Crash & Burn Right here at home!! Owweee My body!!

United States
May 26, 2009 7:23pm CST
Well This was bound to happen to me at some point in time and it did happen this afternoon!!! Stupid phone was ringing, It was my niece leaving me a message on the answering machine while I was sitting here on the computer at Mylot earlier this afternoon; Anyway when I got up out of my chair I guess I got up too quickly, which is not a fast or easy thing that I can do via my neck and back injuries, anyway I got up, and got major dizzy, and at the same time I'm in the process of moving away from the chair I was sitting in, and the kitchen table my right foot slammed into the table leg, I already have broken toes on both feet, so when I "clock the table leg", now I'm in a full blown stumbling Fall, which I am trying like hell to avoid, the floor underneath me is nothing but tile on top of concrete, if I fall onto it I will be injured even more, something I do NOT Need, so I'm trying to "catch my fall" which then causes me to be falling onto the kitchen table, where my computer, tower, and printer are all sitting upon, I'm trying to NOT FALL NOW, and trying to keep my computer stuff also from slamming onto the concrete floor; trust me it was not a pretty sight if one had been here to see this stumbling bafoon (me) to keep from falling onto the floor; So needless to say, I wrenched my back in a major way my right side of my ribs are all banged up from slamming into the kitchen table, I guess my right wrist got bent backwards trying to somehow juggle the table flying and the computer sh!t trying to keep it off of the floor; SO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY BODY!!!!!!!!![i][/i][u][/u] I had to wait a few minutes before I called my niece back and then I told her what had just happened to me here at home; GOOD GRIEF!!!! once I finish this post I'm gonna re-wrap my wrist, take some more pain meds and another muscle relaxer and call it a day; I needed to be trying to earn more today and the rest of the week to meet my payout for the month I'm really close so I hope my wrist and hand are better tomorrow; I didn't make payout last month and badly need it for June; AARRgghhh!! I swear I have crappiest luck, I never have had such a almost would be really really bad fall like I just talked about here at home, INSIDE MY HOME...DAMN SCARY IT WAS!!! so no matter how banged up and out of whack I am now, thankfully I have a scheduled appointment tomorrow with my chiropractor, I can't wait for him to ask me the same thing he always does... WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING??? LOLOL!! Won't he be surprised this time around?? Have you ever had a bad fall at home?? Like I said it was damn scary, one minute I'm sitting here typing away and the next minute I could have hurt myself way more than I already am; Thank God I did not hit this concrete floor!! Even now thinking about it just makes me "shudder" in fear from the close call I had;
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7 responses
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 May 09
OUCH Jan!! Good grief! I hope you're not feeling worse tomorrow for that's when the real impact kicks in. You get out of bed, you're feeling every fiber of your being and that's when you really realize that "I'M ALIVE!" Bless your heart! I've had a couple of falls in my own home too. Once was in Texas and I was talking to my mom over the phone and the next thing I knew I was on the floor! The phone flew out of my hands and across the room! I had to scream so my mom could hear me to wait that I had fallen. Hubby heard me from the garage and come to my aid. Thank God I didn't hurt anything but gosh, it sure did shake me up! Another time was in Arkansas and I was home alone then. I fell backwards this time and my leg was in an odd position so I had to decide in a hurry to either break my leg or my shoulder so I chose my shoulder to land on and my arm was put in a sling for two weeks. But I laid there for a few minutes thinking "What the hell just happened and then oh my shoulder and leg hurts!" But I was able to get back up and had to go sit down til hubby got home to take me to the ER to be checked out. It's no fun, that's for sure. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow or darned soon! Hugs!
4 people like this
• United States
28 May 09
HI Cats: yeah yesterday was really bad, I was major sore and major stiff, more so than most days; Oh My Cats, what an awful and painful situation you had too there..Good grief !! I'm sorry about your fall back then and the injury's...OUCHY FOR SURE!!!!
