Writing Style

May 26, 2009 11:30pm CST
Are you aware that your writing style can reveal your true personality? I've read an article in the news paper telling that there is a branch of psychology science that focused on human style of writing. I'm amazed that a simple thing like how do you write an alphabet for example the letter "i" can mean such deep personality. This is what they've said, The closer a person give dot from the stem of "i" letter is the more precise personality he is. Or something like this, if a person writing style tends to careen to the left that mean he/she is labile person. If tends to careen to the right that mean he/she is an artistic person. Also if tends to straight line that mean he/she is an objective person. Is that so? do you believe that someone personality can be revealed by their writing style?
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16 responses
27 May 09
It's called graphology. I looked at it about a decade ago, out of interest, and it's one of those things like personality tests: unless you get an analysis done for you personally, it can only provide vague answers. Some of it will be right, some will be wrong. Personally, mine was reasonably accurate on the generalisations. I had this done to me as part of an interview once (along with the psych tests and technical ability tests) and, again, it was reasonably accurate. It'll never define anything particular, but it's interesting to see that it can be fairly close. As I recall, the important things were the size of the extenders (bits above the line and below the line - the tall bit of a 'd', the loop of a 'g') and their form, the dotting of the i and crossing of the t, and the general leaning direction (relative to which hand the person writes with). Interesting pseudo-science! Shame everyone types instead, now!!
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29 May 09
How very true: my writing changed dramatically when I was suffering a lot of back pain - it turned into an ugly, illegible mess! The thing to remember with graphology is that is much more vague than real psychology: the former just looks at one aspect of your interaction with the world, whereas the latter looks at everything from your past, your experience and your inner feelings to help you understand better and come to terms with things. Graphology should really be separated into a new pseudo-science, along with a lot of other half-psychology pseudo-sciences that are currently all bundled under one title. (My partner's a psychologist, so I could go on about this for hours, lol!)
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• United States
27 May 09
Thank you so much for labelling this intriguing type of study. I'm a fan of personality tests in general, to study the external manifestations of indevidual personalities is a facinating hobby. I agree about people predominantly typing, it's nice and convenient but there was so much charm and personality in hand written communications. I personally keep a written daily journal, it has not only helped to pilish my handwriting but there is something so cathardic about writing. Also a recent endeavor that I would recommend to everyone is to have a pen pal that you only send handwritten letters to... Good comment, thank you. :)
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• Indonesia
28 May 09
I found another article to. Even I'm not a psychologist, those lines of article describe some important thing that I want to know. I think graphology not just about people's personality, but also about people's physical condition at the time they write. For example, if people write some sentences and make a descending line could became indication that those people is in fatigue condition. Also when people write a paragraph with less "dot" then a "comma", it could indicate they write it with some ambition. I think my last sentence about dots and commas could be applied not only in hand writing but also on typing style. So in an advance time like now, those science still can be developed from "writing style" to "typing style".
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
27 May 09
I don't know if I 100% believe this. I mean, my writing style changes so often depending on my mood and my writing utensil, not to mention whether it's done in cursive or print and what language it is. For example, in English, when I dot my 'I's the points tend to be pretty near the base. But in Spanish, for some reason, I tend to let any dots or accent marks or anything sort of float and I have no idea why this is, but it used to drive my teachers mad.
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• Indonesia
27 May 09
Hmm.. if you say so, make me think even more. I wonder if there is some connection or relativity about a country culture and their community writing style. I mean like this, in Oriental region such as Japan, China or Korea, they have same writing style, those words they write also different than other country using alphabet, they use Kanji which is tend to be more straight line, almost no curve exist. Is that mean those country also have culture of objectivity, straight forward, and less artistic? Let's compare it with India that write using Hindu word which have more curve than a straight line, is that also mean India's people tend to have more artistic style more than Japanese person?
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
27 May 09
Hmm...that's a good point. I really don't know too much about the language and writing style of India, but in my opinion I think the Chinese and Japanese languages are very artistic to begin with. I can't even fathom using depictions as beautiful as those to describe words and sentences and phrases. So I think part of it has to do with how you view things and what you consider "art" and "artistic". I consider lots of old ruins to be artistic and sculptures and stuff to be beautiful even though the experts agree with my opinion.
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• Indonesia
27 May 09
About Kanji letter used in Japan, i remember a little thing about it. I forget the source, but i still remember that Kanji letter is not only described as a letter but also mean as a symbol. For example a word "human", in our alphabetical style we write H-U-M-A-N, but in Kanji it is not like that, it will only need one word that represent human itself. I think that mean Japanese culture basically a practical culture, less talk do more. Different with that, in Hindu their alphabet not only list of nothing like our A-B-C-D.., but they list of word is based on a story. Can you imagine that, their A-B-C itself contain a story. This is for example, ours is A-B-C-D-E, Hindu's is Ha-Na-Ca-Ra-Ka, in those language mean "There are a messenger", followed by Da-Ta-Sa-Wa-La which mean "Those messenger have a quarrel with King's soldier", and so on. It is very interesting that we know how artistic culture of India, their word list itself a story. For your information I'm not Indian & not Japanese, but I respect their culture. the same as I respect my country's culture.
