Twitter This!!!

@lisa0351 (303)
United States
May 28, 2009 9:27pm CST
I guess maybe I'm not getting it, but I think Twitter is dumb! I saw all these people talking about tweeting, and all these celebrities talking about how fun and addicting it is. I made an account, did a few tweets and thought it was the dumbest thing ever! It wasn't even fun! Anyone else feel the same???
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4 responses
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
29 May 09
I see what you're saying. I think its only fun for people who have a bunch of personal friends already on it. And I think celebs like it because they can be all narcisistic and tell the world all about themselves, lol.
• Philippines
30 May 09
Exactly. ;) But I don't get Twitter in the slightest bit. It even hurts my eyes when I see a Twitter page. I don't know why but I just don't like it. I'd rather MyLot.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
29 May 09
I haven't tried twitter out yet. i think it is probably more fun the more follows you have. celebrities probably have tons of followers so it makes it more fun. i don't fully understand what twitter is for. I've been thinking about trying it out because i heard you can make money on it.
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
6 Jun 09
I think it's great. I've been able to meet new people in my town, find out about local restaurants and events, read news articles as soon as they come out, network with people in my career field, and also post links to the blog posts I get (which have gotten a lot more traffic since I posted them on Twitter). I think it depends on how a person uses it. If they just post a few tweets and don't do much else, they may be disappointed. I made a point to seek out followers who are in my local area, in my career field, and who have the same interests as me, and it's been pretty rewarding. Like a lot of other things, what you get out of it can be in proportion to what you put into it.
29 May 09
I don't think it is that good. It just reminds me of status updating on facebook. I don't see the point in it either as you can't reall stay in touch with people or get in contact with old friends. I have a twitter and am only following people I know, because they are the only people I want to know about. So all in all, facebook is way better.