
Soldiers in the parade - Soldiers in a Memorial Day Parade
United States
May 26, 2009 8:43am CST
Are you directly related to a soldier or a vet? Who's the closest vet or soldier to you? I do not have a soldier in my family actually. The closest relation I have to one is my father in law, whom we no longer have a relationship with. He was in the Korean war. My foster brother's step son is in the marines. He was just deployed to Afghanistan for 7 months. But I am not real close to them either, I only talk to my foster brother and his wife through Facebook mostly. How about you? Is your child in service right now? Was your father in a war?
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15 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
26 May 09
Yes I am!! My son is a recruit in the RAF, he has been in there four weeks tomorrow actually! He is not training to be a fighter though he is going to train to be a driver but I guess that he might be needed in the action. I have not been able to get in touch with him though since last friday which is a bit worrying so we are not sure whether he has lost his phone, broke his phone or had it taken off him.
• United States
26 May 09
I hope he calls you soon to let you know what's going on with him, and hope he stays safe. How long will he be in service for? Here some high school grads choose to join the service because it will pay for a college education, so they do it for a few years and then go on to school.
@gemini_rose (16264)
26 May 09
So do I, but I know that he had no money because he told me in his last text and I told him I would send him some which I posted yesterday. He is signed up for 9 years!
• United States
26 May 09
That's an awfully long time! How far from home is he? Can you visit him or can he visit you? Here at home the guys live on a base, but can leave whenever they aren't busy, and there's bases all over the place. We have a base here in my town, I think it's national guard. Then there's a base about an hour north, that I believe is army.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
26 May 09
My nephew came back from his second tour in Iraq back in December. His father, my brother, was also in the military for over 25 years but he never was on active duty. Both of my nieces are married to men in the military but neither of them are on active duty either. I have 2 Uncles that retired military and one of them served in Vietnam. I actually thought about joining myself before I graduated high school but chose not to. I am constantly telling my kids that we go to college in our family...I just hope none of them decide to join the military. Believe me, I am more than grateful for any one who serves for our country but I would prefer my kids go to college instead of enlisting.
• United States
26 May 09
I once had a neighbor that was in some form of military, and they only served one weekend a month. For this they got free health coverage and a free college education. I thought about doing something along those lines, but I had a child before I finished high school and couldn't face leaving him to go serve somewhere.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
27 May 09
My dad, and his 4 brothers (my uncles) all served our great country. Both of my grandfathers also served. Currently, my son-in-law is serving in the Army. He has had 5 deployments, 3 to Iraq and 2 to Afghanistan. And my best friend's son is going through bootcamp at present. And my brother-in-law served in the Marines. I hope everyone out there took a moment this Memorial Day to pay respect to those that have served in the past and those currently serving. Freedom is not Free
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 May 09
Hi katsmeow! My family actually has a strong military background. My grandfather and his brother was in WW2. My uncle was in Vietnam. My grandfather was a karate instructor and sargent. My uncle was a green beret. My dad actually tried to join the Army but he had an injury when he was a child that kept him from joining. That was tough for him. He wanted to follow in the family footsteps. I know several people with children in Afghanistan. It's sad.
• United States
27 May 09
My grandfather was a vet. He passed away a year and a half ago. My grandfather and my uncle were both in the wars. It took its tole on my grandfather for a long time when he was in the service. Being in the service can do some damage to them. How much of there mind does someone lose from being in the service? I am proud of our soldiers for what they do. But I do hurt for them when they don't come back out the same as you new them before.
@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
18 Sep 09
Brother in active service in Iraq, have an Uncle retired after 25 years in the army, father in law was in the Navy, and nephew is currently in Afghanistan
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
26 May 09
My brother in law is in the army. I think that my grandfather might have been but I'm not sure. I have a few friends that are either in the marines or the airforce. I'm not sure if I have more family that is in the military or not. it seems like most of my family isn't that close anymore.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
26 May 09
My father was a WWII two son in laws are both career having been to aftghanistan twice the other to Iraq....both are officers.....
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
26 May 09
My Grandfather was in WWII. Actually both of them were and one of my Great Uncles. Only one is still living though. I have a cousin who was overseas a few years ago, but he has been home for about a year and a half.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 May 09
My father was in the service in the 50's but never saw battle. The closest family members right now in the military are two of my cousins' sons. My children are too young.
• India
27 May 09
i ahve many friends in indian army some in airforce some in land force some in ghorkha rifels and some friend in navy also i wanted to join army but my education qualification not meet the minimum requriments
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
27 May 09
My grandfather used to be the general of the Philippine Army. Now he has alzheimer's disease and don't recognize us anymore. He remembers things that happened when he didn't have his disease yet, but his memory doesn't seem to be absorbing anything new.
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
27 May 09
My grandfather was in WW2. He is probably the oldest. My uncle was also either in Korea or Vietnam, I am not sure, he doesn't discuss it much. My ex-husband has also been in the National Guard now for a year.
@berlong (227)
• United States
27 May 09
I am directly related to more than one soldier! My husband is active duty Army, his MOS is 11B. We are stationed at NTC Fort Irwin, CA. My brother-in-law ( husbands brother) is active duty Army as well. He is Airborne. They both have been deployed once, my husband to Iraq and B-I-L to Afghanistan. My B-I-L is currently in the process of his second tour- to deploy this summer around July back to Afghanistan. As well as his wife- hes a newly wed is in the Coast Guard. They are both stationed in NC. He is at Ft. Bragg and she is at some school- not sure where...I am very proud of my husband. He has done things that many will never do, see things that most wish not to, and lost friends close enough to be family!...My father was in a war. I dont remember which one, but he too was Active duty army before I was born. Also my stepfather was Active duty army for many years, stationed in korea and germany for most of them, then he decided to switch to National guard as his children got older! Much Thanks to very soldier and vet out there. And keep up the good work! ! !
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
26 May 09
As you know, my kids are too young. My dad was in the army, but not war. My grandfather (dads side) was POW in WWII. My grandfather (Moms side) and his brother were both also in WWII. Grandfather was in the Army air Corps before it became the Airforce. And my great uncle was in the Navy. My brother was in the Navy as well.