On Jon and Kate Plus 8...what do you think of how Kate treats Jon?

United States
May 27, 2009 7:17pm CST
I don't really follow this show, but I hear about it all the time in the news and such. Just from the clips I've seen, I think Kate is horribly demeaning of everything about her husband, including the way he breathes! Uncalled for, rotten example for the children...what do you think of such behavior? Is is ever justified? The way she treats him in "public" it makes me wonder if she is even worse when the cameras stop rolling.
16 responses
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
28 May 09
I saw last night's episode and he looked like he was so sad. I really don't watch it that much either to know what is going on, but I think you are right, Kate is very demeaning to Jon. She constantly puts him down right in front of the cameras. When I see that, I just shake my head, as it isn't right and it seems like she really doesn't care how she treats him. I feel sorry for the kids having to see that. It makes me wonder what they think. I know they love both of them, and to be put in the middle of it is very sad. I think that ou are right though, that they are going to divorce as not sure they can really work things out, unless she is willing to stop demeaning him. He does look like he hs been whipped, that is for sure. I wouldhate to see them split up as the kids would have to be shuffled back and forth, and that is very hard on them. No parents should ever do that to their kids. Have a very good day, and happy mylototting.
• United States
2 Jul 09
to sassymama1974 they are not together no more as s wipe ...........you think you no everything well you dont thanks
• United States
24 Jun 09
I agree with Rose I've watched every episode of Jon and Kate plus 8 and Kate does belittle him and treat him like garbage If i were in Jons shoes id look for love somewhere else kate has admitted in the last show how she acted towards jon and feels bad about it but to me a divorce is the only way to go why stay in a marriage if you aint happy jons gonna do whats best for him.Jon also admitted how Kate treated him and he put his foot down and so no more WTG JON.when the kids grow up and understand what happened(after viewing there mom treating there dad like he's 2) and why they divorced there gonna be a lot of hate but no matter what they will love them unconditional.but hey how many fathers are willing to play with there kids all day long? not to many if jon wants to act like a kid let him :)
• United States
28 May 09
Your remarks are so insightful and touching. They make such sense. And the children will suffer the most. Thank you for adding to the discussion, and happy mylotting to you, as well : ) Karen
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
28 May 09
as someone who is in the HOM community and has had the chance to speak with Jon on many occasions, via email, Kate and I were pregnant at the same time, we shared stories pictures etc.., I can tell you that a lot of it is in fact for the "camera" it is for the drama of it and to get viewers to watch, at least that is what he has always told me. Does that mean it is justified, no, there is no reason to treat the father or mother of your children in that manner. Why disrespect them in that way ever.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Well I doubt its all an ACT... I mean they are getting a divorce, so I'm sure there is some truth to it. I knew someone who was in one of the seasons "Real World" & they are not staged, the cameras roll all the time, but they will pick the better shots to be aired on TV, in most cases, seeing someone arguing, fighting, is what viewers want, so they seem to show more of the drama then the good. BUt it's all real & not staged. I guess its what you put out there... I mean look at that other show called "18 kids & counting" now that family seems to never have any kind of drama... hahaha...
• United States
28 May 09
Since you've had close contact, I truly appreciate your insights. A friend and I've discussed the possibility that it may be an act for ratings. I guess I personally would not want to make money that way. Thank you again. Karen
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Well we see what they want us to see. We honestly don't see the full truth. I do know I have seen some shows where Jon was just as demeaning. So it goes both ways. I think its a good thing that they are getting a divorce. They were starting to fight to much infront of the children & they both finally agreed that a divorce is best for the kids... I have to agree. But I must add that it wasn't just Kate with problems... Jon was in the wrong in many areas just as much as Kate was.
• United States
23 Jun 09
Thank you for your take on this. I don't watch often enough to get the full picture of the situation. I do know that divorce is not always a bad thing. As for kids, I agree with the old saying: better to come from a broken home than to live in one. Karen
@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I have to agree with the above poster. Everything cannot be blamed on Kate. Jon is so obviously going through a midlife crisis. He said it all tonight when he said i'm only 32 years old I have alot of life left to live. He should have thought about that before he went out of his way to bring 8 little ones into this world. I don't agree with everything Kate has said/done. However, it was obvious tonight that she is wanting to work on her marriage while Jon could care less. He just wants to run and stick his head in the sand.
