Do you think its wrong to pierce your daughters ear when they are babies?
By peachmom2369
@peachmom2369 (131)
United States
May 26, 2009 1:41pm CST
i think it better for them when there younger because they forget about it alot quicker. i got my daughters ears pierced last night and now my sister is telling my that im a horrible parent for torturing her by getting her ears pierced. she only cried for about 2 minutes and has forgotten all about it and hasnt cried since then? is is wrong to pierce a babies ears or do you think its better when there younger?
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34 responses
@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
26 May 09
if you pay attention to your child you can tell rather or not they are bothering them or getting infected i stay home with my daughter all day and notice everything about her and you can take care of their ears better then they would if there were 5 or 6 when they decide to get them done. my mom had hers done when she was six and would not take care of it herself and would not let anyone touch them they ended up getting grown up in her ears and she had to have surgery to get them out.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
26 May 09
No, I don't think it makes you a bad parent to have your baby's ears pierced when they are young. People from many cultures do this routinely and as long as you keep it clean and make sure she can't get them out and choke on them I see no problem. I chose not to do that to my little girl, but that is because I remember how great I felt when my parents finally let me get mine done at ten years old and it was like a right of passage. I'll let my girl get her ears pierced when she is old enough to ask me and really wants it, and we'll use it to celebrate how she's growing up.
It's a personal decision with no right or wrong answer. People will always find something to judge us on about how we parent our kids or live our lives, but it doesn't make them right. The way I see it, if your child is well fed, you keep her reasonably clean, take her to her regular doctor visits, love her and do all you can to keep her healthy safe and happy, you are being a good parent. When she is older, you try your best to teach her right from wrong and make sure she always knows she is loved by you. Getting her ears pierced while she is little does not make you a bad person or a bad parent. In lots of places it is a common practice.
It's none of your sister's business, if she's against piercing babies' ears, she can choose not to do it with her own kids.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
26 May 09
When she's 12 (or whatever) and asks if she can get a second hole (lots of kids want that) you can use THAT as her "right of passage" the way my folks did for my first piercing. Anyway, I'm pretty sure she's not going to be the only kid who got her ears pierced as a baby in her school or circle of friends, and if for some reason she decides that she doesn't want earrings she doesn't have to wear them, you've caused her no harm.
@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
26 May 09
thanx i feel the same way it is up to the parent to decide what to do with their child as long as it is not detrimental to them in any way. i have never thought about that if you wait til there older it could be a kind of right of passage that they are growing up my mom never did things like that with me so i never really had anything that i could be proud of to make me feel like im growing up
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@angelodamroot (73)
• United States
26 May 09
i would never pierce my child's ears b/c i think that's a decision for them to make when they are older but i do not think it makes you a horrible mother
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@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
26 May 09
thanx i needed to hear that im not a bad mother i know that when there a baby they cant decide rather to do it or not but if they later decide they do not want them they can take it out and let it grow up i just didnt want her to be 3 or 4 and want them done and then her cry for hours over it.
@angelodamroot (73)
• United States
26 May 09
also my mother did not give us an option to so ours till we were 12 and i waited till i was 18 to do mine but i was raised on a farm and very sheltered just remember she is your daughter and no one else can tell you how to raise your child
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
26 May 09
i dont think it's wrong... my gosh to those people that says its torture to do something like that. i think its over acting to say something like that... lol
i had my daughter's ears pierced when she was a baby and she cried for a very little while only, it was nothing compared to when she had her vaccination... if you had seen her cried when she got vaccinated, it almost broke my heart, i felt like crying also...
i think it's better when they are younger, because it can be done right away without them getting scared because you know when they get older and they know pain they kind of get scared... you are not a horrible parent... dont listen to what other people says...
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@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
26 May 09
thanx thats exactly what i told my sister that when she had her vacs she cried a million times harder she was crying about an hour after but with her ears it was about to minutes so if shes looking at it like that then it should be wrong to give them vaccinations which she has a 18 month old who has all of his.
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@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
27 May 09
For me it is better to have early piercing of babies
so that she cannot feel its pain. It is quick done easily
with the new piercing style today . And you cant put hypoalergenic
earings if she has already hole in her ears.
We can put some fashion on her ears when we like it.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
26 May 09
well i had my daughters done and she is 29 now so it depends on parent who can do it she never cried when she had it done at 3 months.
