Should she have been arrested?
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
May 27, 2009 2:57pm CST
Have you ever threatened to kick your kids out of the car if they didn't behave? Well, one mom got tired of hearing her girls, ages 10 and 12, argue in the back seat, so she pulled over and kicked them both out of the car. The 12 year old chased the car down and got back in, but the 10 year old was left alone. A stranger bought the child an ice cream and called the police. The mom returned to pick up the 10 year old and was arrested on the spot.
Should mom have been arrested? Did she endanger the welfare of her children? Or did she have every right to follow through on her threat?
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42 responses
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
28 May 09
You made me think of all the threats I've told my kids, including the car one.
"I brought you in this world and I can take you out."
"How would you like to be knocked into next week?"
And my personal favorite when one of them goes on about all they've done that I should be grateful for:
"I gave birth to you. Top that."
As far as the woman goes, I'm not sure what to think of it. I can understand kicking them out of the car, but not leaving the area. She could have easily showed them she meant business without driving away.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
28 May 09
The story seems a bit iffy to be honest. Unless the stranger just happened along the minute the ice cream truck came. Something still doesn't sit right with the whole story.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
28 May 09
One story I heard said all she did was drive around the block. I can't be certain though.
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@Bearballew (1148)
• United States
27 May 09
Geesh... Times have changed! My Mom did that to us once about a block from the house, (wasn't traumatic) but the funniest one was when a few friends and I were looking at colleges! Mom had taken us four girls on a road trip. We were being a bit outrageous and she had warned us to simmer down a bit... (Flirting with truckers etc..) We all went to the bathroom and she had told us to get in the car by a certain time. Well, we fiddled around and she left us in the middle of Kansas!!
or so we thought.... She was at the gas station around the corner. She could see us, we couldn't see her. Freaked us out!! We were good the rest of the way.
In this story above you say the Mom came BACK! How many moms DON'T come back?? Those are the ones you arrest and seek counselling for! And how close were they to home? Sometimes moms need a time out. Mom came back. That indicateds to me that she wasn't abandoning her kid. She just needed a break from whatever made her pull over in the first place. Better that than beating them. I'd have gotten mom's story before arresting anyone. I'd recommend a solution, not arresting anyone. That probably made it worse! How did the 10 year old get home after MOM got arrested? Isn't she still abandoned?? Now by the authorities. For crying out loud the girl was 10. At 10 girls have their own phones, Ipods, PSPs, TVs, Tevos, they can get birth control at school, but they can't walk home? If I were the Police I'd have a talk with those girls!!
A distracted Driver is no good to anyone. The girls should have stopped. I know it's hard for girls to stop once they get going, but at some point.... children have so much power now to destroy adults. I'm sure a few of them don't mean to, but they do. They see things through children's eyes and it's always "unfair" and "wrong". It's getting harder to parent any child. Curious... what law did they state she broke? Endangerment of a child? So, the kid has less than a 3 mile radius from home? Not allowed to go walk over to wherever this ice cream was purchased? It seems it was her neighborhood. Wow, things are sure different where I live. Kids walk over 10 miles to go to a recreation center, or home after school if they missed the bus... YES the 8, 9 and 10 year olds.
What is the 100% fool proof solution? I hope those girls feel bad for what they created. I'm sure the mom won't do it again... if she ever gets to be a mom again.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
27 May 09
You have very valid points. I'm sure that's some of what was going through moms head at the time, it had probably been done to her when she was a kid. I know I was walking to and from school alone when I was 5 or 6, and it was around a mile or so. I grew up just fine. You are right too that the mom did come back.
But isn't it also true that we live in different times, that the streets are more dangerous than they used to be when you were a child?
I think this is one of those situations where there's really no right and no wrong idea about it, except apparently mom was wrong because she was arrested.
I think she has since gotten her children back and is just on probation or something of that nature.
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@Bearballew (1148)
• United States
28 May 09
It's so hard to define the danger level. As children our parents sheltered us from any news of kids getting kidnapped or killed. I know I do that. We do talk about strangers and I know my parents did as well. I think the world is just as scarry now as it was then.
However, I know in my area that I have to put up boundaries that I didn't have as a kid due to things like pavement! We used to ride bikes and horses on dirt roads for up to 7 or 8 miles to our friends' houses. Now with pavement we have large delivery trucks barreling down the roads that used to be safe to walk along. SO, in that sense it is more dangerous, but I think kids are a little more savvy on the ways of the world now then we were 20 30 years ago. We were allowed to be kids. Parents were allowed to parent. Kids are different in their level of knowledge that's for sure! 20 30 years ago we were book smart. Now kids have technology.
