Does God have a Big Fat Ego????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
May 26, 2009 12:01am CST
Seems like most of our descriptions of God come from religion. Man influences religion so let's look at God from what religions says. First, we are to worship God. Does a Being capable of creating the universe really want or need our worship? God is farther above us than we are from ants. How important can it be for your ants to worship you? Next, we are supposed to be God fearing. Does it really make sense that God wants us to fear Him? I'm sure someone who could create the universe could get anybody to do anything with other means besides fear and intimidation. Lastly, it is a must to believe in God, or He will send us to a firy pit for eternity. Does this sound like an intelligent thing to do for a Being so smart? Sounds like games to me. So let's sum it up. God is a Being who demands worship, love, and belief or so help me, you will fry for eternity!!! All I can say is that if this is truly God, somebody has a big fat ego problem and we are all in trouble!! The real God has a much better picture. God is unconditional who is very very smart. He is beyond all the ego problems of man. He will teach us all the secrets of the universe at our own pace. We will learn wisdom from the consequences of our free choices. Some of our lessons might be hard and scary but worry not. God loves all His children. He has made you eternal. What do you think? Which is right?
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11 responses
@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
26 May 09
You summed it up very well in the last part. You had me worried at first, but I see what you are getting at. Some people make God to be a very nasty Being. But in fact he is far more and greater than we can ever comprehend.
Yes, only He is worthy to be worshiped.
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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
26 May 09
Hello bird123!!!
Well not only the thing you mention, various religion have various god. And one religion don't obey the god of other religion. Then my another question is, what really the god is. Whom to believe and whom not to. Every one say that they have their own evidence.
Well personally, I don't like to worship any god. And the most annoying part is that some religion worship god by sacrificing the innocent animal. Are they doing the right thing? I say it's totally the sinful thing. Also the purpose of worship seem to very much selfish in most of the case. People worship their god, saying oh God remove my frustrations away from me, do this for me, do that for me. I know nothing is going to happen with it, no miracle is going to happen.
What I think is that, in most religion the concept of God is created to fear people from committing the sins. This doesn't mean that we have to pay nothing for the sins committed. I have the different view. Even sometimes, the religion is corrupted, by some people or some priest, in order to take the world to their different path. Up to worshiping the god is also very fine, I accept, and when it comes to sacrificing, I feel what the disgusting thing that is and how foolish the people are committing so senseless acts.
Now with all above statements, I don't mean that we shouldn't worship good. If we really want to worship god, worship the truth. If you pray, pray for the world, not for the self. We are not really free in this world to commit the bad deeds. Bad deeds surely return to us in any form. The real god is within ourselves, we have to feel our soul hidden inside our body, creating various types of illusion us. We have to know and feel this soul, which is the truth, and the way of making the God happy, if it exists but no doubt that it makes this world happy.
Well these are my feelings that come up from my heart.
Happy mylotting...

@nzalheart (2338)
• India
27 May 09
Well god exists in a sense. i.e our spirit, our actual inner truth. Yes, I meant the same thing that our body is just the foreign thing and this body try to keep us in illusion that our body is real and this mortal world is real. And due to this illusion, all the people are languishing, suffering in this world. This body needs lot of things and consequently no one is ever satisfied. So the actual win over any thing is to win ourselves, get ourselves, our spirit back from this body. Then we can be love like Buddha, like Jesus. Buddha and Jesus were not god, they were also persons, they found their inner spiritual truth and hence they could take the world in their hand. It is the power of knowing the actual inner truth or spirit. So everyone, rather than worshiping god for our selfishness, let's search our actual existence and change this world.
Good luck...happy mylotting...

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 May 09
God is actually someone other than you. Understanding your spiritual self is important but there are reasons for this physical world. It aids in control of your lessons. At any given point in time, you are at a specific place. If you were freed from your physical body, this would not be so. Thanks for those comments.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 May 09
Thanks for all the good comments. About the soul, we are all spiritual beings in our true nature. It is the physical body which is really the foreign thing. I have to agree with you on the animal sacrificing. It's no more than cruel. I have to tell you. God does exist. I find that few people really want to find Him. When you do, believing will not be important. He will not think like you or I. All men have narrow vision perhaps that is why so many want all their troubles to go away. They do not understand that adversity is our best teacher. Thanks again.

