Is it true that women still feel weaker than men in certain situation ??
By K.Rajib G.
@krajibg (11922)
Guwahati, India
May 26, 2009 10:35am CST
They wouldn’t feel so if the social set up had been balanced for both men and women and if had been accepted as it is. Since time immemorial women folks have been being reeling under men’s dominance. If not in all, women, I mean most women, feel weaker to their counterparts in certain situations.
They were not allowed to take any crucial decision in the past (nor today). Slowly the Darwinian Theory of 'Natural Selection' started working on them and both physically and psychologically they started becoming weaker due to the outer pressure and the impact has not gone as yet fully.
But we can see changes coming up now.
What say? Please share.
Rajib. 26.05.09
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19 responses
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
27 May 09
Hi rajib..another interesting discussion as usual. I think the answers to this one will vary depending on what country and cultural beliefs.
Now if you ask me do I feel weaker than men in any situation? NOPE!..Just when it comes to physical strength. Other than than, we all have our different strengths and weaknesses. I do not feel inferior or weaker. I am always willing to give any man a run for his money in anything....
Doesnt mean I will win, just means I will never back down! Bring on the next question...

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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 May 09
Hi Sands, your point is not to outlawed out and out. There are cultural differences but would it be worthwhile to let the different cultural practice go round as they had been in the past. We are tanking of the women in large and are seeking that they are equal to their ,male counterparts. Be it the interior of the African Nation or the Indian context women are women and we are all voice fore their well being and we can not sit on the fence thinking that women in Europe are more equal than those in Asia , Africa, America or Australia. We are talking in the larger sense.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
28 May 09
We have still to go a long way friend.
Are you sure? We are not women but men isn't it?
For me, I still feel that woman must be given a choice to make decision about house hold works. It must not be left on men. They will always take wrong decisions. So ultimately a woman will on a loosing side.