@snowy22315 (186915)
• United States
28 May 09
I think that handwriting analysis has been around for quite some time and probably has more truth to it than most people realize. I think there are some things that are probably important in terms of writing styles and that there are some that people need to pay attention to.
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• Indonesia
28 May 09
For me, I think if we could understand the root of this science, it is less complex than we thought. Sorry for all psychologist, I don't mean to down-grade this science, just my opinion, correct me if I'm wrong. Back again, it's about human, we are human. That's mean this science basic is to understand ourselves. Not just from writing, everything on our body or the way we make a move contain information about our self. From hair shape, face, our step, everything reveal our inner personality.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
28 May 09
Wow, what an interesting topic! I studied journalism in college, so I used to write all the time. I believe that it is not just your penmanship that reveals your true personality but also how you write things. Me and my friends in college used to always compare what we wrote, from features to news. And it's funny because even if there's no name on our articles, we could always figure out who wrote which because of the "personality" of the article.
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• Indonesia
28 May 09
Yeah you right, it is like a trace, even no information about the writing, we could at least guess who was wrote it. I think it is important and good thing if your college teach those science as a study, because journalism truly close to all the thing about writing. Try suggested that to your college, it is an important issue I think.
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
28 May 09
oh surely flare I do agree with you that the writing style of a person tells tons about his personality and how learned a person is and how straight or objective he is, Its all there in his writing, its more of a mirror!
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• Indonesia
28 May 09
It is like never ending lesson, because every generation born always bring a new writing style. So basically writing style is changing time to time, just like people's civilization. That means graphology must follow this change, the scientist must learn it simultaneously & continuously.
@Mr_Lyons (25)
• United States
28 May 09
That is a very interesting topic flaredust. I personally dont believe that a persons personality can be discovered by a mere detail such as one's writing style. The human mind is to large to be defined by pendmenship. At the risk of sounding partially stupid, i would like to give rise to the sentiment of, a broken hand? You would obviously wrote very different right? What can this say about your personality? I actually would like to believe that it is not more the writing of a person which exemplifies there personality than it is the way the do right. The words they use, diction, tone, is it concise or run-on? Things like that etc. Lastly i believe that psychologists are bred to come to such conclusions as they are olbigated to bear very analytical minds.
• Indonesia
28 May 09
To understand this science we must back to its basic. This science is to learn about human, we can simplify this by an example of a teenager. He learn to know about him self, so he try to find out by searching on to his friends or other community. With his experience he discover some connection about nerd & book, cheerleader & beauty, lazy & fatness, etc. He finally generalized all of those experience into some blocks. It is the same way like graphology, some science learn it time to time to find connection between personality & writing style. Of course they still have limit about their knowledge, so it is not really wise to believe it 100 percent.
• United States
28 May 09
exactly, nothing is ever 100%. Actually if it reminded me of any one thing it would probally be stereotypes. In the sense that just because a certain race of people does something doesnt mean it should become the premise of actions for that race. Just because someone rights neat, can really teach nothing about there personal demeanor.
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@mayammb (1815)
• Australia
28 May 09
I was not aware of the fact that by looking at one's writing style u can tell his/her personality. Sounds interesting.
• Indonesia
28 May 09
The more you learn it the more interesting. It is so complex but actually fun thing to learn. We can also practicing it by looking on other people signature. Signature is stronger than ordinary hand writing, because it is like a stamp of our self. Different with ordinary writing, when people make a signature they'll give their best effort to make it look perfect. If we wanna know how people's personality at the best condition, look their signature.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
27 May 09
That is probably correct only at the moment of the test. If you are in a bad mood when you take the test, your handwriting is not likely to be good. Your handwriting will show that you are impatient, and careless. Even if you are usually a patient and careful in your work, when you are in a bad mood just for that hour when you are taking the test, the test will not reflect the usual you, it will reflect you as the bad mood person. Test result is deceiving. Our handwriting does change. That's why some people hate signing the cheque, since they know that they can't keep to a standard signature.
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• Indonesia
28 May 09
As I said before, graphology not only interpret one sector such as word or alphabet they wrote, but also very complex side. So the analyzer must not only look the writing boldly, but he must also consider about the object. Psychologist must see people and their writing as a whole union, not part by part.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
27 May 09
Writing style......... I thought that you were going to look at my response to your discussion and then tell me what sort of writing style I have. Lols, my bad. Now I can see that you're on to a different page. BTW yes I have heard of this before, what you are talking about is handwriting analysis and I do believe that there are certain giveaways in a person's handwriting which can tell a handwriting expert certain insights into the writers personality. For example if they happen to write big and bold it means they are confident. Or if they write, small and the writing is jammed up together. They may not feel so confident. It's a lot more to it than just this but this is what I've learned about it so far. happy Mylotting!