@cecillecarmela (3818)
• Philippines
26 May 09
If that's your opinion, I'll respect that. But just to tell my opinion: God is not that way you think He is.
First and foremost, He assumed human being through God the Son Jesus Christ. Jesus assumed human form to tell others about the truth--He got along with the fishermen, the lowly, the poor, the crippled just to be like us in many ways except sin. Like us humans, Jesus also accepted baptism even though He is a God because this symbolizes His humility to fulfill His mission. He allowed Himself to be crucified so as to save us from our sin, even though He can really let Himself out of that situation because He is God. He associated himself with the lowly people rather than the kings because He is a God who doesn't want popularity or power or fame, rather, He's a kind of God that is willing to serve people. He accepted being ridiculed even though He is a God because He wants us to be aware and to know the truth.
God does not demand much of us. He has given us freewill to do what we think is right. He just tells us the truth--that if we did the wrong way, we'll suffer in hell. If we did the right way, we will be with Him in heaven. There's nothing wrong in believing and trusting Him. If you did that, you have nothing to lose. If you didn't, you will almost everything. It's your choice where you wanted to be on eternity.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 May 09
Christ is not God. Christ is a child of God. Children of God can do some remarkable things. They can also make the angels cry. Did you know that God counts on you to sin? Think about that!!!! Don't worry about hell. It is no more than what man tells people when they can't get them to believe. If God could send His children to hell no matter what they did, wouldn't that make Him a MONSTER??? Thanks for the comments. God is really like I describe in the second part.
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@cecillecarmela (3818)
• Philippines
27 May 09
The Bible says God has three forms: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Like us humans, we are still the same person but we play different roles in life. We can be a mother, a friend or a brother to everyone. Anyway, I'm not here to argue. I'm just telling about my faith in God.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
27 May 09
If Jesus is the son of God, then who is Lord Buddha? This is the big question.
Why does the Jesus say that he is the son of God and why Lord Buddha don't say that thing?
Look at the similarities of Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus. Lord Buddha existed about 500 years before than the Jesus. Buddha, though born in very rich kingdom as the only Prince left the palace in order to search the truth, the truth for why people and the living beings have to suffer in this world. And Jesus did the same thing. Both of them went out to search the truth. And finally both became enlightened, reached to the truth.
But there are difference in Christianity and Buddhism? Why? Is their two truth?
The common thing in both the case is the spirituality. And both say that the spirituality is inside ourselves. We are the oneness of light. And that's why follow the path of truth.
It doesn't matter whether there is god or not. The only thing that matters is what you choose in your life. Follow the path to spirituality or move far way from the spirituality.
What is the place for other creatures in this world who have same pain, same emotions, same feelings like us. We never talk about them when it comes to God. Only we go on talking that human beings are the son of God. Then aren't those innocent creatures the son of god. This is also the big question. Like us, they also have the spirit. Just we are lucky that we can make rational decisions.
What my conclusion is that, if Jesus is the son of god, then Lord Buddha is son of god. And if they both are the son of God, then we all human beings is also the son of god. And if we human beings are the son of God then all the living creatures are also the son of God. And if the god doesn't exist, then we are all a spirit that is languishing here in this world because of not realizing our spirit.
I hope you understood what I meant.
Happy mylotting...
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@Bhurishrava (680)
• India
25 Apr 20
Hell only means grave. In other words, te wcke d people will just be killed instanty by God. There is no ego, but only kindness in this.
Does a Being capable of creating the universe really want or need our worship?
He may not need it, but he could want it.
Does it really make sense that God wants us to fear Him?
It also does not make sense that he would create anybody in the first place. Why would a sensible God create ants?
If God was uncondiitonal love, there wouls not be any suffering in this world.

@Bhurishrava (680)
• India
26 Apr 20
@bird123 If God is higher level then his creation also would be high level, just lije God.
