Meaningless 'I love you'.

May 26, 2009 11:36am CST
Hello guys! Have you ever said 'I love you' to a person but you don't mean it or don't actually love that person? and why? Share you story here. Thank you. Have a nice day!
4 responses
• Philippines
28 May 09
I did that one time with an Ex, I don't think I ever loved him, it just started with a dare, and it went from there. there was not backing out so I stayed in the relationship. I told him several times that I love him, but it was just a robotic response whenever he says he loves me.
@joanzz (174)
• Philippines
27 May 09
Hi,... I have not yet experienced to say "I love you" if I don't love the person. Because I only say this word if he deserved it and if I really love him. Like my boyfriend now, I always saying this word to him because he deserved it and I really love him. We both loved to each other. If I say "I love you" It comes from my heart.
• United States
26 May 09
its happened before.. me and one of my x's.. while we were together the I love u's just seemed to be ordinary and not have any meaning anymore.. it felt the same as if we had said hi to eachother.. needless to say we had fallen out of love it seemed.. but now im with my current boyfriend who i love dearly! and all those i love u's come from the bottom of my heart :)
• United States
26 May 09
All three of my ex-boyfriends didn't mean it when they told me they loved me. The first was using me. He was in a group home, and hated being there all the time, and my mom had been his foster-mom for awhile, so she had taken a liking to him, so he used me to get out of his house. He really didn't love me. It was a semi-abusive relationship. The second was just some guy I went to school with. I really liked his brother, but he was with someone else, so I gave the guy a chance. The "I Love You"'s were just a way of saying "bye" to him. And so were kisses. The third only started telling me he loved me after I told him I'd help him get over some psychological issues. Which is about when I broke up with him because I was being an enabler and a crutch to him. He started getting really creepy about the "I Love You"'s too. He wanted us to be together for life and have like a ton of kids and stuff. I was only sixteen, so I got a little creeped out. My current boyfriend and I tell each other we love each other alot, but we both really mean it.