• United States
23 Jun 09
That sounds familiar, too familiar! Thank you for your insight :) Karen
• United States
28 May 09
I have watched the show several times and I had to stop watching it because of her she is just too ... i dunno what the right word would be for her she is overly anal-retentive about everything she talks to Jon like he is some kind of second class farm animal I realise that I dont always communicate effectively with my husband but I would never dream of treating him the way she treats Jon my husband would leave me in a heartbeat if I treated him like that I dont know what keeps jon with her
• United States
28 May 09
Her behavior shocks me, and I don't know why he stays, either. She is so ridiculously demeaning. Thank you for commenting. Karen
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Well Jon might drive her crazy & she at times goes off. From what friends say about the two, they both have two different personalities & they clash a lot. Jon acts like a 2 year old & then Kate treats him like a child. Well, maybe he should grow up a little then. ANyway, its done with now. They openly spoke out & they are getting a divorce. So I wish them both the best. Maybe Kate can go find her a more mature man & Jon can go find himself some wild party girl.
• United States
30 May 09
I don't like how she treated him I don't justify her it's so hard with 8 kids I think.. the good thing is that she admitted.. anyway I admire her because for me she is a great mother not a perfect wife but a great mother
• United States
30 May 09
I have not watched often enough to say or know what kind of mother she is. I hope she does not berate the children's father in front of them. Thank you for you comments. : ) Karen
@roberten (3128)
• United States
28 May 09
I believe that Jon and Kate are trying to do the best they can to cope with a very difficult situation of being married with two sets of multiples. Kate seems to go a little overboard in trying to ensure her children have the life that she wishes for them. I suppose that is a direct reflection of her upbringing. Jon, on-the-other-hand, seems to sweat the small stuff a lot less. His upbringing was a lot more broad and seems to have given him a totally different view than Kate's. Kate tries much to hard which causes Jon to retreat. In order for them to be successfully married, they both will need to learn to compromise a little more. Learning what your values are as you raise that many kids is not a very good way to keep your marriage together. Since so many people have reached out to them regarding lots of their other needs and wants, maybe someone will step up to provide them marriage and family counseling. The undoing of their family will begin with Kate; if she doesn't get herself under control, Jon is going to bolt--and I don't blame him. I wish them well and hope they are able to work it all out.
• United States
28 May 09
You've made so many good points. My parents had 8 of us (two sets of twins among us) in nine years, and I have always looked back and admired how patient but firm they were, and appreciate the example they set and the values they taught us. I think it must be extremely hard for Kate and Jon to do all they do in the public eye. I hope you're right that someone will step forward and offer counseling. I would not blame Jon for bolting, either. Kate seems to try to demean him at every turn. That still flabergasts me. Thank you for your insights. Karen
• United States
28 May 09
I wonder about her background because I only know about the one Aunt and the rest is Jon's family and I never hear about her mom. I get that way sometimes and I know its me channeling my mother and maybe that is all she knows. The last poster does have a point and maybe Jon liked that from her up until a point that is. I am a big fan of the show but I do watch the older kids and how they behave toward the father and they seem respectful of him so I think I agree that it must be the way they edit it and it always works for the ratings for viewers to have someone they dislike. I still find myself cringing at time and the time where she's yelling across the store "HELLO!" at a trip to the Toys R US, that was hard to watch but its kind of a trademark moment now for the show.I think Jon has a great sense of humor and when he DOES get to speak I think it comes out and I am always laughing at his little quips and I really wish they would show more of that. I do think they feed Kate's ego because when they were doing the Question & Answer episode the interviewer started asking questions that Jon could answer and she seemed so irritated by that and made fun of him for WANTING to answer questions as if he wanted the spotlight, that was not fair. Still, I think many of the viewers probably see a little bit of themselves or identify with their tough situation and that is why it is so popular. I am not looking forward to the unforgiving media hurricane if Jon decides to walk and the kids have to go through the settlement process.
• United States
28 May 09
I agree, it must be an ego trip for Kate in some respects. And she and Jon both do have their hands full! So much goes on, I'm sure, that isn't shown. I can't begin to imagine how it would be to "live" so much in the public eye and really try to be a normal couple/family. I sincerely appreciate your thoughts and observations here : ) Karen
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
28 May 09
I don't really watch the show a lot, but from what I've seen, I find that Kate can be a little too demanding of Jon. I think that she asks a little too much of him and maybe even of other people, as well. I think also she expects a little too much of him. I don't know if any of these are true, or how much of this is true, but it's just a few things that I feel about how Kate is towards Jon. I just don't think that she should push him as much.