God has given free will. So he will not forcibly fix anybody
If God wants to be worshipped that is his choice. He does not force anyone to worship.
He created us to make his own life grand ? This is self serving and there is no purpose.
Even now, man does not know to fly. Try to fly u wil only fall down
If Un l love is doing best for others, then no sensible being would ever want it. Do you know what is best for rapist or terrorist?
There could be hundreds of lions tigers in the forest that are starving. U know what is best for them. Allow yourself to be eaten by them, instead of just preaching.
Suffering does not help anyone, except that it could fatten the ego of ur God.
My view is wide enough to understand how stupid ur logic is. I am not interested to read your thoughts coz I do not wish to be a victim of mental retardedness.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Apr 20
@Bhurishrava Between physical lifetimes everyone goes to God and experiences God's Unconditional Love. It is a Love that feels so good, so complete one would do anything for it. It is a Love that heals all hurt. Experiencing this and you are going to want to be just like God. You chose the lessons.
So often I have seen people attempting to run from their problems. This never works. The only way to get rid of problems is to solve them. This will never be done by running. You are much more capable than you imagine. SOLVE IT!!!
Few things worthwhile in life come easy. Stop crying and complaining. With all the effort you have taken on your current path, you could have had that problem solved by now.
Your lessons are for you. No one can do it for you. Everything will be better when you are done.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Apr 20
God is at a Higher Level. Think. Which is more important fixing the kid or destroying the kid to keep from fixing them?
Wanting to be worshiped is self serving. What purpose would it serve?
God created all of us simply because God knows what most parents know. Kids make life Grand.
Much more knowledge exists beyond the surface of things. All the secrets of the universe and everything about God stares us all in the face. How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? The knowledge was there all the time. God hides nothing.
In this time-based causal universe, God's actions can be seen. These actions can not be altered by mankind. When you understand these actions and why God does things this way, you will understand God.
God is Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love does not give just everything one wants. Unconditional Love always does what is Best for the other. How does Suffering change things? How could that help people in the long run?
Widen that view. There is so much more to see.

@drsenergy (159)
• United States
26 May 09
God does not demand worship; He deserves worship for being who he is and for all that he's done. He does not demand love but he loves us all to a magnitude beyond our understanding and gave his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the sins of all mankind. And yet with a sacrife so great, so many still reject him. This beautiful earth that he created just for us, points constantly to his glorious existence and love for mankind and still he is rejected. He doesn't demand that we believe but gives us the right to choose. whether we believe in him or not, the marvelous truth is HE EXISTS.
@karpatzio (106)
• Israel
27 May 09
God demands worship, and forbids worshiping of anything else, it is stated all over the bible.
@drsenergy (159)
• United States
27 May 09
He does not demand but has given us the freedom to choose.

@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
26 May 09
if one reads the bible and quran, there is a demand from the god that no other god should be worshiped other than him - yehweh (bible) and allah(quran). so this demand looks more like a competition as to who is superior and who has more followers. no where do we see this god(s) teach anything worthwhile.
also both gods threaten with dire consequences if people do not worship him. sometimes we see him boasting about his abilities to sky high. looks like this god(s) is/are on an ego trip.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 May 09
Thanks for the comment! I agree with this except for one thing. I must admit I laughed when I read this. Did you say God hasn't taught anything worth while? Perhaps another look is in order. Look at this world. All the physics all add up. If God has it to where all the physics adds up, don't you think the human factor does as well? Life is the education of God's children.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
26 May 09
The second one is reasonable.Unconditional,smart,allowing to learn ourselves.God cannot be threatening nor demanding.Only the parable writers depicts their ideas as ideas of gods.Real God,if exists will not worry about being worshiped or not.He will not be worried if we don't fear him.Everything told in any religion is to maintain a social life among groups,giving everybody the chance.Otherwise,survival of the fittest as in animals will happen.Even now,men try to be fittest using their brains.Everything for everybody cannot occur in reality,what all the religions are towards.
@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
26 May 09
Lol! I may not a very faithful Christian but these are the things that I know.
