so...what can you say about you boss?!

@ckyera (17331)
May 26, 2009 6:55am CST
boss boss boss! some are good, friendly and some are just strict and terrors! some loves and admire their boss, some hates them. i use to work in a different company and use to work of course with different bosses, i experienced working with a strict, terror boss...and all employees are afraid of her and hate her! and i also worked with a friendly and good boss and most employees like and respect her...and admire her! how about you? what can you say about your boss? have a nice day! :-)
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14 responses
@agihcam (1914)
• Philippines
26 May 09
Well, right now. I am a boss You have mentioned already all the possible boss attitude with their people. I just want to add something to it. When I was at work, I was a little bit strict, but after works we are best friends. Cheers.
@stafei (98)
• China
26 May 09
eh..if you are a big boss, many meeting just wait for your participant and may have no time here...
@agihcam (1914)
• Philippines
26 May 09
Yes, a lot of meetings in the morning that is why I was here when I get home
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 May 09
hi boss! i think that's better, when at work, let's do business & when work is than we can be friends! the last boss i have is kinda like you, she seems to be strict inside the company but she knows how to appreciate things we've done and we even go out once in a while and she treated us! and she's not only a boss, she's also a friend, a mother , adviser..all in one. she gives us advise on how we can excel in our work and achieve in our goals. she wants us to be promoted and not to stay as rank & file for the rest of our our lives. she definitely is a good motivator. now i miss her! :-) cheers! :-) have a nice day!
@caver1 (1762)
• United States
27 May 09
My boss is a really sweet lady. Two months ago I found out I had cancer. My boss said to take all the time off I need for surgery and treatments, she said my job would be waiting for me. I've worked 3 days in the past 6 weeks. I plan to work the rest of this week and one day next week, then I'll have treatment again and be out for a bit.
@caver1 (1762)
• United States
28 May 09
When I went back to work yesterday, I had a gift from my boss and co-workers. It was a large gift bag with several small things. Everyone had contributed. I had lotion, a book, chocolate and some flower bulbs to plant. They are so good to me.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 May 09
its good that you have a boss like her, considerate and understanding... i wish you better health and be successful on your treatments! God bless! :-)
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
27 May 09
My boss is the nicest lady ever. She gets along wit us great. We can laugh and joke around while we still work and she gets in on some of the conversations and jokes with us. It's nice t have a boss that will do that because then it makes you're work day soo much easier...I love her!
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 May 09
cheers to boss like them! ;-)
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 May 09
My boss is a jerk! He has made everyone hate him at work! He is arrogant.He has a temper.Has all this stupid ideas that are really stupid! He stays in his office most of the day, on the computer! He has no idea what is going on at work and when something is going on he thinks he knows what is going on! Not! He also has made other people where I work angry! I work at a college in food service. All the staff in the kitchen were the first to dislike him! In recent months he has angered teachers, students,and all the big shots were I work! If he keeps this up he'll be fired! If it does happen there will be alot of happy people at work!
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 May 09
hi, true, that's the problem with some boss, they just stay in their office and didn't find time to check on their employees, and if something went wrong, they will put the blame on the employees...what a jerk! hehehe! i hope he'll change for the better, if not it is he who will suffer in the future! :-)
• India
27 May 09
say about boss? m9 berreta hans-up dear boss never give me work just give me lots of money i love you boss boss what about my summer,winter and monsoon vacation? lets go to travel whole world with our company money my boss LOL
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 May 09 there a boss like that? i wish there is! hahaha thanks anyway!
@stafei (98)
• China
26 May 09
i have met two boss this 2 year, they are all very kindly. in our company, Human is the important element in company is vision, two boss both are female. they are expats, our head office relocated them to China for 2 years, that is my first job, i just graduated from the colleage, and have no experience, she is patience to teach me the company's function, product, and HR's job, plan my career, i remember once i've made a big mistake, she have a meeting, and need to take travel to other site, when she arrive at the passport, she called me where is her passport, i just occured that the passport is just in the consulate to apply the Thailand visa, i haven't told her that foreign people should use the passport to take the plane, that time i was so embarrassed. but she told me, never mind, just remember that learn in each mistake and don't make this kind of fault in the future, every one would made mistakes in his career, in her young, she also brings a lot of problems. i was so inspired that time. that is my boss, i love her. and she will back to USA next year.
@agihcam (1914)
• Philippines
26 May 09
I agree with you that Human is the important element in the company. In our version, we call it "People is the best assets of the company"
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 May 09
i also agree with you. man power is really the best asset of a company! :-) and you are lucky to have a nice boss! if we have boss like them, we become more inspired and motivated to work, and never get bored at work place... ;-)
• United States
27 May 09
Hmm..what are the chances that any of our bosses would mozy on down to mylot and see some of our comments;) I can say that my boss expects that we work when we should be working and demands we give the most we can at all times. He is a nice and very producive in what he does.
@Margajoe (4709)
• Germany
26 May 09
Well, I think my bosses (they are married)are very nice people. I hope anyway. Seeing as yesterday they called me down and asked me to work for them. So I hope we are going to get along just fine. Tomorrow I start my trail. Just a couple of hours, so I know what to do. The next month I start every weekend. I am a little nervous, as I have not worked for a long time. But it should be fun.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
27 May 09
my boss is kind, caring, compassionate, hard-working, organized, detail oriented and a multi-tasker. she gets things done and is efficient and capable. oh by the way my boss is me! i work from home and do 3 part time jobs so i have to be all the things i mentioned above. one of my jobs is babysitting, one is bookkeeping for my husband's business and the other is online work doing surveys and product testing.
@rymebristol (1808)
• Philippines
26 May 09
i had work thrice already, each on different fields. two of my bosses were nice, approachable and humanely respectful. when the word boss comes to mind, some will say its terror or the person that is hated the most in a company but the truth is not all bosses are like that, there are those like the two that i had worked with. having a great and approachable boss makes the work place, a beneficial place to stay with.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 May 09
i agree with you and if we have nice boss to work with, we become more motivated and treat the work place as second home...and we enjoy working more. have a nice day! :-)
• Philippines
27 May 09
This is actually my first job and my big boss is really patient with me when it comes to work responsibility. She's also strict and sometimes annoying but she's not really a terror. And she's friendly too. I always have a professional relationship with her, I mean I treat her as a boss whenever I'm at work and just a friend when it's outside of work.
@marepo (113)
• Italy
26 May 09
I think that my actually boss is fanny,this for his look.I like my actually boss because he uses a good way to do in our comparisons,it puts of good humor,so I like sometimes to cross him in the corridor because he has a face a smiling look
• United States
26 May 09
Well I have 3 bosses and 2 of them I can't stand. They are never satisfied and they can never be wrong about anything. Its so stressfull working for them. I feel bad for my other boss, cause she winds up being late on some of her stuff cause she is constantly helping one of my other bosses. The one boss that I really cant stand never checks the calendar or his email reminders about appointments and then blames me for missing them. I could go on and on but I would literlly be typing for days about how much he annoyes me.
@angelsmummy (1696)
26 May 09
I dont work anymore but when I was working in retail I had a boss that was more like a friend than a boss therfore nobody respected her a sa boss. I respected her as a person but not as a boss, when she told me to do something I could get away with telling her no and she would take that answer and do it herself so she didnt break the friendship. Needless to say she got demoted and is now only a shift manager but she still gets disrespected all the time =D
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 May 09
oh too bad for her. i think she still deserves respect from her people. its not bad to be friendly with your people but i hope employees should not abuse the kindness of their boss... good day! :-)