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
27 May 09
Well, a bad fall I had was over 10 years ago. I had gotten done eating while I was watching TV and was leaving the room with a heavy bowl in one hand and an empty, large plastic cup in the other. I tripped over a box and did a full on fall, flat on my stomach. Realizing that I was going down, I flung the bowl and cup into the air so I wouldn't land on them, got my hands out and broke the total worst of the fall. But now I had a heavy bowl in the air coming down who knew where.... I put my arms over my head and waited (seemed like 2 minutes but was probably only a second) and the bowl and the cup came down a few feet from me. Now, this bowl was very solid and unbeliveably, didn't break. It could've hurt me if it had landed on me, but since it didn't.... While the floor had a carpet on it, it wasn't a very good carpet or pad, so it was little more than warm concrete that I landed on. I did wrack up my back some, the doc told me to take the anti-inflamitories and take it easy for a few days. I'm always hurting my back when I fall. I've pretty much decided that going down isn't going to hurt any worse than trying to not go down, so these days I just let myself go down.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
27 May 09
Your post reminded me of a fall outside of my home. I was walking my sister's dogs and somehow my feet came out from under me and I went flat to my hands and knees.
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@yuhesky (142)
• China
27 May 09
only say one word ..take care
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• United States
28 May 09
HI Elic: oh how awful for you, its very scary when this happens isn't it? glad the bowl didn't bounce off of your head (G)! That would have indeed been bad for you; I'm doing better myself today, just bruised up a bit, my wrist is feeling better now thankfully but still very sore and tender; I'm such a blunderbutt these days...(sigh)!!
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
27 May 09
I probably have but do not remember it just yet. I ache in sympathy with you, though, and am very relieved that the computer did not fall to the floor and that you did not fall to the floor either.
• United States
28 May 09
Hi again Gerty; Thanks!! I'm glad my puter didn't land on the hard floor either nor my old body; I'd be in a lot worse shape I do know that; I guess this is the sort of thing I have to look forward too now, more falls, yeah rah! NOT!!!! its another coolish rainy type day here in Mid-Missouri and boy does my body ever feel it all...good grief! But thank God my wrist is feeling better and the swelling is down at least I can sit here again and type and not want to pass out from the pain (G)!!
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
28 May 09
Actually, that comment I mentioned in the email I never made here because I was unable to post anything at all for a while. I am very sorry you got hurt. I hope you DIDN'T break your wrist and that you go to the doctor no matter what to make sure!! What I had said was that I hoped you got it all on video (and to please not get mad at me for saying it). I can't see when I fall, but Tom always tells me it's hilarious. I wanna deck him sometimes!! But, I know just what you mean - I have fallen, I have caught myself while falling, and I always "TWIST" in a way that usually also hurts my back - I think to keep myself from falling face first, so I twist and always land on my left side. I have no idea why, but I do. It's my left ankle I broke in last year's fall (idiot doctor!) and my back ached for weeks! Would a wrist support like they use for carpal tunnel or like bowlers use help any until you get to the doctor?
• United States
28 May 09
Hey Girlfriend: I've not had a chance to read any emails yet... Nope I didn't break my wrist, Thank God, just banged it up really bad the swelling is down today its just major sore and very very tender; ROTFL!! Nope no video of it, Lordy me that would be some kind of funny black-mail type of video if there had been...LOLOL!! THE WHOLE WORLD WOULD BE DYING OFF LAUGHING AT OLD BLUNDER-BUTT HERE!!! OH my!! Yeah I'd deck Tom I think if him or anyone had been here and then said that to me! LOL! Well I've replayed that whole falling thing in my head a few times and it just seems like it played out in slow motion you know? how could so many things happen so quickly, yet seemed like it lasted forever?? I have several different types of wrist supports...YEAH BABY!! I had on three of my pain patches, then my wrist support, then one of those ace bandages over all of that...slept in it too! Today I'm just testing it all out for soreness, and then will re-wrap it up for tonight when I go to bed; I'll check and read some emails later if I don't fall asleep first (G)! love & hugger's to ya!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
27 May 09
What a horrible experience! I am so sorry that you fell and hurt yourself. I do hope that the chiropractor can help you. I have not paid pay out for many months and certainly not this month! Not much time to spend on Mylot ast all these past weeks. yes, I have fallen in the house and just outside the house. It really hurt and I was so bruised. having my mega heart tests tomorrow so say a prayer for me.
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• United States
28 May 09
HI cynthiann: what sort of heart tests are you having? I had no idea dear lady; please let me know how you are doing ok? if you don't want to post, please PM ok? I'll say a prayer for you indeed; love & hugs to you, and yes I'm doing better thank you!!
