The Mosquitos have eaten me alive!

May 28, 2009 5:51am CST
On Tuesday, we walked around the salt lakes nearby with friends. Yesterday, I woke up with 29 mosquito bites. My husband really enjoyed counting them, as I have some in some very out of the way places! Unfortunately, I'm having a really bad reaction. I've taken antihistamines and pain killers, and put insect bite cream on, but I'm still feeling really ill. Any tips on how to treat the bites, and how to avoid more? Thanks in advance.
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10 responses
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
28 May 09
Other than perhaps putting ice on them, or an antihistamine (benadryl, caladryl) lotion, I have no other suggestions. Like anything else, keep hydrated for your condition now. Call your doctor if you do not get to feeling better, you may have contracted a virus from the bites. I take a lot of B vitamins, it is supposed to help keep them away, but this year is not as good a help. Use a spray bottle filled with generic original Listerine mouthwash, it seems to repel them, and it also will disinfect the bites and calm them. I wish you all the best.
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• Spain
28 May 09
Thanks for that. I've never heard of the Listerine mouthwash remedy. I'll try that now. If only I'd felt them feasting, I could have squashed them, and at least had some satisfaction!
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• Spain
29 May 09
Two applications of Listerine, and I'm much better. Thanks for the tip. I'll pass it on.
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
2 Aug 09
So great to hear that it helped you. I am going through old e mails and came upon this best response. I appreciate it a lot.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
5 Jul 09
Hi Sandra, to stop the mossies biting try 'mosquito milk', I have found for me that it is the only thing which stops them biting, I buy it online. It has worked for me whilst I have lived in Greece which is saying something as mossies adore me. They managed to get me this year though a few times as we have a new bigger mossie which bites mid morning when I was caught unprepared. So if they still manage to get you however much you want to don't scratch them or they can become infected. Smell like a chip shop and put some vinegar on them, the Greeks even recommend that as a mosquito repellant too but who could stand the smell? Then try to avoid the sun as it makes them start itching worse again. Garlic, vitamin B, marmite, anything like that which is supposed to work, forget it. If you have a really bad reaction you can treat them with an extremely painful cortisone injection but it really is a last resort, takes your mind off the bites though.
• Spain
6 Jul 09
Thanks for the tip - I'll look out for that. Strangely enough, I got bitten during the day as well. I always wear repellant in the evenings, but you don't expect to get bitten around noon. It's another evil mossie plan, I expect! GardenGerty suggested Listerine mouthwash, and that did take the itch away and also calmed down the reaction within an hour or two, so that's worth a try. Lucky you, living in Greece! I live in Spain, and I love it - except for the mossies!
29 May 09
I hate the mosquitos very much,someday i woke up in the early morning and found 5 mosquito bits,my daught can not sleep very well in that night,in the second moring i found 12 mosqutio bites,i was very sad ,she is just 13 months and do not know what is mosqutito,but the itch can not make her sleep,i hate the mosquito.
• Spain
29 May 09
Such a shame. It's bad enough for adults, but children can't understand what's happening to them. Someone in Spain told me that if you rub orange peel over your skin, it acts as a repellent. I wish he'd told me before I got bitten! It would be good for your daughter, as it is a natural repellent, and smells nice.
• United States
29 May 09
hope the bites are better. If you are going out and don't want to be bitten- either use spray with deet (effective but 100% deet will melt plastic) plus these sprays are generally good for other things as well like ticks. If you want more homeopathic spray lavender, orange oil, lemon oil, eucaluptus oil or citronella all work as insect repellents. The orange peel thing mentioned earlier works since the oils in the peel repel mosquitos. Also nice since these things smell good and are generally safe for use. Once bitten, baking soda paste on bites can help. Also for cases of lots of bites, a bath with salts will help or if you happen to be near the ocean, go for a swim in the salt water. The salt water helps to draw moisture and toxins from the skin so it helps with the bites and stings.
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• Spain
29 May 09
Thanks for that. We're quite close to the sea, and I'm feeling better today, so I'll go for a swim tomorrow. In future, I won't leave the house without my repellent spray, but I thought it was usually evenings you got bitten. I know differently now!
@divkris (1156)
• India
28 May 09
Hi sandra, firstly try to get this thing out of your mind. This will help you heal the current bites faster. Divert your attention from the topic. I just found a few home remedies you can try on - * Do not scratch the area even if it is tooooo itchy. * Try the cool compress method where you have ice packed in thin towel and placed onthe itchy spots. * Did you try calamine lotion? * Apply vinegar ont he affected areas * Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it on the spots. Tip: Use the milder remedies at sensitive areas. Next time you go out, apply brannded mosquito repellent that can help you stay out of mosquito bites.
• Spain
28 May 09
Thanks - that's given me something new to try. Never heard of vinegar. I am Mylotting to keep my mind off it. It seems to be helping. Trouble is, I have very good neighbours, and they keep calling around to ask if I'm felling better, which makes it all start itching again!
@Beenice (237)
• Canada
29 May 09
I thought I was the only one with bugs bite problems. I got bit by black flies about 80 times that I counted,true. And yes you feel ill too and I had an allergic reaction too, did the same as you did, took antihistamines no pain killer, but I really thought that my immune system had gone down the drain. I still scratching myself some. I did put on my skin some tea tree oil the kill the itch and then it got very dry skin, now I put some aloe vera lotion, and it helps . I'm using bugs repellent now.
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• India
29 May 09
Mosquite repellant lotions are the best...I always have them handy at home coz we are famous for having mosquitoes here in Calcutta. I have kind of got immune to them but if they are really bothering you, you can apply some soothing lotion, dont scratch them, they tend to get inflamed more and just wait for them to subside.
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
29 May 09
Someone said above to use Vinegar. That's the best! I keep a small bottle of it and cotton balls on hand at all times. It takes the itch away almost instantly.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
28 May 09
Back then I ignored the bites of mosquitos in my body because dengue is not common that time. I always bitten by mosquitos when we are still live in the city. My mother always told us to use mosquito nets but it bothers me a lot. Now that rainy season is coming up here in the Philippines the cases of Dengue going to rise up so what we do we don't go to the places which have so many grass and we don't leave water stagnant. To protect myself I use mosquito coil, oil, or lotion.
• United States
29 May 09
lol wtf i woke up with like 5 mosquito bites on a 2 inch radius of each other i knew i shouldn't have camped
• Spain
29 May 09
Call those bites? One of my bites has a radius of almost 2 inches! We love camping, but I'll never camp on Loch Lomond in Scotland again. I was completely covered in midge bites and had an allergic reaction to them. I was ill for over a week.