@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 May 09
Hi Sanu,
You have rightly said that women are stronger mentally but not physically. But there is still doubt if or not they are mentally equal to men in all the spheres. some one hare has stated that she feels at a loss when she is to to take any concrete decision.
We have still to go a long way friend.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
27 May 09
According to me, men and women will never be equal as far as physical strength is considered…brutal truth (specially for me, since I am a woman)…as long as men have that animal instinct in them to flaunt their brawn and decide everything on the basis of it and women have their inherent soft nature, men will dominate women. Nothing will ever change that. I am not talking of exception though, some cases where women have specific trainings to defend themselves and such.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
29 May 09
No you are wrong there Rajib...women are born tougher than men...its a truth. Infant mortality is higher for male babies than female babies and the hormone progesterone keeps women's heart and bones stronger than men...that's why lesser women have heart attack than men. Its nature's own way of protecting the female species which bears babies and ensures continuation of life, AND the strength required during childbirth would put any man to shame. Men only have more muscles and higher bone density...that's what makes them stronger.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
29 May 09
Hello Sudipta,
Very well said. The margin of difference could be closer but they would never align and that is the final truth.
The brawn of men is an open truth and all would go with the truth. Women have not been born tough as men and if any addition is required that is all acquired and all would not be able to afford that.
Thanks for the response.
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 May 09
Men are only stronger when it comes to muscle mass. Women have stronger minds than men, and more willpower, that's for sure. I'd like to see a man give birth too, and find the strength to nurse the baby afterwards... how he'd ever cope, I fail to see! ha ha. It would sort a few men out from the boys, that's a fact!
Brightest Blessings.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
9 Jun 09
Hi Darkwing,
There is nothing that I go against your view but the fact is that women became victim of time as they themselves started feeling that they are less powerful in making decision and doing difficult task and this got embedded in their psyche.
Thanks for the response.
Sorry for the delay in commenting back...
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 May 09
I think that women are weaker in some things, just as men are weaker in some things. We all have our special attributes--women have high pain thresholds due to being mothers, men have more physical strength due to their natural physique.
There's no sense in denying we both have different abilities. We should get to the point where we defer to each other on our talents without fear of hurting our egos. As long as we keep up the fight for equality in everything, there will be friction and ill feelings.
I do feel that men and women should have the same opportunities but they should also have the humility to admit when one is better than the other in a certain way.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
29 May 09
Very well said. Differences are there and would remain as well. The only thing predictable is the margin. What it is today might be different tomorrow provided both men and women accept each other on their merits and demerits.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
27 May 09
Yes it is true, there is a situation that
women feel weaker than men. The situation of
being pregnant that makes women feel weeker.
Men are always men whatever happens but when we
talk women they will change in this case.
Emotions women easily in love rather than men too.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
29 May 09
Yes in certain situation most women feel weaker to their male counterparts. The difference would not dissolve so soon I guess.
Thanks for the response.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
27 May 09
Hi krajibg! I don't particularly feel weaker than men! Why
should I? I am a strong and independent woman! I have worked
for most of my life, taken care of myself without the help
of any man, done just as well as a man and don't feel the
least bit inferior! I have no reasons to feel that I am weaker
then men in any real way! Maybe I can't lift things that are
as heavy, but that is about the only thing I can think of that
might be a problem! I have the same intelligence level and
the same earning power and have been able to take care of
myself just fine! And all without the help of a MAN!
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 May 09
Hi Opal,
I am not blaming you but blaming the whole system. That you are so strong and can do things as men do does not mean that we draw a line there. In this case you would be an exception and exception is never a rule.
Apart from this you have said that you can not lift a heavy thing that a man can proves the weakness of women. There is nothing to feel inferior I guess. You need time to fill up the gap. Only after doing that you would say that women atre no lesser than men in any field.
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@maikarumike (457)
• Malaysia
27 May 09
I think some women nowadays are stronger than men in certain situation. Woman has rised and starts to dominate the world of business and politics.Before you dont get to see womans in the parliment seat but now you do. Womans are getting stronger in men in a lot of situation and of course not in physical strength but some are stronger in physical strength too.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 May 09
I agree with you that some women are stronger than men. But you know this is an exception and an exception is not a rule.
Even I know personally that some women have always upper hand on their husbands but this is not in the majority of the cases and therefore we can not draw a line that women today are on equal terms with men.
But I feel that when more than 50% of the world population of the women have this power I would admit that women have matured to go arm in arm with men.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 May 09
The only time I feel weaker than a man is in a physical sense. I can honestly say that if I were to live on my own without a partner the only thing I would miss aside from the emotional connection is having a physically stronger person to help me around the house! I think that generally men are physically stronger and women are emotionally tougher. Women have come a long way in their quest for equality but there is still a need for change, especially in some cultures.