I see values have declined too. Now anything is permissible. Anything goes. According to media, education... there is no right or wrong...just what's good for you. Tell you what, when I was growing up, all the parents and teachers around me had the same ideas as to right and wrong and they weren't affraid to speak it to us kids!
The Mom in this story, I'm guessing, is from my era, and she is probably doing to her kids what worked for her. She probably NEVER thought she'd get arrested for this. I'm sure she wouldn't have done it if she had known. Shoot, I didn't know you could get arrested for that! It's amazing how these days you don't know what you CAN'T do discipline-wise until you get arrested. There's no class parents have to take every 6 months to keep up with the changing laws, norms and tabos of our ever "evolving" society. I would be curious to know how people that parented in the 70's and 80's think of this as a case of child endangerment.
This is a great discussion!
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@cest_moi (206)
• Canada
27 May 09
My answer is an absolute YES, she should have been arrested for her act. Being a parent, she must understand and be ready to absorb any pressures. What she should do is to tell the girls to stop arguing or she would pull the car over for a period of time until they stop, if that does not work, ignore them until you get home and try to resolve the situation at home.
She could be charged of abandoning her children, irresponsibility, rudeness to the minors and dangerous driving with someone chasing the car who is her own child. What if the left alone child got kidnapped by a passerby or what if the child who chased the car got tripped and got into an accident?
Severe punishment is the right thing to do for bad parent(s).
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
27 May 09
irresponsibility, rudeness to the minors and dangerous driving with someone chasing the car who is her own child.
Those aren't actually real crimes, thankfully. I can't imagine being arrested for being rude to a minor! I think I'm rude to a minor everyday, lol!
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@cest_moi (206)
• Canada
28 May 09
Perhaps I am not used to that kind of situation so I kinda have a strong offensive about it.
I guess different people might see this in different ways depending on what kinda situation the person is in.
My apology if this sounds too hard on some but it was just my thinking towards the topic.
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@Bearballew (1148)
• United States
28 May 09
Pulling the car over until they stop: That's good in theory, but what do you do when:
1. you have a time consideration and need to be somewhere on time, like school, work, dance practice
2. the kids don't care about resolving the problem - they're happy to sit on the side of the road and keep fighting
3. you are on the hiway - pulling over there with all the traffic flying by, that would be even more dangerous
and most importantly, this solution puts the CHILDREN in charge of the situation. That puts THEM in control of what is going to happen. At this point the parent has to be in control of resolving the confilict as the children are obviously not able to control themselves, and they are distracting the very person who is trying to drive without distraction. I am not a fan of kids telling parents how things are going to go down.
What are some ideas for IMMEDIATE resolution. Everyone is talking about taking care of the problem later when we get home, but what about the RIGHT NOW. Stopping the fighting immediately. Any good ideas?
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
27 May 09
You can have a "latch key" kid when they are 8 so I'm not sure what she did was illegal. At 10 years old you are talking 4th to 6th grader. The child probably walks to the playground in her neighborhood by herself. It shouldn't have been illegal.
As a personal choice, no way in the world would I leave my child alone. I wouldn't let my child stay in my house alone at that age, much less walk to the playground. I wouldn't even let my child walk to school. There are probably other circumstances to consider. Does the child walk to school. Most school age children living with-in a couple of miles of school walk to school. I don't think that's a good idea but it is legal. Please explain the difference.
Just because we don't do something a certain way doesn't mean other people shouldn't have the right to do so.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
27 May 09
I don't know the specifics, and the website didn't list them either. There's really no way for us to know unless we find the mom and ask her. So I guess you're saying it would depend on the situation, how mature the child was, and how often the child is left alone to walk somewhere.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
28 May 09
My children have a certain amount of outdoor freedoms, yes, but my oldest child is 12 and I can't really justify holding his hand while he's standing at the bus stop, can I? I live in a very secure, very small neighborhood where everyone knows everyone else and there are dozens of kids outdoors all day long. I can normally hear my kids playing outdoors and of course will check on them if I don't hear them for awhile, unless I know they went off to a friend's house or something of that nature.
The problem here is the children were let out of their car 3 miles away from home and the 10 year old was immature enough to allow a stranger to take her off and buy her ice cream. Personally I knew better than that when I was only 4. My mom told me at that age that if a stranger tried to get me to go with them that I should kick him in the private area! Thankfully I never had to attempt that.
I had been thinking that each child is different, and my oldest son, so long as he knew his way home, would gladly walk 3 miles... we tend to go for 4 or 5 mile long walks each weekend. He's also old enough and mature enough to handle walking alone through a town. But he's also smart enough to avoid strangers. This girl obviously wasn't, and the mom must have known that. That's where she was in the wrong!
