Woman told to remove American flag because it's offensive
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
May 28, 2009 9:36pm CST
A women who has a daughter serving in Iraq put up an american flag in her office for memorial day. Well her employers have told her to take it down because it has "offended" one of her co workers. A co-workers who had immigrated from Africa 14 years earlier shares the office with her. She complained to upper management that she found the flag offensive and wanted it removed. And the hospital complied.
I was speechless when I read this story. The woman raised a fuss over it (to the press) and she is now allowed to put the flag back up. But instead of it just being there for the day she plans to now leave it there permantly.
What do you think about this? It is the flag of this country. How can it be considered offensive?
Oh and by the way....the hospital they both work at has a huge american flag on a huge flag pole out front. The lady did not complain about that one being offensive. Just hte one in their office. Tell me what you think.
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25 responses
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
29 May 09
Now Lilwonders let me try to understand this, a woman working in America was told to take down the America flag because the flag offended someone who immigrated to this country. I think that sums it up pretty much. If the woman who immigrated to this country is offended by the symbol of this country then why did she come to this country?
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
exactly. why did she come here if she is sooo offended by our country.
She needs to go back to her home country sense she is sooo unhappy here. See if she can find such a good job with benefits in Africa. Or have such a high living standard.
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@beamsey (425)
• Philippines
29 May 09
It's weird how she didn't complain about a much bigger flag which she sees everytime she enters the hospital for work. Maybe the woman just didn't like her co-worker so she decided to complain about the flag. I don't see why the upper management had the flag removed though especially when the hospital is in America. This is just one of those ridiculous stories where people become irrational and illogical.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
I know. This is just stupid. And sense she did not complain about the other flag maybe she just does not like her office buddy and was wanting to find a way to tick her off.
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@Kenorv (343)
• United States
29 May 09
Wow, just wow. I mean I don't know what else to say to this. Since when did the American flag become offensive in the United States, especially on Memorial Day? Actually the real question begs, why would a foreigner who finds the American flag offensive immigrate to America? That co-worker shouldn't work at that hospital, he/she should be admitted to the psych ward. People like that just drive me crazy.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
if she is so unhappy here she should probly think about returning to africa.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
29 May 09
The hospital was totally wrong, I would have also made such a big stink out of it. I have a problem with all different nationalities putting up their flags even just outside the home. The way I look at it is if you want to hang another flag from one of your cultures that is fine but close to it there should be an American flag flying as well. I believe that people that come here from other countries and become citizens are then american. They can no longer say they are hattian but they should say I am an American Hattian, same way if I went to haitti and became a citizen then I would then have to say I am a Hattian American. Each country deserves that respect.
I find it offensive that she would complain about it, does that mean that we remove her from the office?
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
29 May 09
I say set an american flag in every office and let her choose what she wants to do!
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
I wonder how that is going to work. SHe is offended by the flag. The other is offended that she is offended. I say they split them up into different offices and just have done with it.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
29 May 09
If you are from Africa and you find the US Flag offensive than why the heck is she here taking a job from a person from the US. This is unbelievable to me. This country is doing so much for her by having a job and living here, but she is offended by the flag. She needs to go back to Africa and stay there. The gaul of some people. This really is unsetting to me.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 May 09
I agree with you lelin1123.... if she is so offended, why is she in this country. IF she is so offended... go home where you won't be offended. This is disgusting. At least the hospital did the right thing and let the woman keep the flat at her desk.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
I guess the woman spent all of memorial day being offended because american flags were every where.
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@inkstainedheart (455)
• United States
29 May 09
Really?! How can you be offended by someone putting up a country's flag? If this worker was so offended, why didn't she put up her own country's flag in the office? Furthermore, if she is so offended by the United States, why is she working at a hospital with a huge American flag out front, or sharing an office with an American?
Good grief, this goofball is ridiculous.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
If she is so offended by american and its flag then why does she live here?
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@inkstainedheart (455)
• United States
29 May 09
Good point--I had misread the first sentence and thought the office was in Iraq. Oops.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
29 May 09
I would have said, fine.. if the flag does, I'm out of here.. and then let them decide. If they still said the flag goes, I'd walk out.