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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
29 May 09
Hi Paula,
Yes, women have come a long way in the quest of their equality with men but the war has not ended it and it would still go some centuries. As you have put that this is a man that you would need for the physical power. This feeling of yours itself digs the truth that women still feel weaker to men.
I hope I am correct.
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@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
26 May 09
Hello. This is a good topic to discuss! :-) I agree that women feel weaker than men in some certain situations, I don't konw about all but at least I do. When something comes to me is scary or I am not able to handle, I just feel weak and have my hubby to take care of it no matter what. Although he likes to tease me as a chicken(scared of lots of stuff), I still think he likes to protect me.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 May 09
Hi there,
Yes, there I was pointing at. This is not your case only. There are millions of them who are in your situation when a relatively difficult situation pops in our women counterparts are at a loss sort of and that tend to be looking for their husbands or male counterparts.
This is there in the psyche and that they are not so strong as males are is embedded in the core of their thought and hence this situation. But I think if you strive to come out of this situation in future it is not impossible.
Good luck.
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@abanerji (1026)
• India
26 May 09
hi dada,
before i comment, how are the weather conditions now at your place...? seems current etc. have been restored.
women have always been treated as the weaker lot. times have changed but still i feel that a huge percentage of women around the world are dominated by their male counterparts. many women have shown extraordinary strength and proved that they are equal to men but this is not for maximum women. even today women remain under dominance and they treat this as a part of culture and tradition. women are for sure a weaker section. i think there is nothing bad or wrong in it untill they are treated with respect and given the rights that ought to get.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
26 May 09
Hi Sis,
Thanks. The power and Internet have been restored in the late afternoon after the Hurricane "AILA" had caused a lot of damage in Kolkata and the nearby places and we are less affected except for the cut of power and NET.
Yes, you are right when you have pointed that there are still women who mentally are not ready to accept that they are no different from their male counterpart and this thought has been mishandled in many an occasion.
Unless all women feel and show that they are not lesser than men, one day can be predicted that women are going arm in arm with men in every walks of life.
Thanks a lot for the response.
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@tracy_d (76)
• India
27 May 09
Hi Krajibg, women are more than willing to compromise when it comes to making choices. They are not as egoistic as their male counterparts and easily make sacrifices in a relationship. This is generally interpreted as being Weak. Women are definitely more emotional and sensitive than men and this is often considered as their weakness.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
29 May 09
Hello Tracy,
Nicely worded. In many an occasion this particular traits of women are marked as their weakness.
Well, lets take off these from them and put the blame on men. Do not they still feel weaker? Say in making a crucial decision if she has her husband? And lifting up a heavy object?
There are women who do not feel weak but exception does not make a rule. Does it?
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@freebird007 (53)
• India
27 May 09
i agree with u sir....society is under men's dominance totally....becz men is more powerful than women ,more violent....this is due to lack of proper education.people should not give birth ,untill they r not able to guide child.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
28 May 09
Hi there, Yes that is the case that our society, right from the stone age, has ben under male dominance and that layer which is rotten now has not detached fully and women are subjected to suffer and crash.
But I feel they are now almost equal but they are not all the will the accept it.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
31 May 09
Science has shown us that the muscles of a male are constructed more heavily making men stronger than women. Science also shows us that women are stronger in every other way...we handle pain better and we handle stress better so we are emotionally stronger.
Most women are clever enough to pander to the male ego (a happy man is more manageable than an unhappy man) this ensures that things go according to plan. She will let him think all the bright ideas are his just as she will let him think all the decisions are his.
What most men forget is that they were raised by a female and then they (mostly) marry one. Effectively, this means women are in control most of the time...except for when we let men think for themselves....that's when the mistakes occur.

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@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
26 May 09
In certain situations women do not feel weaker than men but they pretend to be incapable so that they get certain other things done. I have experienced it myself, not just formulating a theory.
Physiologically men and women are different because of certain functional differences. Women can be as strong as men but the differences will remain the same.
Psychologically many women tend to be emotional but it does not detract from the fact that women tend to be more wileful than men. I think there are other men who had seen or experienced it.
The way I see it many changes are caused by diet and a sedentary life. I do not think it is a case of natural selection. Nevertheless I can change my opinion if there are really strong reasons to do so.
all the best,

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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
26 May 09
Hi rosdimy,
very well argued. Even if women feel equal to men there are situations when they have to admit that it wad men's task only. We do not blame the women folk but the mechanism and the psyche that has been very influential in creating differences.
Thanks friend for the response.
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@Mikaela_taz25 (1842)
• Philippines
27 May 09

@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
28 May 09
No my friend, this is not a phenomenon restricted to my country only. You can go for a survey in your country and tell me sometime if your women folks are all arm in arm with their male counterparts. I so I will be glad to know anew fact.
Look, this is not a post to demean women but to highlight why in certain cases universally women feel weaker to men? and there are reasons too.
Thanks for the response.
@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
2 Jun 09
Hello my friend Rajib Ji,
Let's accept one thing, what is by 'Nature' would never change. If nature has craeted
everything un-equal, why we should not accept it including discussion in question.
Look at around, Human-beings, Plants/trees, animals, Insects, fishes and so on in cluding
life less like stone etc. Do you find any equality. Take example of particular, including
human beings, on ewill find nil-similarity. We are all different. It is by nature that,
men and women are not equal. Both differ in their internal organism. So I would say,
I am not equal to my hubby and exactly similar way, he does. We respect each other.
May God bless you and have a great time. 

@polav0001 (26)
• Gibraltar
26 May 09
Hey Krajibg, very fantastic discusssion. Males are dominator by nature. And you know friend some women like that men should be on top of them. Now in such situatiomn what will you do to improve the likfe of the suffring women, I do not get any solution.
Very good, Your discussions are always realistic dear.
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