Should the age to vote be reduced to 16?

May 27, 2009 8:08pm CST
This is the best question from my side. Well I think certainly yes. The simple reason is that todays generation is exposed to the reality of life at such a tender age (thanks to awareness created by media) that even at the age of 16 they are well informed about the happenings of the world and are intelligent enough to express thier opinion.
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7 responses
@parv123 (18)
• India
29 May 09
it does not matter whether it is 16 or 18 ....i think the voting should be made compulsory.that is the only way to bring the honest peole in top level in a democratic country.
• United States
28 May 09
No I do not think at 16 you are mature enough to vote or run for elected office. Yes you may be old enough to drive, but 18 should be kept as the voting age. There are reasons why the founding fathers put age limits on certain elected offices. At 16 your thinking about cars and driving, and your still learning how government operates in school.
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
28 May 09
No, I think they should increase the age to 21. If you can't drink then you shouldn't be able to vote. They are both responsibilities and privileges that one shouldn't take lightly. Conversely, I don't think you should be able to serve in the military until at least 18, 21 would be better. How can we ask people so young to make the type of decisions you have to make in voting or in serving our country?
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 May 09
Hi noidaonline, I go along with 18 but not 16. I know there may be 16 year olds out there who are capable of making good choices, but as a general rule I don't think that they are ready. Blessings
• Singapore
28 May 09
I do not agree with you that 16 years old should be allowed to vote. Even though at the age of 16, they are already well informed of the happenings of the world through the media, they lack of the maturity to make an important decisions like this.
• United States
28 May 09
I definitely cant agree with you on this. A 16 year old would say that they are mature and know quite a lot about the real world. Within a few years they will know they were completely wrong! That is just the way it goes. At 16 a person is not ready to be completely on their own. They are not ready to make all of their own decisions without help from someone else. They dont know nearly as much about the real world as they think they do! I think keeping the voting at the same age as when a person becomes 'legal' is a good idea. I dont think that age should be lowered either. The is so much to know and learn that even at the age of 50 you dont even know half of it! A 16 certinaly isnt informed enough to vote.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
28 May 09
no, I am not going to agree with you on this one. 16 year olds do not understand the implications of voting and what it means. Plus with the way today's young society is so influenced by the media it would not be a good thing. I am not even sure 16 year olds should drive.