I'd also go public with any "proprietary" secrets about the hospital. ;~D
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
I know the fact that the HR department went a long with this woman is shocking.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
29 May 09
You are so right, they want what we have but get offended by anything that represents our flag. I say ship them all back where they come from. What gives them the right to complain to begin with, why did they leave their country to begin with. If that flag is so offensive to them then they should not be in a country where raising or putting up a flag of that country is going to offend them. I get so mad when I hear this and I think it had more to do with the co worker wanting to make trouble for the other worker than anything, if it offends her to have the flag put up in the office then she surly can't work in a place that would display the American flag outside that she has to pass on the way into work each day. Some are just trouble makers and some just want to show people that they can stop what they are doing. If I had been the hospital and had the flag displayed out side, I would of told her since this offends you, you no longer can work at a place that displays the American flag because it is a offense against what you believe in, so we don't need you. Problem is we as Americans are afraid to do anything because they will scream discrimination and then we have another problem on our hands. Listen up people if our flag offends you then take you azz back to where you came from.
@cpdaher (8)
• United States
29 May 09
This is the problem with our country today. What happened to we are all one people????? Under one flag????? If that individual has a problem with our American flag, they do not belong here. They should not be living here, working here, etc. People want to live here though for our jobs and benefits we get as Americans but then, take issue with our flag? Unbelievable!!!!

@bdugas (3578)
• United States
29 May 09
Well in my opinion this person who complained now lives in this country, enjoys the freedom that she has, if it offends her to have an American flag up in the office where she works why don't it offend her the one on the flag pole outside. Could it be she has something against the other person and that was a way to keep her from displaying something she wanted on the day it should of been put up. This was a day to honor veterns that fought for the freedom that she so enjoys now that she is in this country. If she has something against the flag then my opinion is she should go back to Africa where she came from. So tired of people that come to this country but then spend their time complaining about things we as Americans hold dear to us, if they don't like the program here there is always a ticket out of here, I believe it had more to do with the person who shares the office with her than the flag. Because if that one offends her then the one outside should also but she don't bitzh about that one.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
29 May 09
That is dumb and out of line, its a flag, its a symbol of patriotism and pride for her daughter, why would she find it offensive?? If its our own countries (that we live in) flag? I think its a case of someone who likes to cause drama and complain about anything....i mean it wouldn't be right the other way around if someone complained that the woman of africa couldnt have a flag of her country (if she did want to display one)
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
maybe she doesn't agree with the wars so therefore is offended by the woman flying it in support of her daughter. Still would not make it right. But it might explain it.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 May 09
I saw this on the news and couldn't believe the nerve of the woman who complained about the flag. If she finds an American flag offensive then she really should go back to Africa for her own peace of mind. The hospital administration shouldn't have caved like it did but they were probably afraid of a lawsuit...like everyone else who isn't PC is.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
What would she sue for? What grounds? It is the flag of this country. The one she lives in and immigrated to. I say the hospital should have told her to get over it.
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@okkidokitokki (1736)
• United States
29 May 09
What I would have told that lady would be grounds for imediate dismisal from my job. This is the United Stated of Ameriace, if the flag offends you then leave. There are lots of places to be other than here. I know that many people do not agree with me but I really feel that way.
I think that if I would have beent he HR person that was complained to I would have laughed the person out of the office and told that person to grow up.
Personally I would not imigrate to a country that was not better than mine, there would be no point to it, so I do not think any one else would either. This co-worker needs to get a grip.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
I know. That ticks me off too. If she hates this country so much than why did she immigrate here in the first place? She obviously is not happy here so maybe she needs to think about returning to her own country.
If I was the HR person I would have told her this is america. This is our flag. Get over it.