• United States
28 May 09
My observations are similar to yours. I don't know all the ins and outs, but she certainly has a rather hyper and rigid personality. Thank you for sharing your observations : ) Karen
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 May 09
I have seen the show a number of the time. Yes, Kate treats Jon like crap! Kate is VERY DEMANDING! The way she treats Jon is not right! He is a hen picked husband! No wonder there a stories out there that he cheated on Kate and now I'm hearing a divorce is coming! I don't feel sorry for either one! They asked for all this attention and they got it! If they do divorce I hear Jon would ask for alimony and that Kate,no surprise, is the big bread winner in the family! She has made millions with the books she has written! Of course the family has gotten alot of free stuff from TLC. From toys for the kids,vacations to Hawaii,not having to pay for trips to promote her books to turning their house green with solar energy! Kate also gets her nails done all the time and has the stylish hair style! She is spoiled and if she has to give up alot of money to Jon if they divorce,she isn't going to like it! Kate won't be able to live the life style she has gotten used to! This just gets more interesting by the day! I do feel sorry for their 8 kids! I think they will be put in the middle if their parents divorce and Kate has been a horrible example to her kids the way she treats their dad! Not a good thing!
• United States
28 May 09
They did ask for the attention. And all the money and freebies? I just wonder if when it's all over, it will have been worth it. And as often happens, there are those eight young children in the middle of adult messes. On top of that, isn't it truly those kids who support the parents?? If not for them, Kate and Jon would be just another couple in the crowd of many couples. Thank you for adding to the discussion. Karen
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
28 May 09
I wish that show would just be canceled. Kate is the big problem--she's rude, insensitive, and just an all-around not-nice person. That's just when the cameras are rolling, though--she's more than likely 100x worse when the cameras are off. It's sad that those poor children are being subjected to this whole circus. :(
• United States
28 May 09
This is a thing I've wondered about, too: how much worse Kate might be when the cameras stop rolling. I do feel sorriest for the innocent children they've dragged into the spotlight and into the middle of their problems. Thank you for your take on it : ) Karen
• United States
29 May 09
I think Kate treats him horriably. I know my husband would ot sit there and let me talk to him the way she does to Jon. I am surprised he has taken it this long and not ritaliated. If he is having an affair I think Kate deserves it but not the kids. They are the innocent victims in this whole tabloid war. The six younger ones cannot read as of yet but the two eight year olds will surely know what is going on and be able to read the front page of the magazines. It is just to bad that things had to come to this. They always looked so happy until Kate took over the camera and then poor Jon couldn't do,say or breath right!!! flutterby
• United States
29 May 09
I also hate to have seen everything go sour for this couple. I don't know if it is the fame and all of the attention, stress, or what. But I know most people would never take the treatment Kate doles out to Jon for very long. Like you, I feel the most sorry for the innocent children. Thank you for your take on this. Karen
@kelpie (190)
• United States
28 May 09
I know exactly what kate is going through, though I have been diagnosed with bipolar and ocd. I tend to be disgustingly very demeaning to my boyfriend. These nasty words I might say, I feel horrible about. I think jon and kate definitely are a perfect couple, but both should definetely receive therapy of some sort. Kate's nerves are shot and she doesn't know how to deal with stressful situations properly, so I also think she needs help with that.
• United States
28 May 09
A wise idea...the counseling. : ) Thank you for commenting and good luck in your own life. Karen
• United States
28 May 09
I watch the show all the time, and it seems to me that, that is just Kate's personality. She always talks about how she is obsessive over things as far as how she wants things done. While Jon seems to have a more laid back approach on things. I believe Jon knew that Kate had a stronger personality before he married her.
• United States
28 May 09
Perhaps Jon did know what Kate was like and doesn't mind her constantly demeaning him, but it would bother me, to be sure. I guess I don't associate strength of personality with meaness. One can be a take-charge person and assertive without the verbal abuse, yes? Thank you for your opinion : ) Karen
@1corner (744)
• Canada
28 May 09
Apparently, other people have witnessed firsthand how she can be. I'm not a regular viewer of the show, but the few times I'd seen it, I'd wondered how long it'll last due to the friction between them. She seems to have this unexplainable sense of entitlement, and if things don't go her way, she goes off. Wonder too if having this show feeds this trait.
• United States
28 May 09
I don't watch regularly either, and based on what little I have seen, I wouldn't. I have been curious as to what the draw is that the show is so popular. Thank you for participating. : ) Karen
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
28 May 09
Sometimes woman like to control over a man, just like kate control over Jon. However, as a man, he should say something to her or act like you are not under her control. I, myself a woman, but I dont like to control my man... I do give advice or tell what to do but not all the time. Another thing, some man love woman to do that, and that's why it ends up in a wrong way. It is hard to judge for them and they might have something else that we can't tell
• United States
28 May 09
You make some good points. Jon should speak up for himself, and yes, there may be things going on we don't know about. I feel bad for the children. Thank you for your comments. Karen