God is a mighty God who does not need our worship but he deserve it, to say the least.
God is a jealous God. In other words, he doesn't want us to stray away from him. He wants to get closer to everyone as much as possible, as soon as possible.
And do remember that at the beginning there was nothing except God. Try to think, if you were God all alone out there in the dark and you have nobody to talk to for more or like... millions of years, what would be your reaction?
And another thing, God never said we should fear him, right? Where did you get that? People should fear God's wrath/anger not God himself. Look what he did to the world during the time of Noah. As for having to believe in God, let me tell you this...
In the universe there are two things that are always at war with each other. TWO things none other as long as this. Good and Evil. To believe in God means to put all your being in God's guiding hands. Not having faith in him means you'll never listen to him and you'll go on your way dancing merely around the devil's music. It's not God who's gonna damn you to the fiery pits of hell but you, yourself.
God loves all humankind from the very beginning without any conditions thus giving us these words, people most often than not confuse themselves with, as a reminder. He teaches us through experiences like how he presents himself in the Bible--the human experiences. It is hard without God. You would go crazy without God, so you should fear should God forsake you.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 May 09
Did you say God is a jealous God??? God is a wrathful God??? God is a forsaking God????When did God get so out of control??? Isn't this MAN??? God is unconditional love!! You would never go to hell. God will teach you! You will never be alone. God is around 100 per cent of the time. He hears it all and sees it all!! The devil does not exist. He is just someone you can blame for bad choices. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan! God loves you. He is working around you to teach you all the secrets of the universe. You say there is a battle between good and evil??? I don't see it. There are only choices and consequences. If one never made a bad choice, how would they ever learn what it all means?? Thanks for all your comments.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 May 09
The bible was written by man. That is why so much of it doesn't add up. No one can say what the real true story of Jesus is. If Jesus gave nothing except unconditional love to everyone and that's it, man would inject his part into the story. Man is the one with the ego problems. Everybody wants to rule the world. This is man's greatest problem. It will take time to learn. Know that God is not the jealous, wrathful, condemning one depicted in the bible THAT IS MAN!!!! I hope you can see the difference one day. God is unconditional love. He will love you whether you sin, obey or believe. You will just get more lessons. God could never do without His children. Go ahead, screw up once and a while. It will all be ok!!!
@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
4 Jun 09
I never said God is wrathful or forsaking. I am merely stating what man should fear of. As for the jealous part, it is written in the bible and in the 10 commandments. The bible is written by man but the bible is the way to learn who God is through human experiences. Example, through the experience of Moses and the Israelites in Exodus, we can say that God never forsakes those who were oppressed or hurt or in need of his help. Another is with Esther. It says that God would never let anything harm his people who are loyal to him when the king is about to make a choice to kill all the Jews.
Through these experiences, you see that God is very protective and loving and supporting.
@lululastrange (339)
• United States
26 May 09
My problem has more to do with religion then with the Big Man Upstairs...
Our impressions of God (ones that don't come from within anyway) come from man's vision of God, and as everything that has to do with man it is imperfect... There is no way for us as humans to fully understand him and I think that we aren't meant to.
I think that we should trust whats in our hearts more then what a 2000 year old book put together by men with human and corrupt motivations.
@Smiley909 (44)
• United States
27 May 09
I think that if He does have a ego, He deserves to have an ego. Look at the world He has created. Look at the life He has offered us if we only believe in Him. Look at what awaits us in His kingdom when he takes us home. He does not need us to worship Him, He gives us a choice to do the right thing and worship Him. I love being His ant, a being so great that he can see each and evr human being and have a list of all our names and know us all when we go home. Again he does not demand we worship, love, or believe in Him. it's all our choice to believe in Him or not. God is great and loveing and He will guide us all if we only let Him.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 May 09
So what's He gonna do when you don't believe???? Hmmm? Big fat ego??? Monster??? Hmmm??? The real truth is God will guide you and your life whether you let Him or not. No child will be left behind! Only a monster leaves their children behind. Thanks for your comments.