reasons why you should belive in GOD or that there is a GOD somewhere
By haqueen
@haqueen (236)
United States
May 28, 2009 7:01am CST
people should understand that there is a supernatural power that governs the universe from the priovious dicusion some say there is noGOD and that they are there own creator..
i will take that example.. we are creators ..we creat a vehicle
we expect it to move when u ignite it ...can you just ask your self you must have come from some where. there must be a power that made you and gave you breath to move and gave you i spectacular thing from all others thing that were created or we human have made..
that is the right to choose, right of self will.
can you give a vehicle or a machine, or house building ..self will u cant
can we define breath we cant that where no scientist has created a human being..only cloning and more less hybrid creatures
we are just small substances on earth to call ourselves creators..
there are bigger planet in the universe and all weve done is boost about some TOWERS OF BABLE weve built rockets and great GREAT SEVEN 8, 9 WORLD WONDERS YET we have seen the worders in pluto..or heaven in that case and we feel
THERE IS DEFINITELY A GOD the rest will understand better by and by
or what do myloters think about dis
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14 responses
@strawberrychocodahi (4817)
• Philippines
28 May 09
God is far too great for us to fully understand. He has no beginning and He has no end. There is no place where His presence is not felt. The Bible asks in Job 11:7 "Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?"God lives in Heaven and rules over the whole earth. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 66:1, Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool". And in Psalm 47:8 God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne.
I am not in the position to "force" anyone of what i believe. It is clearly stated also in 2 Cor. 4:4-5 that "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. That no matter how hard i strive to share that there is God and He is soon to come, it is just useless to them because of their wisdom and philosophy.
They don't know that God says in His word in 1 Cor. 1:19-20 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate. Where is the wise man? where is the scholar where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
We all have free will given by God. If this is my opinion and to what i believe, I may never impose others and force them . They have given a decision also. But i will never compromise my faith in God my Savior.
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@constaanta (571)
• Germany
28 May 09
Great statement! I had to live 20 years longer than you to reach this point of understanding.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
29 May 09
If everything needs a creator, then God also needs a creator. But if you feel that God does not need a creator, then I wonder why you should have any difficulty in believing that the universe does not need a creator.
The fact that we do not know the answers to many questions only shows that we do not know the answers to those questions and does not prove the existence of God. To answer the questions by saying 'There is a God' is only escaping from the questions.
As I see it, the belief in God is nothing but escapism. You are trying to answer the difficult questions by bringing God in the scene. In my opinion, it is absurd to say that God exists and it also absurd to say that God does not exist. The fact is that we can prove neither this nor that.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
28 May 09
Why should people believe that there is a supernatural power that governs the universe. There is no evidence to support this. We have a good enough understanding of the origins of the universe and life on this planet. We don't need a supernatural explanation when we understand the laws of nature. There is no logical need for a god or gods to explain life.
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@rexertea (117)
• India
29 May 09
There is definitely one God. Nobody should argue with the fact. I agree with you completely. The humans have done many inventions and discoveries. But can they give life to somebody. It's only the God who can infuse life in somebody. All those who didn't believe in God should know this.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
29 May 09
There is an abundance of life on this planet ranging from the upper atmosphere to the depths of the sea. Why should we consider life which is common here and probably common throughout the universe a proof of the existence of a god or gods? It seems to be a naturally occurring situation that requires the proper combination of organic chemicals, not divine intervention.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
29 May 09
What does a human creating a life form have to do with the existence of a god or gods? The human species is just one of many species living on this planet. We are not really as special as our egos would like to suggest that we are. We are the one species that has created a god or gods to fill in the gaps of our knowledge pertaining to the world around us.
A god only exists as our perception of it. Without our species to perceive a god it would not exist.

@rampantheart (77)
• India
28 May 09
You call Him God and I call the force a supernatural power. All have different names for the entity that is beyond human beings' comprehension. Science can not answer all the questions. So there is definitely a super natural power out there!
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
28 May 09
Huh? The god of the gaps returns. The idea that we don't have all the answers yet is a poor reason to believe in god. If you use this thinking god gets smaller with each new scientific discovery.
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@constaanta (571)
• Germany
28 May 09
But isn't it actually the opposite thing? For each resolved question in science appear two or more new questions? A key experiment for me was digging deeper and deeper into fractals, showing the beauty behind the beauty behind the beauty ....... its just endless, isn't it?
@Sugan_241181 (18)
• India
29 May 09
Defenitely there is one supreme power in this world. We name it as a God. That's it. Without supreme power the exiestence of life is impossible. Human can create any artificial things. But he cannot create any living thing in this world. Hence I believe there is one supreme power in this world.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
29 May 09
Why is the existence of life impossible without a supreme power? The fact that the human species can not create life does not lead to the illogical conclusion that there must be a supernatural force that can. One does not follow the other and to state that it does represents a failure of critical thinking and logic.