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• Indonesia
28 May 09
Sorry to disappoint you, the title is ambiguous indeed. But it is still nice thing to talk about isn't it. You sure knew something about it, I guess you have psychologist relation on your family or your friend.
@ip5217 (1655)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
This is interesting! I hope you can share with us the article where you got this information from. I think I will have to agree with you on this. Every little actions we do speak of our personality. Some people may be good at disguising their true personality but there are ways to tell who we really are.
• Indonesia
21 Oct 10
Wow, how surprising my discussion a year ago still has a new response.... Well, for now I don't remember well where did I find those article. By the way, some people called it graphology, some branch of psychology science learn about writing style, may be if you have a spare time, you could check or search wikipedia about that article. It's quite interesting if you can learn deeply about it, can be very helpful to determine small fragment of other people's psychology. It's surely come in handy if you are in the human resource department, that knowledge will ease you to pick the right candidate of new employee.
• Philippines
27 May 09
Yes I do believe that writing can reflect one's personality but the problem is writing style keeps changing because personality changes. If you change a lot, your writing style will change it. I myself happen to be like that, my writing style keeps changing until my personality is stable. Until now, my writing style is still unstable, according to my professor who knows how to read the handwriting style, because I am still trying to figure who I am yet.hehe
• Indonesia
27 May 09
Wow, you know a professor learning that science? So that mean you definitely agree with a statement of connection between writing style & personality. By the way, if you meet that professor again please ask this question, "Personality change can affect writing style or even vice versa, writing style changes can affect people personality?" I'm really curious about this.
@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
27 May 09
I guess so, I have a friend graduated with Psychology as her major. She had inspected my penmanship before and her findings are fairly accurate in my case. All their observations are already taken from years of research and they found a pattern that will truly link human beings to one another specially when it comes to studying behavioral science. Can you send me a link on this article. I'm interested to read it.
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• Indonesia
27 May 09
That is a new branch science? Because I don't really know psychology that much, i just read an article and get curious about it. Is it the same branch which learn about connection between human anatomy and personality? Wow, science surely develop to a higher level quickly these days. I find those article in the newspaper so I don't have link, sorry. But if you have time may be you can googling it.
• India
27 May 09
I read a book on handwriting analysis. To some extent the analysis was right. Some points regarding my nature and behavior was right. But some analysis was totally wrong. I don't believe it completely.
• Indonesia
28 May 09
Of course we don't need to 100 percent believe all about it, because I still believe every people is unique. We can't just generalized all people on their writing style. It is the same thing to if we talk about zodiac, yeah it is more familiar than a graphology, but the root of this kind of science is the same, to generalize people to some block. Anyway, it is still important science to learn as long as we are open to it.
• United States
27 May 09
I pretty much write the same way all the time. I think LOL but it would be interesting to have my writting evaluated to see how accurate it really is and if it is even close to how I really am as a person. This is a great topic I love the reaposes you have has lo some true believers and others out right sceptics lol it's great. Hope you have a great day and happy mylotting!
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• Indonesia
27 May 09
This discussion only started from my curiousity, for me indeed is true, I don't know if only coincidence or what, my writing style is tend to be a straight liner. I make "i" letter which the dot is very close to the stern. So that mean I'm an objective person & a precise minded person, with my friends opinion it is true my personality is definitely that. What yours? is it tend to right, left, or straight?
@biman_s (1060)
• India
27 May 09
Wao! I didn't know that. May be its true. But they way we write differs every moment. Can you share more on this topic. I would like to know more about how to read a person's personality form their writing.
• Indonesia
28 May 09
Hmm.. if you want it, i suggest you meet a real psychologist, they'll give you an accurate whole science to lectured. But for me, I'm just an observer that start this discusiion from my curioussity. But I do know a little about this science basic. There are some statement like this: How people write letter "i", the closer they write "dot" from its "stern" means the more precise they usually work. How people write letter "t", the higher they write horizontal line from its vertical line means the more confident they have. How people write a paragraph, if you find a paragraph that only contain few sentences, or every one sentence considered as a very long one, even some sentence contain less "commas" for interlude. It means the writer is an ambitious one. How people globally write, if their words careen to right mean they are an artistic person, if their words careen to left mean they are a labile person, if it's just straight style mean they are a people based on logic. How people writing progress, if they're progressing writing left to right and their line is descending, it's mean those people are have a depression or may be fatigue. Vice versa of that, it's mean those people are full of spirit.
27 May 09
Handwriting analysis. I have heard of it often. At first I thought you meant writing style, like if someone uses a lot of flowery words or run on sentences. Some of this stuff is very interesting to me.
• Indonesia
28 May 09
Yeah, may be a put a wrong title there. It surely make some bias if I use that title. Anyway, after I've googling for some time, i found many article related to this topic, and I also know that it is true this writing analyze has already become another branch of psychology called graphology. Indeed it is a very nice thing to discuss about. However, like some of the comment says, nowadays people doesn't write anymore, they change their life style from a writer to a typist. But we still can find those writing in their signature. So, it has still good probability to apply those science today.