@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
26 May 09
yea my daughter is 4 months and barely cried at all so i dont feel bad about it since it did not really affect her i was expecting it to be so much worse. she cries more over her acid reflux everyday that i cant control so that was like nothing to her.
@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
27 May 09
Being a mother of 5 and also having pierced ears myself I do think it is wrong to do this when they are babies. I'm not saying your a bad mother by any means it's just they go through teething and other things when they are little and they pull on their ears. I realize it looks cute but a baby really does not need to wear jewelry. You wouldn't put rings on her fingers would you? I know you love your baby very much and want her to look adorable as any mother would but there are a lot of things you need to think about when doing things like this. If the baby pulls the earring out and puts it in her mouth? Sometimes the hole closes over the earring and then the baby needs to have it removed. Infections set in also. You have a baby who is going to be teething a whole lot and yanking on those ears. Then there's the signals it sends when they grow up. Now days you see people with piercings everywhere. If you introduce piercing now, be prepared to see your daughter getting piercing everywhere when she grows up. These are just a few of the things you should consider. Your baby is beautiful already, she doesn't need jewelry to make her more noticeable. When she is old enough and wants to have her ears pierced it would be great that you could accept it and allow her to do so. For now she can't choose that and it doesn't hurt anymore now then it would when she grows up. I don't mean to offend you in any way and as I said I'm sure your a wonderful mother because you already want to do everything you can to show people how pretty she is, it's just not right to do this yet.

@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
30 May 09
Well you asked a question and wanted others opinions am I correct and now you seem to get upset when you get an answer?? You believe your the perfect mother and you can watch your child 24/7 so nothing will happen? You also state how does that mean they will grow up and get more piercings and then you turn around and tell me that you got your ears done as a baby and now you only have them and "A BELLY BUTTON PIERCING" so point proven. I got my ears pierced when I was 13 because I wanted it, not because someone wanted me to have it. I only have my ears pierced and no BELLY button piercings. You just proved what I said about the signals it sends. I am sorry that I bothered to answer your question and I congrat you on being the perfect mother who can watch her child 24/7 so she doesn't pull on her ears that are going to hurt from teething and that she never pulls the earring out and swallows it. You are the first mother I have come across in my life who can actually watch her child 24/7 so nothing will happen to it. CONGRATS & Good Luck
@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
28 May 09
that is why you watch them so they dont pull on their ears. and you watch them so they dont pull it out and eat it. how is getting her ears pierced have anything to do with growing up and getting piercings every where i got mine when i was really young and i only have them and my belly button pierced. i clean them 4 times a day and turn them 6 times so they will not get infected or grown up i take good care of them and she doesnt even notice its there

@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
27 May 09
no you are not horrible. here in our place, it is much better to pierce baby's ears the earlier..and even if they grow up they will still choose to have it pierced..i have my daughter's ears pierced when she was only 3 months old..and it did her good because she forgot about the pain and she loves wearing earrings as well:))
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@gicolet (1702)
• United States
26 May 09
I got my ears pierced when i was just mos old according to my dear mommy and I thanked her so much for that. I have 2 daughters ages 11 and 15 and their father did not want their ears pierced when they were just infants. They did get their ears pierced when they were 8 and 5. My 5 yr old back then was nickle allergic though. I think it's ok for babies to get their ears pierced but it's also ok for them to get them when they're a little older. No worries about guilt trips.
@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
26 May 09
thanx that is the only thing im worried about it her having an allergic reaction to the earings i am constantly looking at her ears to make sure they look ok.
@semispoiledgurl (176)
• Philippines
27 May 09
I actually have four ear piercings. The two I got it when I was a baby and the other two was when I was in college. Then I usually see babies with their ears pierced already. There's nothing really wrong with that but it's still the parents decision if they want their daughters to be pierced when they're still young.
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@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
26 May 09
I think it is up to the parent to decide, but I don't think it is wrong or unecessarily cruel to pierce the ears of a baby. I got mine done when I was 4. I don't think I would get an infant's ears pierced, but I haven't really thought about it.
What you believe about them getting over it quicker holds some merit. They get over all of their rounds of shots as an infant, infant males recover from circumcision very quickly with no apparent lasting trauma.