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
28 May 09
Anyone who does not believe there is a GOD should investigate one cell organisms. Every living cell has to eat and to reproduce itself. A cell that can not reproduce eventually will die and that will be the end of that cell. Have you ever investigated how very complicated the process of cellular reproduction is? I invite you to investigate cellular reproduction. Anyone who says that there is no GOD has to say that the mechanisms of cellular reproduction occurred in the first living cell by chance. Mathematically this is not possible.
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
28 May 09
I am sorry that my response came out twice. It was an accident.
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
28 May 09
Anyone who does not believe there is a GOD should investigate one cell organisms. Every living cell has to eat and to reproduce itself. A cell that can not reproduce eventually will die and that will be the end of that cell. Have you ever investigated how very complicated the process of cellular reproduction is? I invite you to investigate cellular reproduction. Anyone who says that there is no GOD has to say that the mechanisms of cellular reproduction occurred in the first living cell by chance. Mathematically this is not possible.
@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
15 Jun 09
if there is definitely a god, then it is not somewhere as you think or believe. if he is anywhere, it is in ourselves. god can be nowhere else. certain heaven is NOT the place god lives, but he CERTAINLY lives in each of us.
somehow your example of a vehicle does not really explain anything. according to you it must come from somewhere. but you are not sure. but you seem to believe in the idea that it comes from outside us. anything external to us cannot sustain us. only that which is internal can sustain us. if there is god, it we who are god.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
29 May 09
By this logic I could return to an age old question, who then created god? Does not a creation need a creator? My basic answer for these relatively unanswerable question is simply that the universe just exists. No big bang, no god. If god can just exist, then why not the universe? If some molecules can just exist, forming into a big bang collision; why can't the universe just exist without said collision? Religion tries to push things on to god (the biggest being). Science attempts to explain things using the smallest particle. I just explain things in the neutral, almost more understandable ground. Just pure existence.
Anyways, your logic is kind of flawed in that it does what most other religious people do; starts off relatively logical and then goes on and examines what would be considered beautiful and potentially complex in the world, and you insist these things of beauty and complexity must require some creator. This basic debate has always made me laugh the more I hear it. Why? Because beauty is subjective. Additionally, complexity is also subjective. I think we humans see some things as complex just because it is foreign to us. A lot of older people can't really grasp how to use a computer, does that mean it is complicated? No, its just a matter of adaptation and understanding. It is only too hard to use because the individual isn't patient enough to learn how.
Lastly, anything can be explained by insisting there is a god; except the fundamental part of that belief. Proof that there is a god at all. The idea of being created by some being who loves us is a nice one, and this is why so many people flock around it. If you believe in a god, then you can give things meaning based on that god.
In a quote from the film The Wicker Man:
Lord Summerisle: "Now, those children out there, they're jumping through the flames in the hope that the god of the fire will make them fruitful. Really, you can't blame them. After all, what girl would not prefer to be a child of god than to that of some acne-scarred artisan?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
30 May 09
If man would consider himself the smartest thing in the universe, can this really be a proper assessment of the truth. In this universe alone, there are places that 1000years of travel won't reach. Just how smart are you??? If God created man then who created God. This is a valid question of which the lack of knowledge prevents a true answer but there is some insight. We are spiritual beings in our true nature. This I know for a fact. There are people who remember. We are trapped in our physical bodies to aid in our lessons in life. At any given point in time, we are at a specific place. The spiritual world has no such constraints. Man has soooooo much to learn about the physical world before we can ever hope to understand more. The study of science is a good thing. It leads you to God. If you can not believe in GodGREAT! Believing has never been important to God! I find people like to talk about God but few really look for Him. Sometime when people search for something, they do find what they are looking for. God is in all religions but none of them understand God. God is very very very smart. If you find Him and He thinks like you, you are probably just talking to yourself. God talks to so few because He knows who wants to listen and who could possibly understand. Look at the world and the universe around you. It is God's handywork. It does all add up even the people factor. If you do understand then maybe you are already searching for God and more knowledge. You can never run out of more things to learn. It stares us all in the face. CAN YOU SEE????? It's all a test of intelligence!!
@theskincare (17)
• India
29 May 09
Today I think The person who beliefs in God become more rigid and destroying the world more and destroying the peace and harmony of the world. so rather fighting or discussing for whether there is God OR no God
We should do more creative for which oreator had create us and make this
earth and nature beautiful
while believing in god has created so many religion and now people are competing to prove that their religion is best
@divkris (1156)
• India
28 May 09
Our mind has one of the greatest powers and that is to make things happen. This is why our ancestors have adviced us to have a controlled mind to lead a happy life. But the essence of GOD came in when common people (who were not intelects neighter very spiritual) did not understand how to govern their lives with their own mind. THis is where the GOD was invented. have you seen people say negative things to GOD. It is alsmost like tuning your mind with an external mind.
After reading this book called 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrone, i started believing in her words - we hold in pur hands the greatest power!!