Should my daughter go to school?
By caesarin
@caesarin (1089)
May 26, 2009 8:10pm CST
My first daughter just turned 3 last February. She joined a pre-school a year ago and is going to graduate her class next week. Her first class makes her go to school 3 days a week in a row (Tue, Wed, Thurs) for about 1.5 hours.
But her next class will be tougher. She has to go to school for 5 days a week from Mon to Fri for about 2 hours. Also the school fee per month will raise up to 75% from the current one. The school said because there is changes is school attending days from 3 to 5 days, from 1.5 hours to 2 hours.
Well, we are in tight budget for everything now.
My husband thought that it'll be better for us to give her a break for one year before she join the kindergarten.
This is quite controversial to me.
The pro in me:
1. says that she can have fun with her friends if she goes to school.
2. says she can learn things that I don't teach her at home.
But the con in me:
1. says the school fee is too high.
2. question whether it is necessary for her to go to school for 5 days a week.
3. says education is not necessarily start at school but from home,
I can look for information of what she need to know before she join kindergarten class just to prepare her.
I talked to my father and parents-in-laws, they think it would be better for my daughter to continue her schooling activity.
What is the suitable or proper age to go to school?
When did you introduce schooling to your children?
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20 responses
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
27 May 09
It is right for her to go to school.
It depends upon you parents if you
wanna let her study in school at their
youn age . If you do so , you need to take
care of her and follow up whatever needs she
has in school. Need more guidance in her studies
because it is her foundation in learning.
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@DkAngelPrincess (329)
• United States
27 May 09
My daughter went topreschool for three years. I found that she was learning more at school. You can teach her alot of stuff, but school teaches her stuff we forget about. My daughter is in kindegarden. She knew how to tie her shoe, count to 100, left and right, and knew who to write and read some before she started this year. So to me I would say send her.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
27 May 09
my daughter goes to school for 5 days a week, and 3 hours a day. it is free for us, so now i enroll her for summer school as well cuz she is still need more english(she speaks two languages). try to find some state pre-school cuz they provide fee educate to qualify family. if you think you are not qualify then you can ask if they have discount for you. well, if you think you need a break for your daughter then it would be ok too cuz she is just 3 year old and try to teach her as much as you can while she is staying home with you. Take her to library and read books to her. Oh, teach her 1 word at a time... I am sure she will be so smart once she gets to kindergarten
@caesarin (1089)
• Indonesia
1 Jun 09
Thanks very much for your advice smileonstar.
I tried to teach her 1 word at a time but there are too many languages to teach her.
I have my mother language, national language, and some school teach English, there's also regional language in my area.
SO I think it would be quite too much of a word at a time for her.
@GemmaR (8517)
27 May 09
Other schools might have less classes or lower fees, you should try to find out about that. Personally, I think the earlier you can introduce schooling the better. That way, they will be able to get used to it a lot quicker and get into good habits.
Isn't there any help you can get financially? Like a grant or anything? I know there are in the UK so maybe there are where you are too.
Have you thought about joining a couple of sites to help you earn some money? It might help with the school fees if you find a good one.
Oh, and keep posting on here too, that will help you out a little bit as well!
Good luck, and I hope it all goes well for you!
@tpinto (66)
• United States
27 May 09
My son started preschool when he was almost 3. The first year was at a private school and the fee was a little high. He went two days a week from 8:00 to 11:30. The second year we enrolled him in a public preschool which ended up being free for us because of their income guidelines.They went 5 days a week from 8:15 to 11:15. This year he did kindergarten and did just fine. School is very important for children and I think they are never too young to start learning. I would suggest looking into other schools for the next school year to see if you can find something more affordable or even free.
@caesarin (1089)
• Indonesia
1 Jun 09
In my case, I think it won't be possible here in where I live. My daughter's school is actually looking for a new teacher but no candidates yet. The group school had found many applicants but none want to be stationed in my daughter's school.
I know the school will give some discount price for teachers' children.
But I got a freelance job that I can't live anyway.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
27 May 09
Have you checked other schools or not? You may be able to find some that have lower prices or that offer four day classes and not five day classes etc.
I understand that the cost is high but school is so important for children at this age, the socialization alone will do her a great benefit. I would check with other schools and see if there are other options in the area.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
27 May 09
I think you should check for schools that are more cheaper. I think there might be schools, which having less price. It is always good to get your daughter for schooling because your child will get lots of friends and will get more lessons from school. I think you should go for schools that fit your budget.
@caesarin (1089)
• Indonesia
28 May 09
Thanks for your advice. I've tried but I got not much option in my area. I live in a small town. But this school she's in provides a breakthru. In my country, most schools are like this: students have lots of home works and exams (almost everyday), students should listen to teacher, etc. So there's one way communication only. While this school encourage children's creativity, maybe like schools in western country.
That's why this would my best option for her to go to this school.
@4my1nonly (352)
• Philippines
27 May 09
hi caesarin, this is just my opinion,,well your daughter is too young, she needs to enjoy her life first as a child, she need to play and take a break,, you can teach her while she's at home you can buy some books in a bookstore that is suitable for her age at least you can guide her...
@caesarin (1089)
• Indonesia
28 May 09
This is the first thing that tell me not to let her to continue next year because it's 5 days a week, just like teens.
I want her to have some fun before she really, really experience studying at school.
But pre-school also is about play and learn. . . .
COnfusing . . .
Thanks for your advice.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
27 May 09
I don't have a kid for your information.
I think that if you have taken her to pre-school, it would be better to keep her in school from time to time rather than taking a year's rest. She would not understand why she suddenly need not go to school anymore nor understand why she could not see her friends anymore when they are having so much fun by then.
