Why Can't Men Be Bread winners

United States
May 27, 2009 4:47pm CST
Why can't it be like it should and use to be, when men would go out to a hard days work and ladies would be the one who nurture and take care of the needs at home things would be so much better but now women have to do atleast three times as much as the man she is now dropping the kids off to school, go to her nine to five job , run extra errands for the boss, which she is not getting paid for, after leaving the nine to five maybe pick kids up from afterschool program cook dinner help with the homework make sure that everyone has had all they need for the day, and then prepare for every one else for the next day. If we are not superwomen then tell me what is?
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8 responses
• United States
27 May 09
The good ol' days just ain't what we consider "good" anymore. What you need is a break, not some workaholic husband heroically bringing in the earnings. I do appreciate the work my mom put into my family while working a job, but I'd never say she should just stay home and be a "nurture" mother while my dad worked. She should, however, demand that my dad is going to do more for the family than he does. I should have helped more too.
• United States
27 May 09
And what about the women who want to work? My wife would be bored at home all the time, no matter what she was doing there. This is not an absolute judgment. Some women are more comfortable taking care of the house and some men are comfortable supporting them like that. But if my wife feels overstressed and feels like she is handling too much, it is not my job to take it all from her. It is my job to give her a back massage and tell her I support her. I'll put it this way. If she didn't work, we'd be sunk. There is no alternative, there is no "the man just needs to work harder" it is what it is. I cannot conceivably work hard enough to make up for her part in our finances, so when she gets stressed, I need to make it up somewhere else. I can try cleaning more around the house, for example.
• United States
28 May 09
Maybe it was designed like that but the model needs some major readjustments like higher minimum wages for middle class workers, more reliable healthcare plans, I think I despise the nurturer thing because I have been a stay at home mom for 5 years since having kids and even when I did work during the holidays It was like cleaning was still expected
• United States
27 May 09
Men have been trying to rob us women of our feminine ways for some time now don't tell me bla bla bla about good old days not being possible it was designed for a man to work and bring the bacon home while the woman takes care of home his emotional needs, physical needs(if you know what I mean) and all that good stuff, men should work women should nuture
@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
27 May 09
Some women might enjoy being a housekeeper, but not me. I can't say that I enjoy my job, but I also wouldn't enjoy being expected to do all the housecleaning and all the cooking. And I absolutely hate the idea of having children. Being a housewife while the man goes out and makes the money just isn't the ideal situation for everyone. I like to feel that I'm contributing to our financial future instead of just expecting someone else to do it for me.
@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
27 May 09
By the way...what on earth does this discussion have to do with jeans?
• United States
27 May 09
I don't know why I put the damn jeans there is just represents a man , okay i'll be more careful nest posting lol lol lol
28 May 09
That is a big generalisation that you have made. Women don't have to do these things, if anybody thinks that they should then they should be questioning if they want to be with somebody like that. A relationship should be equal for the man and the woman. I know that a lot of women are in relationships like this, they need to become independent and let it be known that it is not acceptable.
@rrdj71 (696)
• United States
27 May 09
My husband still is that old fashioned man. He is and always has been the breadwinner. I am truly blessed. I love it cause I get to be Susy homemaker. I love to bake and cook and scrapbook and take care of the kids and the pets and make sure the house is clean. I was brought up old fashioned and although I was out in the work field for 15 years when I met my husband it was hard to adjust at first, now I don't think I would want it any other way.
• United States
27 May 09
I'm not comfortable with that. And neither is my wife. Your relationship works for you, but we would not be "blessed" if we were in it. The "breadwinner" model, for most Americans, is harmful rather than beneficial, because most Americans need the extra income of the spouse.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 May 09
well it depends to the couple, there are still some men who didn't allow their wives to work, they are the one who's working for the family and the wife is in charge at home... the lifestyle now of some couples, the wife also working i think is their choice, there are some women who really likes to work and earn and help their husbands in all the needs of the family...and also for career and self-esteem. and women really are superwoman! hehehe...we are very good in multi tasking. i'm glad my husband is the breadwinner in our family and when we got married he told me to stop working, and he is the one in charge...and still he helps me in household. that's all have a nice day!
• Philippines
28 May 09
My dad is the breadwinner of our family. Now that i am married, my husband is the bread winner too. I do like to go to work if my visa allows me here, but for him, he just wanted me to stay at home and take care of our home and to our future kids. But in this generation, both shared equal responsibility. I do also work but only work at home jobs and at the same time, cook for my family, do daily chores, wash clothes and iron. But when hubby has day off, he helps me do cleaning, grocery and most of the time, he does cook for me on his day off. We don't have issues of who is going to do this and that because we are happy on how we share work. I just only pity how many women here are being so tired, if their own husband does not help them in keeping the family's financial needs and does not even help at home.
@rexertea (117)
• India
28 May 09
Not everyman on this earth is what you had described. Most of the men slog hard and are the bread winners for their home. There are very few who are lazy as you had mentioned and do not work.
• Australia
28 May 09
Women have been asking for equal jobs for the last century and are only just realising that if they had let women work then they would have no work to do...how ironic