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
28 May 09
I am saying at 8 years old the law let's the children stay at home by themselves and they are even expected to walk to and from school on their own. If the child in question, obviously over 8 years old, walks to and from school how can the law judge the mother.
I personally think the mother is a freakin' idiot but the law is on her side. Who am I to judge how other people raise their children. I certainly don't let my children walk to school alone, nor would I let them walk to the playground. Do you let your children have outside freedoms? Would you?
When did you stop going into the yard with your child, instead of accompanying them? Do you let your child go outside alone? I don't, so I can call the lady an idiot and other parents can think I'm weird and to possessive. I can guarantee though, if something happens to my children I will be there to help. I may even be there if something happens to yours.
The office didn't have any legal reason to arrest this woman if this is a neighborhood where children walk to school. Should we judge the officer for not interpreting the law correctly. We might not agree with the law but, the woman had every legal right (obviously, since found innocent) to let her children out of her car.
I certainly wouldn't have went to that extreme but I don't let my children go anywhere by themselves. Do you? Would you?
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@okkidokitokki (1736)
• United States
27 May 09
She was gone long enough for a stranger to buy the kid an icecream and the police to get there so yes she should have been arested. This stranger could have been a bad guy and taken her and done anything, she was lucky he was a good person. Personally I would have not let the older girl back in and would have followed them as they walked a few blocks. By no means would I have let them out of my sight.
I have actually pulled the car over with my nieces and nephew becuase they were being so bad. They got to do jumping jacks until they were to tired to pick on each other. But not once did I let them out of my sight and we were at a rest stop so it was safe to pull over.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
27 May 09
In one story I heard she'd just gone around the block, and when she returned the kid was gone, obviously because the person had taken them to get ice cream.
Normally I just threaten to turn around and go home, but my kids know most of my threats are empty ones, lol.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 May 09
driving anywhere is just wrong. You don't let them out of your site and especially when they are upset. Recently my 22 yr old was all worked up and throwing a fit while we were driving home from a wedding. She'd had too many drinks & was just angry at ...who knows what. It was dark, rainy and the I'm not a good night driver and I didn't really know my way so needed to focus on signs. I pulled over and demanded she calm down. She jumped out of my car& began walking. Oh was I angry. I just want ed to get home in the worst way. Leave her? NO. And she was 22 not 10!
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
27 May 09
Well arrested is harsh, I think a fine would have been better. That poor girl could have ended up in the hangs of a criminal. Then what? I think she put her daughter in danger for sure and that is a big NO NO to me. I would have probably yelled at them and if they had continued I would have threatened them with no tv or computer for the night. They would eventually learn but you have to carry out your threats. If not they believe you are a push over and will continue with the bad behavior.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
27 May 09
I guess this situation was left to the judgement of the arresting officer, who felt the mom was definitly in the wrong, so much so she needed to be arrested. The judge didn't think so though, because as I've heard, mom was let go and was just on probation.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
28 May 09
Well I'm gathering the girls were in the back of the car, I would have pulled over and put the older girl in the front seat, that may have worked. Maybe some type of hand held games for each so they concentrate on the games and don't have to talk to each other. Or just put the law down - There is no fighting in the car if you start to fight you will be punished for a week from the things that entertain them while at home. I'm sure though after what the mother has been thru those girls are on their best behavior now. I hope she has punished them too for at least a month for the fighting that has put her on the front pages of the paper.
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@Bearballew (1148)
• United States
28 May 09
Lelin you make a good point about a later punishment for the kids. One done at home. If they're older they can understand that this is due to earlier actions in the day.
But what if you are a good 20 minutes from home? Any creative ideas on what we can do immediately to stop bad/distracting behavior? Sometimes it's hard for Mom to press on home with all that going on behind her. Dad's too!
I'd love to hear what works for other moms! :*) We could make quite a list of creative approach to relieving stress in the car! (Without dropping the kids off to the side of the road with a sign...)
And just for the record I understand this mom was only 3 miles from home...unless there was a TON of traffic I'm guessing she was between 5 - 10 minutes from home, but in bickering-girls-timezone that's like an eternity!
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
28 May 09
Wow. You know, i'm all for creative parenting but that is just wrong. She is lucky that stranger wasn't a pervert. I could see maybe kicking them out of the car and sitting there in the car while they sat outside thinking about what they did, but not driving away and leaving them there. Especially leaving the youngest by themselves. And it's not like she just drove around the block and came back if the stranger had time to call the police, buy the kid an icecream and the police where there to arrest her on the spot before she got back. I get the following through on your threats and stuff but I just think this was not a good one to make because following through with it could have cost her the life of her 10 year old.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
28 May 09
The stranger that bought the girl an ice cream actually took her off somewhere to get the ice cream, so by the time the mom came back she couldn't find the girl. Obviously the girl wasn't really mature enough to be left alone if she didn't know better than to go off with a stranger.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Sure, what parent hasn't? I wouldn't go through with it like this mom did, but I have pulled over before. That pretty much does the trick for my kids.