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
27 May 09
the advantage of sending her to school is that she will learn social skills which is something you cannot really fully teach a child, she needs to interact with her peers and get used to a classroom environment. in the long run it will be more beneficial. the child will be more well rounded as a result of this.
@ufmobilehz (36)
• China
27 May 09
Your daughter is so beautiful ,oh,the little girl must go to school,the education is very necessary,and she can play with her friends in school?So my suggestion is :Continueher schooling activity?
@stafei (98)
• China
27 May 09
If your daughter already arrive the age,pls let she go to school.She need accept education and learn more and more knowledge.I agree to give user a happy childhood and give she enough time to play,but child still need to accept learning from her childhood to younger.until come out from university.Then she is a useful person for all people and she will earn more and more monry.She will thank you at that time.
@wkjeremy (1)
• Portugal
27 May 09
Hello, looks like you have a big problem there. First of all your daughter is allready acostumised with being with kids of her age on a regular basis. Then you have the importance of school, I'm not an expert but I think that kids that attend kindergarten develop faster, and usually have better grades in "real" school. My son started at the age of two, and I was astonished, because everiday I noticed new learnings from him.
Then you have a budget problem... I don't think that looking for a cheaper school is a really good solution, because usually the price is conected in a direct relationship with the quality, if you put her in the cheapest school you find you may be creating a problem even bigger.
I have no strong oppinion about what you should do, just this little advice: noone loves your daughter more than you do, and noone knows better how to educate her than you...
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
27 May 09
My son started going to pre-school from 2yrs on and by the time he has 3 1/2yrs, he had started attending a proper school. But then home schooling is not an option here in India so the race is actually to get the child admitted to a proper school. Regarding fees, well you have to start it at some point, i.e. if you dont intend continuing with home schooling. But all in all, I thing you daughter should start the proper school...all your pros are very correct and schooling does instill a sense of discipline and purpose to a child's daily life.
@caesarin (1089)
• Indonesia
28 May 09
Hi. Thanks for your information.
The more I get to decide, the more she wants to go to school.
I asked her so many times whether she wants to continue going to school everyday
and she always said yes. I'm feeling guilty now. But I will consider her voice.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
27 May 09
At 3, your daughter should not be attending Kindergarten already. That's way too early. A preschool is suitable enough as it will prepare her for Kindergarten when she reaches the age of five. And, she can learn things at school that she may not learn at home, one of the most important things being socialization with other children, which children at that age really need to experience.
Is it possible to stick with the 3 day a week school program? I think that would be suitable enough for her at this point in time. If not, well then you'll just have to do what you think is best for your daughter.
@caesarin (1089)
• Indonesia
28 May 09
We, parents, tried to talk to the school but there's no way for them to change from 5 to 3 days. But thanks very much for your advice. My pro also consider her getting along with other children at her age, which she really seems to enjoy. She loves to pretend as if she was talking to her friends.
I can't imagine what she would do if she doesn't have any friends for a year before kindergarten.
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
27 May 09
Both of my daughters started preschool once they turned 3. Here where we live they got 4 days a week Tuesday-Friday from 8:30am-12:30pm so 4 hours. I think that children can handle that. All it is just play time anyways, even with some learning it's still a short period. I think you should keep your daughter in the schooling activity. It will be good for her. Expessially if she is your only child it will help her interact with children her age. Also only 2 hours a day, that's not bad at all. It's more like a play group then anything. Good luck with what you choose to do.
@caesarin (1089)
• Indonesia
28 May 09
4 hours? wow, that's quite long for me.
Her class began at 10.30-12.15/30 and during that time some kids came to school with a bad mood coz they're sleepy, some went home sleeping.
My daughter sometimes so to school with sleepy head.
One thing that I don't like about school, she copies her friends being naughty.
She was calmer before but now she doesn't listen to me, mostly.
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
27 May 09
nothing's more important than your child's education. if you start them when they are young there are the benefits. you'll see that they wont struggle that much in life in the future. if money is the problem, perhaps you can go and find a cheaper pre school but whatever you do, if you already introduced her to school you should let her have the habit of going to school its good for her. maybe you can get a job at the pre school so you may be entitled to cheaper fees and you shall be getting some income too. good luck.
@caesarin (1089)
• Indonesia
28 May 09
I haven't decide anything yet. But I have to make a decision soon.
Money is the problem and I always think very hard how to earn more.
Right now I'm working at home for my previous boss. The job is not yet took most of my time but it'll be soon. So I try to make something at home and sell.
Thanks for your advice.
@wolfaaron (179)
• United States
27 May 09
well, my parentsn have been asking the same thing for a while.
My brother is 3 years old, almost 4 this year, and he started to learn his abc's at the age of 11 months, and completely mastered it at the age of 13 months.
He started playing Nintendo DS since he was 8 or 9 months old, and he knows how to read 40% of everything a game asks him to do.
We think he has been ready for kindergarden since a while back, but its not what we want, its what he wants. We are going to put him in kindergarden when he turns 4.
He alreayd mastered everything, what does he have to worry about =D
The only problem with him is that he is not very social, he is more of the type that rather sit by themselves and beat their Mario games.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
27 May 09
I havent started school with my son yet.. Will be this fall, and I believe that once I start school with him, I do not want to stop him... Do not want to stop him from going because he will be in a scheulce, he will be around children his own age, and also he will proably have relationships with his peers...
I understand that there are finiacal difficulties.. A lot of people in this country are having problems... May be there may be some programs that might help you with the school fees, or may be the school would be willing to set up a payment program with you, so you do not have to pay one lump sum at the begining of the year... Or start saving now... Good luck