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• United States
30 May 09
Hi Cynthiann: Gosh I'm sorry to hear about all of that; I hate it too that you work under so much stress, that sucks!! Any chance you could find another job or even better GET A BETTER BOSS..(g)!! Yeah I know fat chance of that huh?? I've had my fair share of as$$$wipes for bosses; trust me; I hope you get it all under control as best you can ok? Keep us posted about things ok? Hopefully here on mylot you can "de-stress yourself" and feel better each day; will keep you in my thoughts and prayers dear friend; {{hugs}}
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
29 May 09
Am ECG test about 2 weeks ago showed that my heart (which was already enlarged) had only minimally increased in size but I now had an irregular heart beat. So an appt. was made with a cardiologist for me to have an echocardiogram to determine the state of damage. Yesterday, I had another ECG and the echocardiogram. The irregular heartbeat was not so apparant and this could have been a one off caused by stress. I work for an awful man. Meds have been increased to decrease my chances of getting a heart attack/stroke. and I do have to lose weight. I do not manage stress well from my boss regretfully.I am not in heart block as yet so things are not too bad. Just to deal with stress - how- I don't yet know. Thank you for asking.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
27 May 09
Wow, you had quite a fall, didn't you? I'm just glad it wasn't any worse. I hope you didn't break any bones! You have so many other problems on top of that. Bless your heart! I hope everything goes all right at the chiropractor. Please let us know. Yes, I had a bad fall here at home one time. It was on Sunday Afternoon and I had been taking a nap. I got up to start getting ready to go to church that night. I must have gotten up too fast because I just fell flat on my face and I injured my nose. My nose was bleeding and I just wanted to make sure I hadn't broken it or anything so I went to the afterhours clinic. It turned out everything was all right. The doctor said I did have a deviated septum, though. I think that was from an injury I received on the playground at school when I was a child. It really scared me, though. Kathy.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
27 May 09
I didn't get to go to church that night after all. This took up so much of my time. I just called the church and explained what happened. The preacher we had at that time wanted us to call if we weren't going to be there so everybody would know where we were. He was that concerned. Kathy.
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• United States
28 May 09
HI Kathy; Ouch!! I know what that feels like too to land on your nose/flat on your face, you poor dear; I too have a deviated septum, I blame my dear brothers for that when we was all kids we all played so rough and I was always getting hit in the head with a ball of some sort, the brutes!! And growing up on the farm it just seemed like something was always bonking me in my face one way or another; We just wiped the blood off and kept going..LOL!! You be careful now and no more falls onto the floor, the older we get the more brutal those falls can be...OUCHY!!
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• United States
30 May 09
OH My Gosh Kathy, you've had quite a few falls off of horses, I admire you for getting back up on them after each spill, not a lot of people would do that you know? I never did have a major fall from any of the horses I had thankfully however one year I was trying to get up on one of my horses to ride bareback, and I Had the horse up close to the fence so I could just hop on you know? Well Lady had other idea's...( beastly animal) (G)! Anyway just as I was in motion to swing up onto her back she decided to side step a bit there and I of course went crashing to the ground between her and the fence, she just turned her head and looked at me like HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAA neigh neigh neigh!! I parked her back up close to the fence again and this time made my brother stand on the other side of her until I had gotten seated...and then we went for our ride; I am so glad to know a person that is involved with such a great place its always always been a dream of mine to have such a thing on my Father's farm so far that's not happened, but its still a pipe dream, that place is and would be just perfect for that; thanks for sharing your horse stories (G)! and sorry you had so many bumps and bruises from it all, guess thats part of it right? take care now!
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 May 09
Hey Jan! I am so sorry to hear what happened! I definitely can identify with your accident! I have the worst accidents right here in my own home! I broke my shoulder in the hallway right near my own front door! I have had the worst falls ever right in my own kitchen! I have also broken every toe on both feet more than once from stubbing them on something! I dislocated my knee twice by hitting it into my own bedroom furniture! The say the worst accidents happen at home and you and I could sure be the "poster adults" for that! I have had dizzy spells from my meds and have done similar things to keep myself from hitting the floor too and still ended up getting hurt pretty badly anyway! I feel so terrible at your accident! I am just so glad that you didn't get hurt worse! And I pray that you will be feeling better soon! Please try to take care of yourself and be CAREFUL! This is coming from a klutz too! Please feel better, love Leslie
• United States
28 May 09
HI ya Opal darlin!! Well my heavens ladybug, you're a mess LOL!! You've had one too many of those falling accidents now, you gotta stop that ok?? You live too far away for me to come help you out, so be careful from now on!! deal?? It seems we all have had the strangest sort of accidents at home of late doesn't it? I do feel better today, just really sore and stiff and feeling rather stupid LOL!! take care dear lady, good to hear from you; Love & hugs to ya!