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@Philbo (578)
• Canada
29 May 09
This is what happens when you take politically correctness to extremes. I'm a Canadian and this sort of crap has happened here as well. If the flag of a certain country offends you either leave that country or keep your mouth shut. Flags are an emblem of your country and people from that country should be proud of it. Usually they are. Being openly offended by it when you are in that country is unspeakably offensive. There are countries where they just might take your head off for that kind of behavior. I understand the American workers frustration. I might even see the African person might have those feelings. The hospital's response though is incomprehensible. That's idiotic. Let her be offended.
@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
29 May 09
First of all, I would want to know how big the flag was on her desk. If it was an overwhelming size, and it looked tacky, then I wouldn't want it up either. However, A small personal size for your own wall, or desk, should be perfectly okay. Unfortunately, in today's working world, the laws have changed so much, and we can no longer force our beliefs of anything on to anyone else. I remember once when I wanted to hang a calendar of bare chested men on my cubicle, and I was told to take it down, because some girls found it offensive. Now what girl would not want to see handsome men without a shirt? But it order to work in harmony with others, we have to give a little. Although, I must say, if the African woman didn't like to American Flag so close to her...why did she come to America in the first place...kind of a hyprocrite if you ask me.
@Philbo (578)
• Canada
29 May 09
How big can a flag on a desk be? I don't think it could possibly have been big enough to be tacky. Comparing the flag to pictures of a bare chested man are like comparing apples and oranges. I know lots of women who would not be comfortable with pictures of bare chested men around them. On the other hand as an American I think this woman would have been completely in her right to wallpaper her whole space with the flag for Memorial Day in own country.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
29 May 09
So would she rather see some other flag? If she wants to see her flag from her African country flying (or any other flag for that matter), let her take her A$$ back to Africa. This is America, and NO ONE is going to tell me to take down my American flag, no matter where it is. How can be offended by the flag of the country she lives in, especially on a day designated to remember our fallen heroes??? She lives here by choice. No one is forcing her to live here. If she is offended by our flag, I am offended by her. I am offended by anyone who dishonors our military or our flag. I would leave the flag there EVERY day as well, especially now that someone had spoken about it being offensive. If she is offended by it, I would WANT it to offend her. I want anyone who is offended by our flag, and the values it stands for, to be SO damn offended that they all pack their sh!t up and get the hell out of our country...
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
29 May 09
This lady who migrated lives in America now. I don't see why she is so offended by a flag of the country she now resides. Maybe she doesn't pledge allegiance to the flag, but being offended because of a mother who was showing patrotism towards her country and her daughter...
It's kind of silly but I'm glad the woman is now allowed to have it up.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
29 May 09
I'm sorry but this made me laugh at first at the stupidity of this immigrant. So the co-worker came to the great United States because Africa wasn't doing it for them and they are offended by the very symbol of the great country they choose to live in? WTF. I say pack your crap up and move back to where you came from if the country that you so wanted to live in offends you.
Sorry, but that just hit me all wrong today.
@nobodysfool (47)
• United States
29 May 09
It sounds like a personal thing to me...the lady was just trying to urke the lady that displayed the flag. If she was truly that offended by the american flag, then in my opinion, maybe she should go back to Africa. I'm sorry, but this is America after all. I mean, we more than welcome all countries, religions, and beliefs. So much so that they've changed the names of Holidays, and some aren't even allowed to be celebrated in schools any longer. It's all just madness if you ask me!
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 May 09
well if it was personal and because of the woman....she picked a bad topic to start an arguement over. Who in this country is going to agree with her?
@kelpie (190)
• United States
30 May 09
I think she was trying to pull some crap on the lady with the flag. It really gets me going to see people like that complain just for the sake of trying to get one over on the other person. It's a poor move, and I really think that she should just be fired. She wants to have people open to her culture and not be offensive, then she should take part in doing the same for others! A majority of us know exactly what was the reason behind that complaining about the flag.
@jb78000 (15139)
31 May 09
This story seemed extraordinary so I looked it up on the internet. Apparently the argument was over the size of the flag, not its symbolism and it seems it was a personal dispute. The woman has been told she can put her flag back up. (foxnews) Really silly thing for the complainer to do though and an awful lot of rightwing websites jumped on this one.