god is perfect only warning the good people who often do wrong mistakes only
• United States
27 May 09
God is perfect. God is omnipotent. God is omnipresent. God is all knowing. These are statements I would use when describing God. God made man who is not perfect b/c of free will. God gave all of us a choice to decide between what is right and what is wrong. With God comes the devil. The devil is everything that God is not. The devil's greatest power is temptation. Many of can attest to the powers of temptation. Many of us can think back to an occasion where we knew something was bad or evil yet we did it anyway because of temptation. The devil tries to tempt us to do bad things so that we are further away from God.In the end it's mankind that's imperfect and not God. -John
• United States
26 May 09
Frederick, great discussion thread! I believe humans have placed human characteristics upon God due to humans insatiable need to define the things that exist in the human world. As creatures that are clearly imperfect, what better way to describe the human's ultimate creator than to tack on the word perfect as one of God's characteristics. I think that in the end because humans fear that which we cannot comprehend, we try to define it in a way that makes it less fearful and more approachable for us. Have you read the bible from beginning to end? If so, did you notice how the exclusive warrior God, we meet in the beginning, one who advocates genocide and has no problem with slavery, transcends into an inclusive peaceful loving God in the "New Testament"? What caused this change? And why are people, so quick to discount or fail to even acknowledge the bloodshed that "God" championed in the "Old Testament". I personally fear God, and I accept this fear. I do not seek to make God human by giving God human characteristics. If God is anything then God is this: an entity that encompasses characteristics that are alien to my human mind. If God is perfect than God is a perfection that is beyond any human conception. For the only conception of perfection that a human can define would be subjective to the imperfect condition in which any definer lives. What I mean by this is that all of our definitions are distorted by our individual experiences and our environments. If we start out by agreeing that this is an imperfect world, then by default any definition we come up with to define perfection would also be imperfect.