I think her getting arrested is a little extreme. After all, she was just following through with her "threat". Okay, so she probably shouldn't have made it to begin with, but how are her kids (or anyone else's for that matter) ever going to learn to behave if they get away with misbehaving?
I guess it would have been different if she would have left her child there, but then again where exactly is "there"? It was a few miles from home. It wasn't like her daughter was miles from nowhere. Plus, we have to remember that the mom did go back for her. It wasn't like she abandoned either of her kids.
I wouldn't doubt that the person that called it in doesn't even have kids. And just think, after this incident this same person will probably be the first to complain if this mom's kids are being bratty. 

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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
1 Jun 09
I swear some people just look for abuse where there is none?
Like, Lady, why don't you ask the child if he knows where his Mommy is? Or ask him if he is EVEN lost? DUH? Meddlesome IDIOT!
As far as I am concerned, she should be charged with ASSAULT. She GRABBED HIM AGAINST HIS WILL!??? WTF????
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Yes, I had a similar thing happen to me at the grocery store. My 3 year old headed to a different aisle to pick out his cereal bars that he always gets to pick out, and next thing I know they're calling for a lost mommy over the loud speaker. Now my son knows this store like the back of his hand because we do the shopping every week like clockwork. So some lady saw this kid running down the aisle alone and brought him up to the front. My son was completely histerical. Not because he lost me, but because some lady was taking him where he didn't want to go! Then they're yelling at me for taking my eyes off my kid... he was 1 aisle over, I knew that, and had that woman just kept her hands off my kid everything would have been fine!!
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@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
27 May 09
WOW I think she should've been arrested since she left the 10 year old alone. Now if I was her and my kids were misbehaving I would've stopped the car and keep them both outside of the car until they decide to behave but I would never drive off without my children. And what if a sick stranger found the child and kidnapped her or worse murder her?
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
27 May 09
Mom was obviously so frustrated she wasn't thinking of what sort of dangerous things could have happened. We each have different parenting styles, and what's okay to some of us are obviously extremely wrong to others.
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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
28 May 09
She should have been arrested. It would not hurt if she made them get out of the car but under no circumstances should she have drove off. It would have been better if she told them if they did not stop fighting they would be grounded for a week and no TV, Radio, Computer another words nothing accept reading. It is to dangerous leave your children on the street.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
28 May 09
I think if her child was "alone" and a stranger was able to coax her somewhere & get her an ice cream while they waited for authorities then YES! She was lucky that stranger was a good person and not some sicko. If anything I hope they just give her probation and require her to go to parenting classes. I think she left just to say she "MENT BUSINESS" & was just fed up.
I understand what she did as one can only take so much and kids are more stressful than we anticipated when we decide to start a family. I don't think I could just ditch them by the road. I'd maybe pull over and have a few words with them about their behavior & if I had to talk to them individually I would. But I would not leave them or make them chase after the car.... thats some "lesson"
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
28 May 09
That's true she shouldn't have left. I'm sort of on the fence still just because we have no idea what mom was going through that day. Maybe she'd just been fired from her job or something. I know what it feels like to be so stressed or upset you just want to crawl under a rock, and having to listen to bickering children is not helpful. Sometimes it is best for the parent to seperate themselves from the child for a few minutes to the parent can cool down. But the parent has to do so in a way that is safe for the child.
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@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
28 May 09
This is hard to say. One she should not have drove off since the 10 year old was picked up by a stranger, had ice cream and waiting for the police to arrive. What kind of parent would do that to their child specially being that age. I know kids don't stop and now adays kids are so selfish, and so bad that they do need a good swift kick in the butt but then again that is child abuse and you can't do that. I don't agree with parents not being able to spank their bottom. It's not like it's going to be a hard one but kids now adays really need it. Kids have no respect anymore.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
28 May 09
I agree. Decades ago children were whipped with belts, and it was okay. Those children were so well behaved! If I hit my child with my open hand I'd have them taken away and I could be put in jail, so instead I have to accept that they're going to be brats who don't listen because there are no concequences.
My children are actually nothing like that, but quite a few children these days are and it's so sad.
