Do you do your daily or weekly shopping in malls or retail stores?

May 28, 2009 12:17pm CST
Shopping malls have gained momentum in my city during last couple of years. Pantaloon, Big Bazar, Vishal other departmental stores are hot places of shopping now a days. There are many advantages in shopping there- all the merchandises at one place, numerous discount offers etc. But still I am not used to it yet. I like bargaining on appropriate items and also I prefer to have a personal touch with the shopkeeper. These are not possible in shopping malls.So, i do my shopping in local stores most of the times. WHat is your preference- retail stores or shopping malls?
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4 responses
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
28 May 09
I hit the malls when I need to shop. We don't have that much retail stores here in my country. We do have outlet shops, not sure if they're the same. Prices are supposed to be cheaper, but this was never the case. I don't bother going all the way to outlet shops because prices are the same and not to mention that I'd have to add up on gas expense - in my case, I find it still practical to shop at a mall.
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• India
28 May 09
It is a new piece of knowledge for me that your country has got less of retail stores now a days. But I don't make out what you mean by outlet shop. In my state retail stores are small shops owned by a person or 2 or 3 ( in partnership)which are situated anywhere in a city or village any place. At best 3 to 5 saleperson serve the customers.These type of stores outnumbers the malls or departmental store by a huge margin. In my city there are hardly 60 malls/departmental stores whereas thousands of retail stores are running.
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
29 May 09
I'm not sure about the number of people employed in these shops, but usually, the prices of the products they're selling cost less. Aside from that, I think the items are from last season.
@adam1980 (516)
28 May 09
i use the supermarket for my groery shopping and a little local town for anything else as i prefer this to a big shopping center as they are all small buisinesses which realy need our support at this economic time
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• Canada
28 May 09
I don't shop daily or weekly. I just shop when I need to go out and get something, or when I get word that something of use to me is on sale somewhere. As for groccery shopping, I tend to go out monthy, since neither my husband nor myself drive, and we know we'll take a cab home anyway. less shopping means less cab fare.
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• United States
31 May 09
I prefer retail stores and grocery stores for my everyday things. If I'm looking for something special or a certain brand of clothes I'll go to the mall though.