So I don't think you're a bad mother at all for choosing to have your baby girl's ears pierced. They will heal, and she will have forgotten all about it. I don't remember mine being pierced.
Now the tattoo, which I got just a couple of years ago, I remember.

@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
30 May 09
OMG and you just got done telling me that having the babies ears pierced at such a young age doesn't give signals???? Here you are with your ears done, a belly button ring and now your saying you got a tatoo??? You definately have your signals crossed. She's a baby why are you trying to make her look like she is older? Babies don't wear jewelry and you know what, I really think if you want an honest opinion maybe you should ask her pediatrician and then just take it from there. You don't seem to want to hear the many people who are telling you it is a mistake and you only have something good to say to the people who think your right. Well talk to your babies Doctor and find out what they have to say.
@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
26 May 09
lol i remember the tattoo i got about a year ago and completely regret it
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
26 May 09
I don't regret mine at all. It has been close to three years now, and I still love it. But I waited until I was 29 to get my first one. I am planning on getting another one soon.
The key is to think long and hard about it. For me, it had to be something unique and something that was a part of who I am as a person. My next one is an original drawing that I'm going to have a tattoo artist draw up for me.

@Cheryl_A (40)
• United States
26 May 09
I don't think it makes you a bad parent but I don't think it's right. It's not right for me anyway. I would wait until they are older and let them decide for themselves. I really don't see the point in having their ears pierced. It's just vanity and as far as I know babies don't care much about that sort of thing. Personnaly I would be worried about it getting snagged on something,or scarring. Some people can get keloid scars, so I think it's better to wait till they get a few cuts and scrapes on their own before piercing anything.
Just out of curiosity, why did you have her ears pierced?
@Kanani79 (22)
• United States
27 May 09
I would actually pierce my child's ears as an infant. They also have this new type of piercing thing for babies where you put the earrings on and nightly you twist the back and after a week it pops through pain free. If the child doesn't want the ear holes pierced when she's older she has the simple option of taking them out and never wearing them again...also pain free. The only problem is the never ending supply of earrings you'll have to buy because babies tend to lose alot of things lol.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
29 May 09
I think it is a personal choice for every mother of a little baby girl. It would be wise for a mother to choose studs and not hoops. Getting an ear ripped would be really painful. I had my ears pierced when I was 8 years old. It was my own choice and my mum agreed. You are not a horrible parent but thoughtful of your little girl's feelings. My sister didn't get her ears pierced nor her two little girls.
@autumndreamer (3185)
• Philippines
28 Mar 10
I don't think it's wrong. I actually think it's better when they're younger as you have said they've forgotten about it after 2 minutes. As they grow older, they can feel the pain more.
@rrdj71 (696)
• United States
26 May 09
They say it's easier when they are babies but it just breaks my heart to hear them cry like that over something so simple we could have probably waited till they decided on their own when they became older. I did my first daughter but when I saw how she cried I did NOT do it to my 2nd one until she asked me for it herself.
@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
26 May 09
yea i thought it would be easier since shes 4 months but i was really scared shed cry alot but as soon as i picked her up she stopped and was completely fine but she seems to be very tough not much hurts her.
@britt_200 (1226)
• United States
6 Jun 09
heck no!!! they heal so when theyre older theyre always there. me and my sisters have all gotten our ears pierced when we were very little. my littlest sister couldnt keep them because they got infected so we had to take them out and get real gold and now shes 8 and shes too scared to do it now. its better to do it young!
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
26 May 09
It was not right for me, but my daughter was premature and they told me not to do it, had she been full term who knows. This is one of those parenting decisions that has many sides and opinions on. You have to do what you feel is right, this is your daughter and well it is your decision. I would not worry about what anyone else says about it, you have a right to make this decision. MY DD is asking to have hers done now, she is five years old. I think it will be very traumatic for her at this time and she will remember it. Do not worry what others thing.
@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
26 May 09
thanx that is the reason i dont want to wait until she is around that age for her to decide she wants it because the will remember it more and it seems like it hurts them more or its alot harder to distract them from it
@deejays1974 (210)
• Philippines
28 Mar 10
My nieces got their ears pierced after reaching their 6th month. Now, that they are older, it seems that they're not pierced correctly. For opinions, ask your doctor.