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
28 May 09
I do agree nicole.. it was harsh leaving her daughter and having a stranger looking after the child waiting for the police to arrive..but then children nowadays are harder to control its like they are already born with minds of their own to decide and do wahtever they want. maybe in this case the mother just really had it and her temper just blew!!
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
28 May 09
I think she should be charged. What if the stranger was not so kind and got the kid ice cream then molested and killed her???
I think if the mom would have threatened to kick then out and then did. But not leave until the girls say they would stop. Scare them into thinking she would leave them. But not actually doing it would have been better. I can undersatnd kids driving you to your limit but you cant endanger them. Another form of punishment would have been much better. I dont know what their mission was that day but maybe not allowing them to go on outings could of helped. Until they learn how to behave in the car. The driver needs to concentrate on the road not on two squabbling sibling in the back seat.

@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
28 May 09
I skimmed the article and it really doesn't say how far from home the children were. If your 10 year old can't walk around in their own hometown safely then there is a bigger problem at hand. I remember doing a lot of stuff at that age that kids probably aren't allowed to do today. There is so much of the story that is left out. I can't judge her unless I know how far from home she was and how busy the street was.
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@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
28 May 09
I think we should not entirely blame her for being harsh because we do not know what type of problems she is facing. Mothers do have a lot of responsibility and of course good mothers can handle pressure well and be sane all the time especially dealing with troublesome children although we know that a child cannot be expected to behave maturely like an adult. So I guess what I suggest is instead of arresting and hating her, somebody needs to help her control her emotion.
@Valentine28 (121)
• United States
28 May 09
I actually know people who have kicked their kids out of the car, but they also had sight of their children the entire time. I think that in today's society it is way too dangerous to discipline a child in that way. There are so many sick people out there, and anything could've happened to that kid. I understand where she was coming from when she kicked them out of the car, but I think she deserved to be arrested for leaving. It only takes a few seconds for a child to be abducted. It's common knowledge that children are a handful, but when they act up you can't just leave them (even if it's only for a minute).
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@gemini_rose (16264)
30 May 09
My hubby has threatened our kids with that many times before, it makes them behave. He has never actually followed through with the threat though and I am pretty sure that he never would. I would have to say that I feel she endangered her children by actually doing that because in the time that she did it a stranger bought her child an ice cream and could quite easily have taken her, it could have turned nasty.
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@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
28 May 09
My mom tossed me out of the car once and told me to walk home. I was only like three blocks from my house though. So I think this was a harmless thing the mother did if she was close to home. A 10 year old should be old enough to walk that far. I remember walking 5 blocks to school everyday without any supervision. I was like 8 years old. People didn't really worry about pedophiles and stuff back then. :-\
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@uicbear (1900)
• United States
28 May 09
Wow, this was dangerous on so many levels. I mean the 12 year old could have gotten injured chasing down the car. She let the 12 year old in and left the 10 year old alone? There are just so many crazy people in the world. Thank God that it was a decent person who befriended the 10 year old, it kind of scary that the 10 year old went with a stranger in and of itself.
As far as calling the police, no one knew if she was coming back, she kicked the kids out of the car and took off. A parent is responsible for protecting their children, even when they are being loud, obnoxious, annoying, and mean. This mother basically abandoned her kids and alot of bad things could have happened.
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@la_chique (1498)
1 Jun 09
I think thats such a good story! OK the parent shouldnt have left the kid for so long, but at least the kids now know their mom is being serious. Its really dangerous for the driver having people messing around in the car and it can so easily cause crashes. my dad used to pull the car over when me and my bro were little and wouldnt drive on until we had chilled out. Its good that the mom kept her promise instead of just threatening. Threatening is almost the same as lying and even though she got arrested (quite rightly for leaving the kid unattended for so long) at least she earned the trust of her kids.
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@jane1981 (79)
28 May 09
i can understand to a degree what she was feeling my kids drive me mad when they argue with each other especially if im driving and its constant. however no matter how intense it gets the thought of doing that has never crossed my mind i'd be too worried what would happen to them. i wonder how that mum would feel if someone else had picked up her child instead of a friendly person such as a kidnapper or pedophile!! i think it was stupid neglectful and she deserves everything she gets i would never do that to my children!!
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@imajerseygirl (433)
• United States
28 May 09
That's sounds a little messed up. She let the one kid back in and left the other one standing there? Apparently since she left her child standing there I think she endangered the welfare of her child. She was lucky the guy called the cops and bought the child ice cream instead of something else. I have 3 kids, and they fight in the back seat always. When it gets to that point, yea I kick someone out of the car. I go to a parking lot, park the car, tell them I had enough, and I kick myself out of the car and count to 10. Then I get back in and all is better.
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